Chapter 18

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Taylor, Hannah and I were sitting in a Booth at Lemon Honey, it's a diner in The Grove. The Grove is outside the main part of the city. It opened up a few weeks ago and has been popular since.
'Hey so how is your mum going?' Han asked.
'She's alright. We've been hanging out practically everyday. I think she's going stir crazy. She went to a musical yesterday, she hates musicals.' I answer. My mum has never been one for the arts. 'Plus the house smells like the hospital.' I add.

'Maybe try to get her to go on a date.' Taylor says. 'Uh...I don't know. My mum doesn't want to be in a serious relationship ever again.'
'Fair.' Taylor responds. 'But maybe for know!' She hints.
'Ew Gross.' Hannah and I chorus. 'Sorry!' Taylor laughs.
'Move over!' I look up, Julian and his two mates are pushing into the booth.
'You good?' Taylor asks. 'Yeah fine why?' One of the boys say.

'Hannah this is Lucas and Cody, my best mates.' Julian introduces. 'Have you met them?' He asks, putting a hand around my shoulder.
'Yeah, we met at the ahhh Barbecue.' I say. 'Wait I was there and I didn't meet them.' Hannah wines.
'That's because you were too busy flirting with my cousin.' Taylor notes. 'Oh right, Josh or something.' Hannah says.
'Jacob! Julian corrects.
'Close enough! It started with a J.' Julian picked at my plate.
I shoved the plate towards him and sat back.

'So, the semester is ending! What are we doing?' Hannah asked. 'I don't know.'
Last break Hannah and I went to San Francisco and stayed for a three day concert.
There seemed to be nothing on right now.

'How bout we go skinny dipping!' Cody says winking directly at Hannah. Hannah doesn't brush it away.
'Um, excuse you! I'm sitting in between you guys.' Taylor complains. 'So, you come here often?' Cody asks.
'I would if I saw you around here.' She retorts.
'Okay I'm leaving.' I call. I push Julian and Lucas out of the booth.
Taylor shortly follows us.
The air is pretty warm, but I still get a random chill.

My phone starts ringing, 'Hey Mum?!' I answer.
'Hey honey! I was wondering if you could come home. I'd like to talk to you about something!'
'I'm out right now with my friends.'
'Well they're free to come over. It won't be long, I'll make you guys all dinner.' She adds. I look over to Julian. He is lighting a cigarette and leaning against the Diner wall.
'Hey!' I call over to him.
'Do you wanna meet my mum?'

The house was quiet but smelt like bacon when we entered. 'Mum?' I called out. 'In the kitchen honey.'
I walked down the thin hall. Hannah, Taylor, Cody, Lucas and Julian in tail. 'Hey.' I said hugging her from the back.
'Mum this is Julian, Cody, Lucas and Taylor.' I introduced.
The boys stood a bit taller than her. 'Hi, hi, hi.' She waved. 'You kids sit down and I'll get you plates.

Mum served us lunch, even though we had kind of already eaten. Bacon sandwiches which she made me all the time as a kid. I loved them, bread, cheese, lettuce and tomato.
It was my favourite but it had been soo long since I'd had it.
'Hey, mind if we talk?' Mum said pulling me inside her room. Rich red sheets covered her bed and tapestries and fine art hung from walls.

'What's up?' She sat me down on the bed. 'I've been thinking about it and I thought maybe I should go back to work. Only if you'd be okay with it though!' She added.
I wasn't surprised, I had expected this to come up eventually.
'I'm okay with it.' I say.
'No, really tell me. Lay it all out on me, if you're angry yell!'
I knew mum wouldn't be able to stay for long, I wasn't mad. This was something she loved and I couldn't ask her to give that up. She had already lost so much.

'I'm okay with it really! Just as long as I get cute gifts from different places!' She kissed the back of my hand. 'Of course! I love you so much.' She hugged me tightly.
This was the right thing to do. I would miss her but she was happy, I couldn't take that from her. Even though I had started getting used to her being around.

'So?' She asked. 'Is that the guy and girl you were telling me about?' I nodded. 'I took your advice. Taylor is a really amazing friend and I really like Julian.' I blush. She half hugged me. 'Look at the women you've become. I'm so proud, Harry would be proud.' She says. We both freeze for a split second.
It's enough to get us moving back to the land of the living.

Mum sits across the table from Julian and I. I pick at the food on my plate, Mum knows I'm a picky eater I always have been.
'Zoie eat something!' Mum orders. I pick at a lettuce leaf that is brown on one side.
Neither of us have been grocery shopping for a while. I think mum has kind of forgotten how to do it.
'So, Julian!' Mum starts.
'What do you do for work? Zoie told me you're out of high school.' She asks. I slightly freeze, there is no way he'd just go out and say it right? I look over at Hannah and Taylor. They have both frozen also, Taylor eying Julian and Hannah wide eyed looking down at the counter.

'Uh... I work for my family business, we sell goods across the country.' He explains.
'What kind of goods?' Mum goes on.
Julian has paused longer this time.
'Just parts, for machines and such.' He says. I only just realise now I've been holding my breath.
I quietly release it.
Taylor seems to slightly relax also when we notice mum has taken it.
'That's interesting, I'm a flight attendant.' She notes.

'That must be exciting.' Julian says. The rest of the boys stay dead silent. No one else seems to be talking.
'Zoie, are you gonna eat anymore?' Mum asks. I shake my head as she stands and starts collecting.
'Give me a hand washing up here.' I grab the girls plates and put the scraps in the bin. I fill the sink and scrub the dishes clean.

Mum rushed off to the bathroom and were all left alone. 'I thought you were actually going to say something stupid.' I comment.
'Of course I wouldn't. I couldn't.' Julian says. Hannah is off flirting with Cody again.
'I think they'd make a cute couple.' I tell.
Julian stares over.
'I don't think Hannah will be a fan of his career.'
'Yeah, I'm not much of a fan either but I still like you.' I smile. He meets my eyes, they comfort me. Warming me up as his hands wrap around my shoulders.

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