Chapter 2

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I had spent all weekend in bed. Thoughts of what could have happened and what did happen. My mum was away again, she was always away as a flight attendant. Under guardians she had put Mrs. Tracy our neighbor who was deaf, blind in one eye and old as hell.
I had also called in sick to work mostly because I couldn't bare to go in, pretend like everything was normal and okay when it didn't feel that way. It was fine, I worked at a fish n chips shop near the beach and someone would have easily covered me.

Hannah had left yesterday so I spent an entire day alone. I had locked the doors and windows and made sure everything else was impossible to get through while I stayed cuddled in my room.
My alarm on my phone went off and I listened to the sound of the beeping for five minutes before I pressed stop.
I dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom. It was actually a decent size but Mum and me shared it when she was here. I pulled on the least smelliest clothes I could find on my floor. I stared back at my reflection. My thin but round face seemed desperate and colder today.

School started in an hour. I seriously hated school but I guess it gave me something to concentrate on other than being home and overthinking. Plus Hannah would be there and she always made me feel better.

I parked my car in the same spot I always did. Under the shade furthest from the schools entrance. When Hannah and I were freshman we thought it was so cool to be swag and rebellious not that we were actually brave enough to break the rules.
When we got our licenses we decided to park in a almost shady looking spot, but getting older we now realise it's less cool and more of a pain, it's a further walk from the schools entrance.

'Hey!' Hannah yelled out as I got out of the car. 'Hey.' I slammed the door and locked it shut! 'You feeling any better?' She asked.
'I guess but I don't really wanna talk about it.'
'I get it! So did you hear Mr. Mennessi got engaged? Who would actually say yes to that?!' Hannah joked.

'Morning Mr. Mennessi!' I said. Hannah had said it moments before he walked past. 'Oh uh hey.' He said, giving us an awkward laugh. He was bald but only on the top of his head. He was short and a bit chubby. 'Hahaha opps.' Hannah joked.
'We should probably head in!' She grabbed my arm and hugged it, it felt nice. I was so lucky I had someone like her around. I must have hit the jackpot in friends.
We were halfway to the front doors when a car pulled around the lot too fast. They pressed on their brakes extra hard as Hannah and I jumped out of the way.

'Watch where you're going idiot!' Hannah yelled. There was a guy and girl in the front seats. The car looked really expensive, you'd see so many rich students at this school. It wasn't a posh school but some of the snobby kids came here. Probably cause they found enjoyment in sticking it to the people below them.
'Sorry!' The girl called out. I reconised the voice and then the face. 'Taylor?' I asked.
'Hey! Zoie right?' She asked. I just nodded. Hannah hadn't actually met Taylor or the other boys. I didn't know the boy driving the car though.
'Wait this is her?' Hannah asked a little rudely. A car horn beeped behind them and they drove off.
'You never told me she was rich! I wonder if that cute boy who was driving is single though!' She smirked.

Kids were rushing everywhere through the halls. Trying to get from one place to the next.
'Hey so is Karlos throwing the back to school party on Friday?' Hannah asked.
'Actually I am!' The two of us spun our heads to the right. There stood none other than Taylor.
'Oh Taylor right?! You just keep popping up like pimples ey? All unexpected and shit.' Hannah approached.

I wasn't sure why Han didn't like Taylor, I guess she just didn't know her. Neither did I for that matter. 'Hey!' I said.
'Sorry for eavesdropping, I'm throwing the party. I stuck notice signs around school! Thought it'd be a good way to get to know people here since I'm new.' She explained.
'I think that's a good idea, Taylor this is my best friend Hannah.'
'Hi, I'm Taylor. It's nice to meet you.' Taylor's hair was wavy and long, it flowed over her shoulders elegantly.

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