Chapter 65

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Bail was posted and Ezekiel was brought home. Johnson, Reggie, Julian, Gabriel, Taylor, Kaden, Harry, Ezra, Cody, Lucas and I all stood around the kitchen in the Ramos home. It was time for action. 
For the last few days Ezekiel had been restricted to his house via ankle monitor but Lucas had done some magic and managed to get it off. Technically it would still be monitoring but Ezekiel would just leave it in the house. 
'So, here's the plan.' Ezra started. 

'Zoie, you're up first. You're gonna walk in there. Da'Von and Luis are expecting to meet us first.' 
'So i'm a distraction?' 
'Sure, call it whatever you like.'
'What if they shoot as soon as they see her? They both technically want her dead.'
'They both want us all dead! It doesn't matter who they see first.' Ezekiel demanded attention. 'Gabriel, Cody, Lucas and Julian will be at the back. They don't know their way around our old warehouse. They will not be leaving this place alive! Is that clear?' We all nodded. 

'I'll be upstairs with Reggie.' Johnson spoke to everyone. 'Then we all go in.' Ezra explained. 'What will you guys be doing while i'm distracting?' I question. 'Planting a little back up plan.' Ezekiel said with a vicious smirk. 
'A bomb?' Taylor asks. 'We all have our role. Take them down.' Ezra commanded. 'And before anyone gets any thoughts, i'll be putting that bullet between Luis' eyes. Am I clear?' Ezekiel mentioned. Clear, we had this. They were going to die. 
Sure, they probably all had their own men.
But this was a takeout mission. 
I wasn't exactly excited to see both Da'Von and Luis first. I hated both of them, more than I hated anyone else in the entire world. Da'Von had been one of the main causes to my mothers death and Luis, well Luis I just plain and simple fucking hated. He had lied and used me, sure I had done the same. But I actually started to like him, fall for him. 
I'm sure the feeling hadn't been mutual. 

We all left the house, guns packed and ready. I stood against my car. I didn't really wanna drive alone but I had to be alone. Da'Von and Luis had to only see me coming first. Plus Julian had to hide his car to sneak around the back. 
My stomach was in knots and I was shaking. Every part of me knew this was a bad idea. A bad idea that just had to be done I guess. 
My heart was racing a thousand times too quickly in my chest and I wanted to throw up. Stupid flu, it had been a week and a bit with this flu. Nose running, me throwing up. Not exactly the perfect timing I guess. 

Julian walked over to me. He held my hands and kissed me passionately. 'You got this!' He tried to assure. 
'If they do anything, Ezekiel wont have time to kill Luis. I'll do it myself.' He swears. 'Why do I have to be the first person to go in?' I complain. 'Yeah, I know. I think my brothers are just doing it because they can.'
'You don't trust their plan?' 
'I don't even think they trust their plan.' He admits. I hug him tightly, pressing my head against his chest. 
'I feel sick.' I share. 
'Yeah, same. Just stay calm, don't talk too much. Just listen. They are going to try and plant the bombs as quickly as possible okay?' I nod. He leans in and kisses my head. 

'See you later okay?' I give him one more kiss and hop into my car. Everyone starts their own cars and we all drive off. 
One after the other, just like a crew but I don't feel apart of a crew right now. I feel so alone and so fucking sick. 
When we head closer to the warehouse everyone splits up. I continue down the road, my heart quickening every bit closer I got. My hands felt cold and shaky. 
What if the second I walked in there I was shot?

I had a gun beside me, i'd tuck it into my pants before I walked in. 
Not a chance I was walking in there unarmed. 
Then the shadow of the warehouse took form. I pulled up right outside. I had to take a couple of breaths. 

'You've got this Zoie, everything is going to be fine.' I talk to myself, trying to calm my nerves. I wipe my hands on my jumper and get out of the car. 

I'm not sure where everyone else is. I know there is a small road behind and below the warehouse. Maybe they were all meeting up there or something. 

I pull open the door and walk into the foyer. It's quiet, too quiet. I want to pee myself, truthfully. I open the second door and walk in. 

There they are. I catch the attention of everyone once I walk in. There are six men holding guns, surrounding Luis and Da'Von as far as I can see. But i'm sure that's not all they brought. 'Well, well, well. If it isn't The Zoie Carter.' Da'Von smiles. Clapping. 

'Long time no see, sweetheart.' He winks at me. I already want to throw up. Luis is smirking beside him and it take everything in me not to pull my gun out right now and shoot him. 
'Always a pleasure.' I mention sarcastically. 

'Welcome to the party.' Da'Von continues to embrace. 'So, where is the rest of the party, I wonder?' 
'They're coming.'
'Let me guess, you're the stall? They somehow trying to think of something before coming in here?'
'Something like that.' I agree.

'Well, all is okay. We just wanna have a nice little chat!'
'Is that why you sent police to arrest Ezekiel? You yourself were stalling?' I question. Da'Von chuckles to himself. 
'Baby, I already have everything I need.' He winks. God, I wanna punch that smirk off his fucking ugly face.
'It wont matter, whatever is coming to them they will get.' Luis chimed in. 'Oh Luis I didn't see you there. You were too stuck up Da'Von's ass.' I joke. Da'Von cracks up. Slapping Luis on the back. 

'Seriously? You work for him now?' I ask. 'I work with!' He corrected. 'My bad.' I confess. 
'Yes, he does work WITH me.' Da'Von still had that crappy smirk spready across his face. 

'Well, maybe you should call them Zoie. After all, I don't have all day.' He mentions. The door behind me opens and in walks the guys, Taylor behind them. 

'Well, about time you showed up. I was just becoming bored.' Da'Von mentions. 'Taylor? You really have grown in to such a women.' Luis comments. 'Ew!' She remarks. 

'Well, we're here. Gonna keep talking out of your ass?' Ezekiel asked. 'Lot of ass talk today.' Luis says. 
'So, we gonna make a deal?' Da'Von pesters. He stand tall, just under his shirt I can see a gun. I wonder if he actually wants to make a deal or that is a stall itself? 
Kaden stand beside me, the twins have walked past. I move back, I am done with my part. Their part is up and they better not get me fucking shot!

I look up at the glass windows. I can't see into them but I wonder if Reggie and Johnson are up there now. 
If there were any men out the back. The guys would have already taken care of them, otherwise we all would have heard something by now and even in here bullets would be flying. 

'You okay?' Kaden whispers to me.

'Yeah, i'm fine. They just talk too much.' I joke nervously. 
I stand by Taylor to the side. 

'I must say, blowing up my men at the yard! I didn't see that coming.' Da'Von talks. 'It was actually kind of ballsey. Using dear Zoie over there to pretend to be my ex-girlfriend was also an unseen move.'

'Ex-girlfriend. What happened? Just weren't man enough?' Ezekiel insults. I'm not sure how Da'Von would take it but he just starts laughing. 

'Yes, exactly.' He applauds. 

'Stealing my brothers car with a dead federal agent in it. I guess I didn't see that one coming either.' Ezekiel mentions. 'So we both have good moves.' Now no one is talking. I can feel the tension rising. 

'But, I didn't exactly kill thirteen of your men. Yet! So here is the deal. I kill everyone but your immediate family. That is me being truly kind. And I also take LA.' Da'Von decides. 

Now Ezekiel starts laughing. 

'I guess you're pretty poor at making deals.' He smiles. 'How about my deal!' Ezekiel says. 'I don't kill any of you and you walk away. LA will be mine.' The men stare competitively. 'You have to know that would never happen.' Luis argues with his brother. He doesn't have the same laughing manner as Da'Von. 

Da'Von walks forwards his hands raised in defence. 

'I guess, that means we have come at a cross roads. But see the thing about me is I didn't have any siblings so I don't like to share and I always get what I want. Isn't that right Zoie!' He calls back at me. 
'I wonder, how is mummy dearest?' I push forwards towards him. Kaden grabs my arm to hold me back. 

'How dare you?!' I scream at him. 'Too soon?' He laughs. 'Don't worry, I promise you'll see her again. Very, very soon!' He pulls out his gun and he points it right at me but before he can pull the trigger he stops moving altogether. 

I stare in disbelief. Blood starts to pour from his head. Someone just shot up. No one around me is holding guns up yet. I look to the back of the warehouse. Harry is standing there, gun in hand. 

For the briefest second everyone is still and then suddenly it's open fire. 

More of Da'Von's men rush inside from the doors on the side. I'm not sure where to even go. I pull out my gun and point it at one of the random men, it goes into their chest. I shoot again out of fear. My heart is beating a trillion times too fast. 
I can see Reggie and Johnson shooting from upstairs, the glass has shattered. I'm not even sure who is firing where at this point. 
Someone shoots me, my body stands cold. I look down at my left shoulder. Blood starts pouring out. 
'ZOIE!' Someone calls. But I raise my gun and shoot back, someone falling instantly to the ground. 
I duck behind a chair, pressing as hard as I can on the wound. I look around, I can see Kaden and the twins shooting away. 
Taylor has pressed herself against a desk. She doesn't have a gun on her. 

Then the front door opens. More of men rush through. I look from the men to Taylor, she isn't looking that way but she is a clear shot. I point and fire, one man goes down. Then two, three. Julian isn't far off and he starts shooting at them too. 
The noise is loud, I can't hear anything else but groans of pain and guns being fired. 
My ears are starting to hurt. 

'TAYLOR RUN!' I shout to her. She jumps up and I shoot someone else, watching as they fall lifeless. She is running in my direction. Everything seems to go in slow mothing. 

I look over and watch as Kaden gets shot, he falls to the ground. I stay frozen. NO! NO! I can't believe it, he groans in immense pain. The time doesn't go any quicker and then I wasn't watching, I turn back to look at Taylor and the men. 

'NOOOOOOOOO!' I scream at the top of my lungs. A gun fires and a bullet heads straight for her. I shoot the man but it doesn't stop the bullet, flying through the air. Julian runs over, trying to cover her from it but it's too late. Her body pulses and she falls onto her stomach. 
I can't breath now, my throat has closed up and my lungs aren't working. 

'Zoie!' Someone calls, I look behind me and a man goes down. Someone has shot him for me. I stare at Taylor, she isn't moving. Julian has taking out the rest of the men by the door. I stand up and run over to her, rolling her onto her back. 
I feel so sick, my entire body hurts so much. 

'Taylor, wake up. Please wake up. I'm begging you. TAYLOR WAKE UP!' I scream. Ezra is staring at me, his eyes wide and bloodshot. Julian falls to his knees. 'Taylor please, please wake up. I'm begging you, don't leave me. Taylor please. I'm so sorry, I should have save you. I should have killed him sooner. Please Taylor!' I cry for help. I can't believe this is actually happening. 
I place my hand over her wound. Blood is pouring out quickly. It drenches my shirt and hands. 
'Taylor PLEASE WAKE UP!' I scream. I can't do this, this isn't happening. This isn't real right now. 

I look over, Kaden is bleeding out on the ground. 

'Ezra!' Ezekiel shouts. Then out of no where Ezekiel falls quickly to the ground. A bullet in his head. 

'NOOOO!' Julien screams. Ezra is by his twins side. Anger and fury in his eyes. He picks up a big gun and shots at everything. The automatic gun raging through the room, taking everyone in it's path down with it. He storms over to Luis who has been shot in the leg. 

He grabs his brother by the throat, lifting him up a little. He sticks the gun between his eyes and pulls the trigger, Ezra stands back. Shooting Luis more times all over. 

Suddenly the room feels quiet. People lie all over the ground. I can see Lucas' dead body by the back door. Cody holding onto him for dear life but it's no good. Kaden is still bleeding out. Ezra rushes over to him and tries to help stop the bleeding. Reggie's body is lying at the bottom of the stairs.  

I look down, Taylor still isn't moving. I pull her body into my chest. Tears pouring down my face. 'No, no! Please God, god please Taylor. Please wake up.' I cry. Gabriel and Harry walk over to us. Julian is beside me but he doesn't say a word, he body is limp but he's okay.  

'Please. Please!' I scream for help. I cling to her lifeless, empty body. She's gone. It's too late. Everyone's dead. 



I pull my shirt down to cover my stomach. I've put on a bit of weight lately and should probably go buy new clothes. 
I pick up the salad bowl and head outside into the yard. Everyone is sitting around talking. Julian is by the barbeque cooking the food. I place the bowl in the middle of the table. I move Kaden's Crutcher and sit down beside Caitlin. 

'This looks so good.' She mentions to me. 'Thanks. Salad is the one thing I can make.'
'Not a very good cook?' She laughs. 'I try.' I smile. Ezra sits at the head of the table, he doesn't say a word. Just looking at everyone. 
Julian's uncles have come to LA for the family lunch. Most of his family live out of the city now. 
'Hey BABE!' Julian calls me over. I walk over and he passes me the plate of steaks and sausages. 

'Oh yeah, just put it right here. In front of me.' Cody jokes. 'You wish.' I comment. Gabriel snatches a steak before I even put the plate down. 
'Seriously?!' I try to slap his hand away. 'Here, pass me a beer for Julien.' I tell him. I pass some beers down the table. 
Kaden clicks mine open and passes it. I walk over and pass a beer to Ezra. 

'Thanks.' He smiles and I sit back down. 
Finally Julian sits down and we all say thanks. He kisses my cheek and rubs my hand. I'm glad we did this, nothing hasn't felt so normal in what seems like forever. Johnson leans over the table and grabs a steak. 
'Seriously!' Julian asks. 'Not even gonna let her eat first?' He jokes. 'Here.' Harry passes me a plate.
'Thanks.' I pass him over a beer. I give my beer to Julian. 

'Thank you Lord, for all we have now. And all we are blessed with. For this food and this family. Thankyou for the future we will share. Amen.' Ezra speaks. 'Alright, who's hungry?' 


Hey Everyone. That's it! We have officially reached the end of this story. This was the last chapter of "In The Middle."
I really hope you enjoyed, it's been crazy writing it. I know there were some MAJOR plot twists throughout and yes, I did kill of quiet a lot of people. So, rest in peace to all that have died for the deal of a good plot line. 

This book was obviously in Zoie's point of view. Her story and her side of things. I don't usually write stories like this but I thought it would be something different and interesting. 

Comment who your favourite character was? What was your favourite part? Who are you most sad died and who were you glad died along the way? Let me know by commenting. Also if you did like any chapters I would love to see you rate them, that would mean a lot. 

Truthfully this isn't the only story I have written but it is the first one I have ever finished and the first one I have ever published so I think that's pretty cool. I did actually start writing this story two years ago, clearly I took some time between haha but here we are now.  Anyway, thank-you again for reading. I really do hope you have enjoyed it.
I will be going over it and editing everything in the future, I can't tell you exactly when but I will try and do that. 

Alright BYE!!!!!


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