100K special chapter

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I'm gonna be honest, it feels so fucking great to be back.

I haven't been writing for quite a while now and it was a good twist for me to come back with BMS instead of SOHB.

Well of course, there's a spesific reason why i'm uploading. As you all know the story was over but as you also know I'm too atached to leave the story completely behind. And on my instagram I had told that there might be a special chapter for hitting 100K. And we did. It feels insane. Starting this I thought not more than 5 person would read it. But for a long time the story was #1 one in maneskin and maneskin related hastags. And now it's passed 100K reads. I trully apprecite it. Thank you all so much for your supports.

And dont forget to,


"Make it stop." I crawled in bed. Pushing the pillow to my ear.

"I wish." Damiano murmured, sleepely.

A crying of a baby was filling the entire house.

"Why are we staying here again?" I asked, now feeling a little more awake. I sat on bed, hardly. It took Damiano longer to do the same. "I think we should get used to this." he said. "We will go through the same after all."

I frowned. "In 7 fucking months." I said. He shrugged. Just as he opened his mouth to talk, the door opened without a knock. We saw Ethan. A very sleepy Ethan. He came barely walking to bed and threw himself in between me and Damiano in the bed. He was laying on his front so when he talked, it was barely audible.

"I love her. I do. But how can we make this stop?" he asked. I wasn't sure if he was talking about Victoria or Cardea (A.N: yes baby's name is Cardea. Yes it's Carmen and Medea merges together. Sue me for it)" because they were both scream-crying.

"How is her hormones still not calmed down?" Damiano asked. He tried not to look worried. He was possibly scared that I would end up like that. Like Victoria. Her moods swings had been too much for the last few months and all of us would simply die if I made us go through it all.

"She is crying because apparently Cardea makes her boobs saggy."

I tired not to laugh while getting out of the bed. "I'll handle it I guess." I said and left the roo, leaving two sleepy boys behind.

At this point I should've been used to seeing this. Seeing someone laying naked on the floor. Today, it was Thomas.

I couldn't help but think how I used to witness this every morning. But obviously, the reason behind it was completely different.

Most of the time, our past seemed like a fever dream. Yes, I wouldn't change even a single thing that happened, it was weird to think about everything we went through. Considering how we are now, it was in deed weird. Few years ago, I couldn't imagine Ethan and Thomas being a wedded couple. I couldn't even slightly think of Victoria going through labor for her best friends.

Actually a few years ago I couldn't imagine being in their lives a few years later. But somehow we had managed to fit ourselves into one life. Our relationship had evolved into a very special something. We were comfortable with each other, most importantly. Everyone loved everyone whilst all of us respected each other's boundaries. Maybe only married ones were Thomas and Ethan, maybe the two kids we were going to have in our lives were only biological to three of us, maybe not all of us shared romantic attraction towards each other. We had a lot of maybes but behind all of them, we had a functioning family. We had become a family. Ours' was just different than others.

But they were Maneskin. They were always different than others.

My thoughts got interrupted when I finally reached Victoria's nursing room. She started to sniff when she saw me.

"Are you okay?" I asked . She nodded negatively, still sniffing.

"What's wrong?" I asked, trying to sound compassionate but it was hard not to laugh while looking at her expression.

"My tits," she sniffed again. "They are ugly now. I used to have piercings and hot boobs." she started crying again. I sat on the bed and took Cardea from her arms hoping she would relieve a bit.

"Come on," I said. "You are Victoria fucking De Angelis. You're boobs can never be ugly."

She looked at my face with a bland emotion for a couple seconds before bursting into laugh. She was still sniffing in between her laughter but at least she was laughing.

"You're right. I have always been hot and I always will be!"

I giggled. "In deed."

We didn't say anything for a couple of seconds.

"You know you have a concert tonight right?" I asked. It was the first concert they were going to have since Cardea's birth.

"Uh-huh." she nodded. "You sure you do not want to call the nanny for the night?"

"Positive," I said. "I can spend a day alone with my niece."

She shrugged and smiled. "Of course you can," she said.

After that we started to get ready for the day. It was a real task to wake Ethan and Thomas up because they were at the baby duty last night.

We ordered breakfast to the house. Once we were done with it, Victoria said she had a date and left, taking Cardea with her. I guess it was her time to use the baby card and shine.

"I miss my baby," Ethan curled his lips. Thomas went next to him and left a kiss on top of his head.

"You should've thought that before choosing a Taurus as your surrogate mother." Thomas said. Damiano and I laughed but Ethan was continuing to curl his lips.

Soon after, they started to miss Cardea way too much and got bored at the house so they left too, saying they would all meet each other at the concert stage in two hours.

Once they were gone, I changed into my daily clothes and while at it, I fixed our bed. I realized Damiano had came into the room when he started touching my thighs from behind. He wrapped an arm around my belly. It was far from looking like a pregnancy belly. It more looked like as if I couldn't have went to the restroom after eating a burrito.

"You should behave mister," I said, turning my head to him.

He rolled his eyes. "I couldn't have planned it would mean 9 sex-free months when I signed up for this." he said.

"Hey," I frowned. "Don't call my baby this."

He rolled his eyes yet again. "Sorry mi amore you are right. I was just horny."

"Wow, I giggled. "You should sign up for the celibacy club with this attitude," I said, sarcasm clear on my voice.

"By the way," he talked still rubbing my inner thigh with his thumb. "I looked it up online. It's perfectly safe to,"

I interrupted him because I knew where this conversation was going. "No. Damiano, no! I will not be thinking of how I had sex with you while it was still inside me every time I look at my baby. It will not happen,"

"But-" he started talking.

"No," I interrupted again.

He started to leave kisses through my neck. Maybe hormones were starting to show themselves as of now because his touch was clearly effecting me. But I wasn't gonna let him. I moved a little and escaped the little trap he created between his body and the bed.

I stepped to the outside of the room, standing in the room. When I turned around, I saw Damiano look at me with his Pikachu face.

"7 months Damiano David. I promise we'll make it up 7 months later."





I hope you liked the chapter. I think I forgot how to write lmao.

I tried to involve all the charahcters a little bit without making it too long. I hope this was a remedy for the longing.

With lots of love, Asteria

Be My Slave (Måneskin Fanfiction // Damiano Victoria Ethan Thomas)Where stories live. Discover now