Chapter Twenty-Seven: Surprise

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Maple Road

As Mouse heard his ex-Lieutenants' calmly spoken words his gut clenched. Although he wanted the investigation closed with every fibre of his being the thought of his friend facing danger alone, albeit willingly, did not sit well with him. He overtook the two older men at a run wondering just what they were going to find.

Magnolia Road

Jays' declaration had not surprised Antonio and Kevin.  It would have been more of a surprise if he hadn't made a move.  Burke could feel the tension radiating off his two companions.

"We need to take Philip or Lyle out of the equation," Kevin looked at the Italian-American before contacting Voight, "permission to proceed?"
"Burke you stay here," Antonio instructed as his eyes continued to scan the area even as he rechecked his weapon, "once we take King down you
make sure he stays put."
"Ye did give me supplies," the Bomb Specialist tapped the small gearbag he carried.
"Keep your eyes peeled," Kevin ordered solemnly as he headed off.
"Back in five," Antonio assured with a wink.
"I'll hold you to that."


Al kept his head down but ensured he still had Jay in his sights.  Most of his instincts screamed to go out into the garden but he ignored them.  It was a testament to the trust he had in the young Detectives' ability to read a situation.

For his part Jay was unaware of his friends' concern as he turned direction and veered towards the tree shaded boundary fence on his right where his foe awaited. Even as he advanced though he knew something was off with the scene before him.  A shot in the distance followed by a muffled explosion did not detract from his objective.  He noted the sound hadn't startled the intruder either. Approaching the magnolia tree, gun pointed ready to fire, he noted two surprising things.  The first surprise was the still figure was not merely leaning against the tree.  A thick white rope was wrapped around the silent figure securing him to the tree trunk.  The second surprise was that the figures' lack of movement was founded in one irreversible reason, he was dead.  The relief that he was looking at the corpse of one of his tormentors never even entered his head as the injured man tore his gaze from the grim, white facial features and checked the grsss underfoot for possible booby traps.  Satisfied nothing untoward prohibited his movements Jay moved closer to the tree as he heard Al approaching behind him.

"What the hell?!" Al uttered, his usual nonchalance for once chased away by the sight before him.
"Everyone alright?" Jay checked without removing his eyes from the dead man.
"All good," the older man quickly assured, "the other sibling however got away.  Any idea which one this is?"
"Philip," Jay informed without hesitation, finally shifting his gaze and noticing a stern looking Voight approaching with Adam on his heels.
"Halstead you were to remain in the house ......," the Sergeant began to rebuke his subordinate as he neared the pair.
"Hank now isn't the time," Al insisted as he sent a sideways glance to the dead body.
"Lyle got away?" Jay checked looking at a pale Adam who had walked over to the bluish tinged corpse for a closer inspection.
"How do you know that's Philip?" Voight questioned abandoning his reprimand, his old friend was right as usual.
"No way to be certain," Adam argued stepping back towards the trio gratefully with a grimace.
"Kid?" Al urged.
"His lips have been glued together," Jay reluctantly gave the unpleasant reasoning for his conviction the deceased was Philip King, "his brother didn't want to listen to his complaints any longer.  Besides there's no scar on his eyelid."
"Why would Lyle let Philip take the lead if he was in charge?" Adam asked with a frown as sirens could be heard approaching.
"He didn't," Jay disputed wearily, Lyle was in the wind again.
"For now let's head back to Headquarters," Voight looked at Jay assessingly, "you can lie down there for a while."
"Sarge I'm good," Jay raised an eyebrow, they had a lot of work ahead of them and he had no intention of slacking off.
"Kid don't argue with the Boss," Al placed a firm hand on the smaller mans' shoulder and gestured for him to start moving, "it never ends well."
"I heard that," Voight noted ruefully as they headed up to the house.

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