Chapter Two: Finding Jay

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After Voight had ended the call from his missing man he had made short work of bringing the others up to date.  Now in the drivers' seat of the lead SUV he searched the countryside for a glimpse of the shipping container.  Although Jay had been reticent about his own condition during the brief conversation the Sergeant could tell from his voice that he was not in a good way.  Two ambulances brought up the rear of the convoy.

Adam sat opposite Antonio in the back seat and they exchanged a worried glance.  While relieved beyond words that his friend had been able to make contact he dreaded what they would find.  The fact that Wells had been captured had astounded everyone but for the Unit Jays' welfare had been a more pressing concern.  Scanning the
passing scenery he caught a glimpse of red beyond a cluster of trees as Mouse directed Voight from the front passenger seat.  They had finally found their friend.

Although the injured Detective had tried to downplay his own injuries as he requested an ambulance for Wells he knew his Sergeant had not believed his assurances and figured he was facing a trip to the hospital no matter what.  He had already promised himself, as he waited for help to arrive,
that he was not going to be admitted. He just wanted to have a long, hot shower, take some pain meds and lie down on clean sheets.  That really wasn't a lot to ask for he figured.  He just had to get Voight to agree with his amateur prescription for his ailments! The sirens' volume increased as the vehicles approached his location and he found he had no energy to stand up and check on Wells again.  He was relieved he could pass that duty onto the others now.

Voight drove up to the large container and all the men opened their doors without delay.

"Damn!" Adam was the first to reach the injured man and crouched down to get his attention when their arrival went unacknowledged.
"What's the ETA on the ambulances?" Voight demanded over his radio as he motioned for Antonio and Mouse to follow him after an assessing look at his unconscious subordinate.
"He's tough," Al put in as he approached with Kevin and Burke and the Patrol Officers spread out and took up positions on the perimeters of the large field.
"Burke I want you with Ruzek," Voight instructed as he retrieved a sidearm and passed it to the surprised man, "I'm not taking any chances.  You protect Halstead."
"With my life," the Bomb Technician solemnly promised before he checked the weapon as he walked over to where Adam and the newly arrived Parker had moved the prone man to get him away from any danger, looking at the bruised features however he figured danger had already come calling.
"Ah hell!" Adam cursed angrily as he lifted one of the makeshift bandages on his friends' abdomen when the Psychologist had pulled up the jumper as they checked for injuries.
"Be best to leave the dressings on," Parker suggested with a grimace, the redness and pus around the stitches spoke of a serious infection.



As Jay caused concern outside Voight had taken point as the men entered the container, guns drawn.  The sight which greeted them froze the men in their tracks.  There was no sign of Wells.  Voight frowned as he surveyed the area.  The interior had been plastered in a smooth finish to hide the steel. The ground underfoot was concrete. No doubt Jay would not have known he was actually being held in a shipping container.  His Detective had informed him their target had been injured and had been restrained.  Al moved over to stand beside his old friend.

"Where did he go?"
"The Kid said he was handcuffed," Voight stated as he watched Antonio and Kevin approach the steel ring with handcuffs attached.
"He didn't get past Halstead," Al spoke confidently, his young friend would have died trying to stop him.
"Hell!" Mouse drew all eyes to him where he stood by the small table.
"What have you got? Voight checked as everyone descended on the IT Specialist.
"Knives," Mouse muttered in disgust as he pointed unnecessarily to the bloody instruments.
"And ...... needles with thread," Kevin observed sickened, just what had his friend gone through?
"So where the hell is he?!" Voight roared.
"Maybe Jay got confused," Antonio offered, "he's in pretty bad shape."
"Nope," Al objected as he looked at the ground carefully underneath the table, which he had noted was uneven, and pointed to a groove in the surface, "he got out here."
"Out?" Mouse frowned.
"Tunnel," Al explained as he moved the table aside and stomped on the ground underneath causing it to give way.
"Ah man," Antonio eyed the escape route, "he's in the wind again."
"And Jay thinks it's over," Mouse reminded with despair, "how the hell do we tell him?"

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