Chapter 8

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Julian had dragged me all the way from my house to his! He wanted me to be there for some reason. I think it was in case everybody needed someone to blame.
It was like eleven at night, probably going on twelve.
He opened and then slammed the front door. The house shook a little and it made me jump. 'TAYLOR! TYALOR, TAYLOR MARIE!' Julian was screaming at the top of his lungs like a mad man. The twins appeared from the kitchen with Kaden. I hadn't seen him since the first night I met everyone.

'What is she doing here?' Ezra asked. Clearly annoyed. 'I am asking myself the same thing!' I answered which just made the boys confused. 'TAYLOR GET DOWN HERE NOW!' Julian yelled. 'Can I go?' I said taking a step back. 'Freeze!' Julian ordered. This had been the longest night of my life.
'Julian! What is going on?' Ezekiel asked now clearly getting angry.
Suddenly Taylor appeared wearing a grey hoodie, it was covering most of her face. Gabriel came down in toe.

'Zoie? What are you doing here?'
'Taylor I am so sorry! I didn't mean to, I didn't know! Well I did know, but not actually.'
'Know what?' Kaden asked. Julian stormed up to Taylor and reached out for her hoodie. 'What are you doing!' She barked, flicking his hand away and stepping back. 'Damn! Clearly you lost the fight tonight!' Gabriel said to Julian. Julian ignored him and reached for Taylor again. 'Stop!' She yelled.
Julian grabbed a tight grip of her arm and reached for her hoodie. 'Julian stop!'
'What is going on here?!' Ezra asked again. The tension was so high in this room, everyone confused and angry.

Julian finally pulled back her hoodie revealing the fat bruise on her face.

Chaos officially broke out. 'WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOU?' Kaden yelled. 'Who did that to you Taylor?' Ezra asked.
Taylor was looking at me shyly. I quickly walked up and pushed everyone back. 'I'm sorry! It was all my fault.' I pleaded.
'You did this to her?!'
'What? No, but I promised Taylor I wouldn't tell. Well I didn't promise but...'
'NO! You telling was a good idea.'
'I didn't technically tell, I was kind of thinking out loud in my room and Julian heard.'
'What were you doing in her room?' Taylor asked. Silence filled the air. 'What? Nothing! You aren't the one asking questions.' Julian argued.

'Who did that to you?' Ezekiel asked. Everyone had sort of gone quiet. 'I...I.' This was all my fault, my curiosity had caused drama once again. 'Did Bason Chuck do that to you?' Gabriel asked. More silence, Taylor wasn't answering. Tears started down her face.
'We were just hanging out, it wasn't even serious and then he had said something about Lawyers and....' Taylor looked up at me silent. 'And about the... business and it pissed me off so I hit him and then we got in a fight!' Taylor explained.
Why did she look at me like that? Bason did say his mum was a lawyer and Taylor mentioned the family "Business." Suddenly this feud seemed much bigger than myself.

My head hurt and I just wanted to cry. Bason was a dickhead that's for sure. 'I should have killed him when we were at yours.' Julian said to me. Everyone looked at us again. 'What was Bason doing at your house?' Ezra asked. 'What were you doing at her house?' Ezekiel questioned. Julian and I stayed silent. I wasn't exactly sure why Julian had come to my home, he had said it was to make sure I was okay but we both knew he didn't have to.
'I tutor Bason...Tutored! And...' I was at a loss for words. I wasn't sure how to explain Julians presents.
'I went by to pick up homework for Taylor. I got a call this morning from the school saying she went home sick.' How did Julian know she wasn't at school? He must have actually gotten a call. I had told Taylor and Hannah I was tutoring Bason so that part was believable but I don't think anyone brought the second half. Julians face was completely smashed and not all of it was from the fight club.

'Well it doesn't matter! I'm gonna kill Bason Chuck myself.' Gabriel threatened. There was an eerie silence and they all looked at me. Kaden was hugging Taylor now and she had slowly stopped crying. I felt so bad, I had caused this. I just didn't understand why Taylor hadn't told me about Bason before.

I had been sitting with Taylor on her bed for a while now, neither of us had spoken. 'Why was Julian at your house? In your room?' Taylor asked. Her voice low and deep.
'I went to watch him fight! He dropped me home.' I know I was lying still but the first bit was true.
'And Bason at your house?' I bit my tongue for a moment. 'He came by, to pull a prank on me!'
'For what I said to Karlos.' I wiggled my toes.

'What did he do?' I closed my eyes. I didn't want to actually say it and somehow not being able to see made it easier. 'He took a photo of my without my shirt on. Called me a...' I couldn't say that. 'He was going to post the photo but Julian came inside and destroyed the phone.' Most of what I was saying was true but I couldn't tell Taylor about the kiss. I wasn't sure how she would react. I didn't even know how I felt about it yet! I didn't know how Julian felt. 'There are some holes in this.' Taylor said gently. 'I know.' I admitted. If Taylor knew I was partly lying I wasn't going to lie more. Plus it wasn't that great of an excuse.

'Can I ask about your family?' Taylor didn't answer. She turned her head to look at me, her eyes big and brown so kind.
'What is your family business? You talk about it but you look at me like I shouldn't know anything.' Taylor didn't answer.
We stayed silent for so long.

'I can't say.' She buried her head in her knees. 'Is it bad?' She didn't answer. 'Taylor you can tell me anything!'
'Same with you!' She quickly retorted. More silence. 'It's not my secret to share. I can't, I'm sorry.'
'I get it! Can you tell me one day?' She shrugged her shoulders and looked back at me. 'Are we still friends?' I asked. 'Yeah! Of course, if you want to be?'
'Yeah! Of course.'

Hey everyone, hope you enjoy the story. I am so excited cause I have some plot twists coming up in future chapters so get excited for what's coming.
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