Chapter 29

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Water splattered over my car, droplets pouring down windows.
I hadn't even remembered falling asleep but my chair was down and my eyelids felt heavy.
My phone was going off somewhere, I sat up and looked around. The sky had gone darker outside and kids no longer played in the sand.

I found my phone, it had fallen under my chair.

'Hello?!' I asked. The number hadn't been clear.
'Hey, my name is James Baxter. I am the manager at Claudes Diner.'
'Um...hi?!' I was so confused as to who the hell this guy was.
'Sorry to bother you but a man just came in and handed us a resume. We have had an interview with him and I was just checking. You are a reference on his resume. A Mr. Andrew Allen.'

Andrew Allen. It was my fathers name alright. When my parents married my mother insisted she kept her last name. It was one of the only things my father let her do.
So he had actually listened to me? He had handed out a resume? Did this guy know he was in jail?
I was tempted to sabotage this for him but then I remembered I was the one sleeping in a car.

'Yes.' I finally answered.
'So you were his manager at a Fish n chips store?' I rolled my eyes through the phone.
'Yes that is correct.' I continued.
'How was he working there, after he got out of prison?' So the bastard had been somewhat truthful on his resume.

'He was always one time and very professional. He was great with costumers and good with money.' I explained.
'Wonderful. Any issues in his work?' James asked.

'Nope, not that I can think of.' I say through gritted teeth. Thank god we weren't having this conversation in person cause I am a bad liar.
'Great, thank you so much for your time. Mrs. Finnigan. Have a wonderful day.' The phone went dead.

'Mrs Finnigan? What the fuck?' I rolled my eyes and fell back into my chair. At least he was out trying to get a job. Though his made up for NOTHING.

I adjusted my body on the uncomfortable bed situation and went through my messages.

I had two missed calls from Julian. And a few texts.

"Hey, what time you finish work?"
"You left your jumper here, do you need it?" I felt bad for lying. I threw my phone down.
My phone started ringing again, it was Taylor. I sighed loudly and picked it up.

"Hey." I spoke.
"Hey, wanna hang out later?" Taylor messaged.  I hated saying no but I was just so done with people today. I needed a break, just one day where I could relax and rethink everything in my entire life.

"Hey, sorry I can't. I'm closing at work tonight and I have so much homework. Can we reschedule?" I asked. The phone was silent for the longest time. Had she pressed mute?

"Yeah no worries, catch you later." Taylor quickly said before hanging up. My head hurt, partly from all the stress of keeping all these secrets but also because of this stupid car seat.

I drove to a motel on the other side of town. It was quieter here, except for a train going past near by every hour.
I had enough money saved for maybe a while but I'd only stay here a night or two.
I got my keys and walked into my room.
For somewhere no where near the beach this place certainly had the theme for it.
The sheets were blue and white, a large photo above the bed of a beach hut. The walls white and blue and about seven more photos of the beach.

I dumped my stuff on the table and collapsed onto the bed.

Thinking about it, I could have just set Andrew up here. But I didn't want him trashing this place. And he'd probably be drunk already, there was literally a bottle shop across the road.
I turned the TV on, only one show. House Hunters beach style. I threw the remote down and got out my homework. I really did need to catch up.
History was first, it was boring as hell. I still wanted to go to an Ivy League school.
It had always been my dream, but right now. With everything going on. It seemed like a dream I didn't know if I wanted anymore.
It seemed so far away.

This place smelt like glen 20 to the max.
How long would it be for Andrew to find a job?
My phone buzzed but this time it was from Elena, I felt like I hadn't talked to her in ages.
"Hey, I'm bored wanna hang?"
Why did everyone want to hang today? I looked down at the stack of homework? I should really get it done.

I slammed my books shut.

"Sure, meet me at Luna Park way motel."
"A motel? I mean I wanna hang but I should let you know I'm not into you like that!"
It made me grin.
"Two way street."

It was about half an hour later when I heard a knock at my door.
Elena was standing with two pizzas.
'Yo, I know we both said we don't like each other like that so.....what is this?!' I joke.

Elena walks in and drops the pizza on the table.
'Ha hilarious.'
She opened up a box and threw some slices down on the plastic plates she brought.

'Why are you in a motel?' She asked with a mouthful of pizza.
'No reason.' I say taking a bite of my own. She looks at me sneakily.
'It's a long story.' I explain.
'I've got time.' I swallow and stare at her. I feel like I'm gonna say it, then I remember Andrews face when I fiat saw him outside my door today. I couldn't, I just couldn't bring myself to say it.

'I can't... it's complicated.'
'Is it about a guy?' Elena asked raising her eyebrow.
'What? No! I'm dating Julian remember.' I mean it wasn't technically a lie. But technically it was, Andrew was a guy. Well he was more like a male pig, except that would be assaulting pigs.
I looked down at my pizza, crispy pieces of bacon. It made me kinda sick. I dropped the pizza back into the plate.

'I can keep a secret.' Elena insisted.
I hesitated and sighed, she wouldn't give up.

'Technically it's a guy, though the word asshole, betrayer, dickhead, aloof, obnoxious, coward, narcissistic, neurotic....'
'Okay, okay!' Elena interrupted. 'I think I get the point. He's a douchebag.' I smiled.

'He hasn't be around for a while and he just got...' I thought about my words carefully. 'Back into town. I just, I hate him and in all honesty. This sounds one hundred person pathetic but I don't. You know?! Like my whole life I have just wanted a relationship with him. I just wanted a normal relationship with him, but he hurt me you know?! He hurt someone I love and I could never forgive him for that. I'm just so mad at him, he took everything away from me you know?!'

Elena sat leaning back in the chair, her pizza left untouched on the plate.

'Do you want a relationship with him?' She asked. Tears slid down my cheeks.
'I wish, but what he did. I could never forgive him. He is unforgivable.' Elena just nodded.
'Does Julian know about this mystery man?' I shook my head.
'I don't know how to tell him. He'd wanna know and then I don't know what he'd do you know. Plus how can I talk to him about this. He doesn't do feelings an shit.' I say. Elena sat way up straight.

'Zoie, he's your boyfriend.'
'I know.' I said wiping tears away. I buried my head in my hands.
'Where is this dude?'
'Why?' I ask.
'No reason.' Elena mentions. I sit up myself and look at her. I don't trust her one bit.
'Thanks for the pizza.' I say. She goes back to swallowing it whole.
'You're welcome.' Her phone buzzes and she takes it out.

'Hey, sorry for the quick hang but I have to go. Keep the pizza. Talk later?' She asks. I nod, she grabs her bag and walks out.

I shove the leftover pizza in mini fridge and fall back onto the bed.
I am completely over this day, one hundred percent.

Hey everyone, hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please rate and comment if you like it.

I just wanted to give a heads up for the next chapter. It may be a little sensitive or upsetting to some readers. It has some very honest thoughts about suicide and depression so please if you don't feel comfortable, skip it.
Or if you just wanted to skip the sensitive part, it is towards the end of the chapter.


In the middleМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя