Chapter 53

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I opened my eyes to the the blinding light, my head was pounding and my stomach hurt so badly. A sharp stabbing pain coursing through my torso. 
I tried to sit up but clutched my waist. 

'Hey, hey!' Be careful. Julian walked over to me. I was lying on a couch, in a strange place. 

'Where are we?' I asked. 
'In a warehouse.' Julian responded sitting on the edge of the couch beside me. 'What? But this doesn't look like the warehouse.'
'Well, it's not the one you know! We have another warehouse here in LA.' He answered. Oh. Makes sense I guess. 

I tried to sit up again but the pain got worse. 'Hey! Be careful.' Julian spoke again. 'What happened?' I asked. 
'On of those guys came rushing at me with a knife. You pushed me out of the way but he got to you instead.' He answered. 

I lifted the edge of a shirt. Wasn't I wearing a dress? A big patch covered a bit of my stomach, above the hip. I could see blood had soaked through. 

'Um, where are my clothes?' 
'Kaden had to sow you up.' I looked back down at the patch. Shit!

'My head is aching.'
'We can get you something for that.'
'Thanks.' I looked up at Julian. His warm eyes I remember fondly. I could smell his perfume, it brought me back to the nights we spent together. I remember his touch. 

I forced myself to look away. 

'Where is Harry and Taylor?' 
Julian stood up abruptly, turning away. 'Harry is on his way and Taylor is in the small kitchen area with the twins and Kaden.' 
'Oh okay.' He turned back to face me again. 'Are you okay?' He asked not exactly meeting my eyes. 

'Everything Kinda hurts but I guess I am alright. What about you? What happened to those guys?' 
'You don't need to worry about them anymore.' Its the same thing Julian had told me long ago when I asked about the guy from the night we met. Though, I had a feeling deep down those guys from tonight had a different fate.

'But, I'm alright.' He sat down on a chair. 'Really?' I asked him again. 'I heard, about the.... drugs.' I stated. 'I'm sorry Julian. I never meant to hurt you, you know.' He wouldn't meet my eyes still. God, I just wanted to see his eyes. 

I would be lying if after everything that had happened I didn't still miss him. I missed his touch, I had forgotten what it felt like. And the way he looked at me, but it was so different now. I deserved this new look though. 

'Why did you do it?' He asked out of nowhere. 'Do what?' 
'Push me out of the way?' Truthfully I had no idea. I had seen those guys coming towards us, towards Julian and maybe I just didn't wanna see him hurt. 

I had already been the cause of his pain for so long. Maybe I didn't wanna see that. Maybe...... I had no idea. 

'I...I don't know.' I told. The door opened and in walked Kaden, Harry right behind. 'Jesus Christ Zoie, are you okay?'
'I'm fine.' 
'What the hell?! You literally promised me you wouldn't get into trouble.'

'I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose.' 
'It's my fault.' Julian spoke up. Harry glared at him, he went to say something but left his mouth open. 'She shouldn't have been around, if she wasn't she wouldn't have gotten hurt.' 

'It's fine, everyone's okay so just leave it now.' Kaden spoke. 'How you feeling?' He asked me. 'I've been better, truthfully.' Kaden passed me a glass of water. 

Ezra and Ezekiel walked in now. 'All of you out! We need to talk to her.' Ezra ordered. 'I'll be downstairs.' Harry glanced from me to the twins. 

The door closed and now I was alone. 

'Was Julian asking about Luis?' I asked. 'Yes.' Ezra asked plainly. 'He found out, but not by us.'
'Who is he? I have to know.'
'No! You don't.' Ezekiel argued. 'Why does this guy scare everyone so much?'

Ezra made a little chuckle and turned to his brothers. 'He doesn't scare us.'
'So you keep saying but it doesn't seem true.'

'Watch your mouth!' Ezekiel retorted. 'You only need to know what we tell you you need to know. GOT IT?' I nodded. 'Have you made contact with him yet?' Kaden asked. 

'Yeah, we're gonna hang Tomorrow.' I spoke. 
'You sure you're going to be up to that?' Kaden asked me. 'She has to be. She is going to get information out of him, anyway she can.' Ezra spoke for me. 

'I'll be fine.' I was beginning to really worry. I know the twins could never confess to being scared but I could see it in their eyes. Deep down something about this Luis guy panicked them. 
Something about being around Luis felt familiar though. 

'Can I go home?' I ask the guys. 'I'm so tired and I need to take something for the pain.'
'Yes.' Ezra mentioned. 

I walked with Harry to the car. The air was still and the whole world felt so quiet right now. Like it was empty. 
I sat down and relaxed my head against the seat. Harry got in next. He turned to me before starting the car. His eyes looking deep into mine. 

'If something is going on you should tell me.' He started. 'What?'
'What are they making you do?' He questioned. 'Nothing.'

'Zoie, I'm serious! I am your brother.'
'Yes, I know you're my brother and I am serious. Look, whatever they make me do. It's nothing they haven't asked of me before.' He shook his head. 'I want you out.'

'I want you out, of all of this.'
'I'M SERIOUS. You could have died last night, I am NOT losing my little sister. I should have been there to protect you.'
'You don't always have to protect me Harry.' 

'Yes, I do! That is my job. You should be going to school, getting good grades not working at a bar and not working in the mob. This shouldn't be your life.'
'But it is!' I placed my hand on his. 'This shouldn't be your life either you know?!'
He sighed heavily. Closing his eyes for a second. 'I can't watch you get hurt anymore, I promise you Zo. I will find a way to get you out.' 

I gave a sheepish smile. 'Can we go home?' He nodded and started the car. 

I wondered about that every day. If I had listened to Hannah in the first place. We'd still be going to school together, laughing over stupid things. I might have found a nice guy my age. Maybe mum would be alive. 
But then what if Harry had never come home? 

God, all this thinking was making my head hurt more. I was tired of this, of thinking. It didn't matter anyway what could have been. It's not like it going to change anything. This is my life now, I have to accept it. 

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