Chapter 61

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I was sitting on the brown leather couch in the office of their second warehouse. Julian was beside me, his arm around my shoulders.
'Alright!' The door was pushed open and in walked Gabriel, Kaden and the twins.

'I need you to do something.' Ezra spoke to me. It was one of the only times he had said anything to me in almost two weeks. That was when we... when he had kissed me. But he seemed to be just ignoring that.
I noticed when he walked in Julian's arm wrapped tighter around me though. I couldn't help but smile.

'What's that?' I asked him. 'You're gonna be a getaway driver.' He smirked. 'Me?' I asked confused.
'Yeah, I know. I'm sure we have way better drivers but it's gonna be you.'
'Um, okay?'

'Just try not to ruin the car as badly as last time.' Ezekiel noted. 'Can't make any promises.' I joke lightly.

The thought of how angry Ezekiel was when he grabbed my arm hasn't left my mind just yet.

'Who will I be driving away with?'
'Gabriel.' Ezra mentioned. 'Me?' Gabriel wined. 'Yes, you!'

'Why me?'
'Yeah, why him?' I asked. 'Because Gabriel is the one they will be meeting. And you will be the one driving away.'
'But....' Gabriel started

'Will both of you just shut up!' Ezekiel swore. I closed my mouth shut. Now it was all coming back again, in real form.

'You will be driving and you will be in the car with her. End of discussion.' Ezra demanded. 'You'll be driving the car Miguel just finished fixing up.'

'Um question!' I interrupted. 'What?'
'Sorry to ask this but is it Manual or auto?' I ask. All their faces dropped. Julian snickered beside me.

'This is a joke right?' Gabriel asked. 'You can't drive manual?' Ezekiel questioned. 'I can't not not drive manual.' I inform. Kaden is smirking beside Gabriel and now Julian is laughing.

'Oh my god, we're gonna die!' Gabriel throws his hands in the air. Ezekiel breathed steam out of his nose. 'Kaden, you have two days to teach her.' Ezra ordered. 'Me?'

'Yes you, you're our best manual driver.'
'Why is it so important she is the driver?' Julian asked. 'Yeah, why me?'

'Because, you are the person who looks remotely close to Maria Gonzalez.' Ezra informed. Julian's face dropped.
'Are you serious?' He questioned his brothers. 'Who is Maria Gonzalez?' I had no idea what was going on right now.

'That would be Da'Von's girlfriend.'
'Da'Von? What does he have to do with any of this?' I ask. 'The car Miguel was fixing up belonged to her and there is going to be some things in the trunk of that car. There will be patrol that are going to unload that trunk and if they don't see Maria driving they will start shooting up that entire car. Are we clear?' Ezra explained.

'We are going to die!' Gabriel exclaimed again. 'Will you shut up, no one is gonna die. Not if you do your part correctly. Clear?' Ezekiel demanded silence. I can't believe we are gonna do something that's gonna very likely piss Da'Von off. I thought I was done with him.

Apparently not.

'Come on Zoie, I gotta teach you manual.' Kaden nodded me away. 'This I wanna see.' Julian laughed.

I sat in the Chevrolet corvette. My hand on the stick.

'To be fair I can drive manual.'
'Yeah, I've had a lesson before.'
'A lesson, can you remember any of it?' I pause and look around the car. 'I know you move the stick a lot.'
'Jesus Christ, okay. First things first push the clutch pedal.' I look down at my feet. 'The one on the left.' He pointed down. I press down on it and wait.

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