Chapter 19

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I sit in the living room with mum. My legs resting on her lap. 'I can't believe the year has practically already finished.' Mum says. I'm flipping through a magazine.
'Yeah, I go back tomorrow and then it's two weeks and then I'm out.'
'Well not really, you'll be a junior.'
'Don't remind me.' I wine. Mum pulls me up straight and into a hug.

'How did these years go so fast?'
'I'm not sure.' I reply.
'You know I like him.'
'Julian. He seems like a good guy, I wish he was closer to your age though.'
'He's not.'
'I know.' I rest my head on her shoulder as she scrolls through her phone. 'Maybe we can have a barbecue and I can get to know him a little more.' She enthuses. 'I'm sure he'd like that.' I lie, Julian seemed stressed around mum.

I pull up into the driveway of Julian and Taylor's house. A large black car with tinted windows sits outside the front door.
The door opens and out walks a tall white man wearing a suit.
He is followed by two bodyguards. I sit dead still in my seat.
Ezra and Ezekiel follow the man out. They stand straight wearing clean formal clothes. I can see the lining of a gun under Ezras shirt, his face looks serious and almost a bit mad.

The men shake hands before getting in the car and driving off, as the car passes me I can see the white man. His face chiseled and large, his windows down as he stares directly into my eyes.
An almost evil grin forms over his lips and goosebumps cover my skin.

I wait a bit longer until the car is gone before getting out. Ezra and Ezekiel are still standing on the front steps except they are staring at me now.

'Hey!' I call as I walk towards them. Ezekiel says nothing but storms off. 'Hi.' Ezra replies. 'What is all that about?' I ask. I follow them inside and into the kitchen. Ezekiel is already there pouring a glass of scotch down his throat.
'Business.' Ezra finally answers.
'Where is everyone?'
'Gone, like you should be.' Ezekiel finally speaks.
'Who was that?'
'You ask a lot of questions!' Ezra says.
'You're only figuring this out now?' I retort. The sarcastic tone kind of slipped out.
I hadn't really spoken to the twins like that before.

'No one.'
'Funny cause he looked like a someone.' I say. I feel confident plus I know the twins are full of empty threats.
The front door slams open and then shut again.
'Why did I see Marcel McGuinness driving down the street?' It's Julian. His face is red and tense.
'None of your business.' Ezra says, it seems to throw Julian back a bit.
'You're kidding right, after what he ordered on Z...'
'Stop!' Ezekiel cut in. 'We can talk about this in private.' He says. 'Wait who?' I ask. Suddenly everyone has blocked me out.

The conversation quickly dies as tension rises. 'Hey.' I distract Julian. 'Hey!' He places his hands on my face and kissed me deeply. I almost forget where I am for a second. The kiss makes me feel lighter somehow.
His arms warp around my back as he pulls away too soon, leaving me wanting for it to last longer.
'What are you doing here?' He asks. 'Mums throwing a barbecue with some old friends, she wants you to come. She wants to get to know you.' I comment.

'Oh meeting the mother things are getting serious.' Ezra says sarcastically but also in a rude tone.
'I've already met her.' Julian comments. The twins faces harden as if they lost a intellectual challenge.
'Come on.' Ezra nudged Ezekiel, the twins walk off to the office leaving us two alone.

'So when does she want to do this?' He asks. 'First weekend of holiday.'
'Damn this year went quick.' He notes.
'Yeah! You guys only moved here a semester ago and it feels like last week.'
'So! Have you got anything planned for the holidays?' He winks.
'Maybe, maybe not. What about you?' I smirk.
'Kinda, but when I'm not working I wanna be with you.' He kisses me and I melt again.

'So you're working a lot?' He shrugs his shoulders.
'Kinda, Ezra and Zeke need stuff to get done. A lot of business deals.'
'Who was that guy?' I ask.
'Just some jackass I really don't like. I don't know why he was here.'
'You said.... was that the guy that ordered the shot at me?'
Julian tensed up. 'Please just tell me the truth.' I begged.
'Yeah! God, it seems like Ezra and Zeke don't even care. It's pissing me off.'
'It's fine! I'm sure they have their reasons.' I defend. The still don't like me, I doubt the boys ever will but I'm trying.
'More like their tactics.' Julian fumes.

'How about we watch a movie, relax?' I smile cuddling him.
'Sounds good.'

I am laying with Julian in his bed, his TV playing a movie. He's practically asleep, he's such a pretty sleeper.
I close my eyes for a moment. The movie still running, everything seems peaceful. And then there are gun shots.

I jump up. It sounds like a dream. Loud guns firing again and again.
'What the fuck is that?' Julian jumps over to his drawers and pulls out a glock. He runs downstairs.
I chase after him. The front door is left wide open, I can see the twins and Julian shooting at something.
I run to the door and peak out.
A large black car is on the road. Two men shooting from the window.
A bullet hits Ezra and then he fires back, landing the shot between a mans eyes. The car screeches off down the street.

'Ezra!' Julian calls. The boys pull their brother inside the house. Blood leaving a thin trail on the floor.
'CALL KADEN!' Ezekiel yells at me. I look over at Julian.
How am I meant to call him?
'Here.' Ezekiel tosses me his phone. Julian isn't looking at me, the boys help their brother into a bathroom.

I quickly search through the contacts. As soon as Kaden's number appears I start calling.

It rings once, then Twice, three times. My heart beating fast. Come on pick up! I think.
'Zeke, what's up?' He says.
'Kaden it's Zoie!'
'How'd you get this phone?'
'Ezra, he's been shot at the house.'
'What?!' He yells into the phone. 'Some guy in a black car, I...I don't know what to do. Ezekiel told me to call.' I stammer.
Kaden is yelling to someone in the background. I can't understand it.

'Okay! I'll be there soon.' He hangs up quickly and I'm left standing alone. I see blood on the floor, it makes my stomach churn.
Julian comes out from the bathroom, blood on his shirt and hands.
'Kadens on his way.' I say.
'Okay fine!' He stammers, his tone cuts me. Like I'm a problem to him.
'Julian?' I call.
'What?' We stare for a second.
'I have to help my brother.' He brushes past me and into the kitchen.

I didn't want to be in the way so I am sitting on the chairs in the living room. The door shakes and I jump.
I walk towards it and peak in the window.
I locked the doors, in case.
'He's in the bathroom.' I point to the hall bathroom as I open the door for Kaden.

Three guys are behind him. I only recognise Lucas, Julians friend.
'Hey.' He says tiredly to me.
'Is Ezra okay?' He asks.
'I don't know.'
'This is Johnson and Derek.' Lucas says. 'The twins mates.'
I give a tiny smile.
The boys look at me wrly, judgement spread across their faces.

The two boys walk off down the hall.
'Maybe I should go!' I say to Lucas.
'You sure?'
'Yeah, you guys are here now and I'm just in the way.' I answer.
I feel so uncomfortable being here right now.
Stares and all.
'I'll tell Julian.' He notes.

I quickly grab my stuff and leave, my heart still fast.
Was that a drive by? It was a proper shooting, as I was leaving I could hear one of the twins mates on the phone, telling someone not to come if they want to keep their jobs.
Was it the police? The neighbors had to have heard and called.
No way no one noticed that, no way no one called the cops.

I was cautious on the way home, jumping at every little thing. Probably not the best time to drive but I had to.

Mum was asleep napping when I got there. I went into my room silently, I just sat on my bed shaking. Ezra had been shot, he could have died. There was a lot of blood, what if he did die?
Tears started pouring at my face. I was just crying and I couldn't stop.

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