Chapter 37

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I was back in the small bedroom, a guy was standing outside the door with a gun. Every thirty minutes he'd come inside the room to check on me.

I needed a plan, there was a chance, a big chance no one would come. I had to stop replying on everyone else to save me.
I could do this, I am a strong independent woman.

I stood up off the bed and cased the room. The window was locked, on the outside was black cardboard covering the view. I couldn't use the window as an escape, if I even made a little noise they'd hear.
I'd be caught before I even got to my main plan.
In the bathroom was another small window but like the bedroom one it had also been blacked out.
God even knew where I actually was.

I walked over by the door and pressed my ear against it.

Nothing, I could hear faint slight steps from the man outside but nothing else. Complete silence.
I didn't know how much time was left on the deal.
I looked around the room. There was nothing really in here. There was a wooden chair Andrew had been sitting on hours ago and a bed and...
The bed. I looked at the time on the clock, it was an old bedside clock but it helped.
In ten minutes the man would come back into the room to check on me. I had a great plan.

I tried slowing my breathing down as much as I could, I had to be dead silent.
I was under the bed, on the side near the bathroom. I had shut the bathroom door enough that it looked kinda sus. Now I waited, any minute now.

I heard heavy footsteps outside the door and then the handle, it giggled a bit.
The wooden door opened and in walked the man, for a split second silence. Then he quickly ran to the bathroom door.
The bathroom door pushed open and he stepped inside.
'What the fuck? Where is she?' He staggered. He ran towards the shower, very quickly I grabbed the wooden chair and slammed the bathroom door shut. I supported the chair under the handle.
I had seen it done a bunch of times in movies? It locked the handle in place.

This was my chance, he was stuck. I ran out of the room and into the house, three guys stood around. All eyes connected to me when I walked out.
'Hey!' One of them shouted. He walked over to me, one chance Zoie.
I pulled my fist back and slammed it into his throat. He was so caught of guard.
He clutched his neck and bent over.
I kneed him in the stomach and pushed him with all my strength onto the ground.

The other two guys rushed over.
One lunged for my arm, I darted to the right and pushed him too. I then kicked the other one in the shin. He yelled and hopped for a moment.
I slammed my fist into his face. 'Fuck!' I cried. That probably did more damage to my hand then his face.
The other guy I had pushed came back.

I went to punch him in the throat but he caught my hand. The first guy was up again too, this wasn't working out.

A loud bang went off to my right and everyone froze.

Andrew. A gun clutched in his hand. I looked over at one of the guys, he was bleeding out.
He fell back onto the floor, blood covering his hand.
The two other guys were completely focused on Andrew now.
'You made a mistake.' One of them spoke to him.
'Yeah, I tend to make a lot of those.' He fired more bullets into the air.

'Go! Before more come.' He yelled at me. One of the men reached for me but another shot sounded out.
'Ahhh.' One of them called in agony.

My heart was racing, I quickly spun for the door. Running full speed ahead.
I did it, slightly by myself. Why had Andrew helped me? He had threatened to kill me, this all made no sense.
I pulled open the front door but before I could exit there was a problem.

The tall black man I now knew as Da'Von was standing in my way. An angry and almost happy look on his face.

'Yeah I don't think so.' He laughed. 'How about desert?'

I sat at the dinning table tied to a chair. Andrew was standing in between two guys holding guns to his head.
'You know I liked two of those guys you killed.' Da'Von slammed his fist against the table.

'Zoie you are making me mad. All you have to do is still still and wait. But you couldn't do that.'
I didn't react, I tried to stay as calm as possible. I couldn't let him win, he was a jackass.
'I'm not gonna wait around to die.'

'You really have that little faith in the Ramos family?'
I didn't answer. It wasn't that I didn't have faith, I had faith Julian would do something. Maybe.
It was the twins I didn't trust, I was bad business. It was something they have said many times. Maybe it was the truth, I was just bad business.
And I knew, they would chose business over me.

'Well, I guess it doesn't matter. In the end, one way or another! I always get what I want.' He claimed.
'And you Andrew... you're no longer needed.' Da'Von nodded and one of the guys pulled the trigger.
My eyes widened and I jumped.

My face went pale.

He was dead.

After all this time, I had threatened to kill him, I had wished his death for ever. I had imagined it for ten years but now it had happened. And without hesitation. The man that helped conceive me was laying on the ground, dead. Blood spilling from his head. I didn't cry, I didn't flinch again. He had killed my mother and my brother.
He got what he deserved.
'That's disgusting, clean that up.' Da'Von ordered.

I tried wiggling around in the chair, testing out the ropes.
'And what exactly is your plan if you somehow escape from that chair?' He asked. I stayed still.
'Well, I am dreaming about putting a bullet in your scull.' I smile.
He started laughing.
'That! I almost want to see an attempt at.' He clapped.

'We're you the one that ordered a drive by on me?' I asked. He shook his head.
'No, but I'm not surprised someone did. The Ramos family have more than a few enemies.' He explained.

'The best families do.' I smirk.
'So do the weak.'
'You say that word a lot, ever heard the saying that we call others what we know we truly are?' I didn't care anymore. I was done, chances were I was going to end up dead. Just like Hannah, just like Mum and now...just like Andrew.
Da'Von's face hardened.

'Will someone CLEAN UP THAT GOD FUCKING MESS!!!' He screamed at his men. Andrews empty body was still lying on the hard ground.
Two men came back over and picked him up, carrying him out. I watched as his lifeless, heartless body was taken away. It would just be dumped. Sounded like what he deserved but after so long, it was still so hard to get around that he was actually dead.

'What a waste of life.' Da'Von shook his head.

'Anyway, I hope your "family" is coming. Because time is ticking.' He looked back at me. I looked at the clock hanging in the wall.
I'd have to accept it soon, I was going to die.


Hey everyone, hope you're enjoying it still. There is a huge plot twist coming up in a few chapters so be excited for that! Bet you won't see it coming. This book has come so far and there is still a bit to go. YAY!

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