number 11: future

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no but the bi panic the multimedia gave me is fucking insane.
Ugh how do they look so good all the time it's not fair that I'm not June tbh.
question of the chapter: which country are you from? because I'm geniuenly curious.
I left the house without knowing what to do. I was so proud of them. I always had been. But their achievements lately was making me question my own life. I'd been paying rent with my tuition money and the band was kind enough to help me whenever I needed. Also I was making money off of some freelance jobs but I really had no future plans as of now.

Being with them was all I needed in life emotionally. I didn't need anybody else, I didn't need any hobby, I didn't need anything. But they didn't need me. Not forever.

I need to have a stable income, I thought to myself. I had no degree, not anything to maintain my life realistically. I didn't know who was I supposed to be anymore. I was so focused on our happiness behind the walls that I'd forgot what real world was like.

I went home, all the thoughts running thorough my head. I couldn't possibly enroll to a college. Neither I wouldn't be able to pay the fee nor I wanted to spend that many years just for a stupid degree anymore. It was not who I was anymore.

I opened my laptop to look for possible jobs at Rome. I couldn't believe it had took me a whole ass year to consider future. I was so focused on their's to care about mine. All the competitions they'd attended, all the concerts, album releases had consumed all my time. And all in all that shit called the corona virus kinda blocked all job opportunities anyway.

I spent more than an hour, not finding anything. There were some options but none of them were something worth my time.

After a while of research, I've encountered to a language program. It offered a three week english course and at the end they would give you a diploma which could help you to get a job as an english teacher at language courses.
That immediately seemed like a fair deal. I could do that. I could teach english.

I didn't know italian enough but this was something that could be figured out. I applied without thinking too much.
For the rest of the day, I waited to meet them in the evening. I was obviously excited to tell them about the program too but no matter how much I tried, I couldn't help but always put them first. I was more excited about their interview more than my own. It probably was also about theirs being more sensational too.

Around 8 o'clock  I rang their bell. They all had separate flats but they usually used this flat that belonged to all of them. I had the keys also but I rarely used it.

Ethan opened the door for me. He looked chill as always but he had this bright smile on his face. That made me convince that the job thing had went good.

I entered the living room without removing my shoes. They had shit tons of money to not care about cleaning.

They offered me the Chinese take-out food box. I accepted it without hesitation because I was really hungry.

I talked while chewing the mouthful of noodles: "You should try eating healthy once in a while."

Damiano looked at me mockingly, "Yeah as if you eat any of that."

He got a point. I loved eating junk food even more than they did. I didn't realized they'd noticed but I'd never ate anything that wasn't junk food. I liked it that way. And for me, food was all about enjoyment.

I rolled my eyes to him as a response.

Damiano looked at Victora,
"Mommy Måneskin, would you like to give June the news," he said, excitedly.

Victoria smiled as if her mouth was going to tear apart. "Nah," she said "You're always the one who gives better news."

They looked at each other , trying to decide. A third voice bursted out. It was Thomas.

he'd shouted.

Be My Slave (Måneskin Fanfiction // Damiano Victoria Ethan Thomas)Where stories live. Discover now