Chapter Fifty-One: Countdown

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Voights' Office

As eleven o'clock approached Voight and Murphy had retreated to the Sergeants' office. As the alloted time for the telephone call neared tension in the open plan office was ratcheting up. The men were well acquainted with the risky nature of the work they chose to do but when one of their own was being targeted worry permeated everyones' mood.  Adam and Kevin exchanged concerned glances with Antonio as they sat at their desks going through some more Case Files. Although Mouse had done a search through former cases when the initial fixation by King with Jay became known when they were notified of the necessity of going to New York he had not had the time to do a thoroughly comprehensive check.  For that he was now admonishing himself.  Adam had already told the ex-Ranger he had nothing to feel sorry about as he had done the work he was told to do.  The Detective had reminded the penitent man they had even checked to see if there could be a childhood link but that had proven unfruitful.

"So how exactly are we going to make sure Jay is protected," Antonio finally asked, grateful the injured man was still in the Locker Room.
"Have to play it by ear," Al noted, "can't make plans without specifics."
"But we're definitely going with him," Adam spoke up even though they had already discussed this, "some of us."
"If it's safe"
"To hell with safe! Jay isn't in any condition to go solo. His ribs and leg still have a lot of healing to do."
"That they do," a new, unexpected voice agreed from the top of the stairs as Will looked around, "so where's Jay?"
"Doc," Al stood up and gestured to the Break Room, sending the others a look, "let's talk."
"What's up? Where is he?" the redhead noted the unhappy features of the other men but followed the oldest Detective.
"He's getting ready for a mission."
"He's what?!"

Adam and the others winced as Wills' raised voice was heard. They didn't envy Al his self imposed task. Sighing Adam knew what his old partner needed from them.  Jay did not need the distraction of his older brother this close to King calling.  Sharing a knowing glance with the others he checked his watch.  They had thirty minutes to get Will out of the precinct and keep Jay none the wiser about his visit.

"Why the hell didn't Platt tell us he was coming up?" Kevin demanded crossly, it was unlike the brash Sergeant to allow a Visitor up without warning, irrespective of their identity.
"She's on a half day," Antonio piped up as he eyed the closed Break Room door, "there's a Rookie, Jim Garrison, on the desk. Knowing Will he probably steamrolled him.When Voight finds out being steamrolled will be the least of his worries."
"Not exactly great security measures," Adam noted, the breach concerned him
and he understood why the Sergeant would need to be informed.
"Guy must be an idiot!" Mouse stated angrily as his fingers attacked the keyboard before him, now was not the time for lax procedures.
"Surprised Platt left him in charge," Kevin voiced his shock, the no nonsense Sergeant in question was known to be over zealous where precautionary measures were concerned.
"I'm going to have a word with Garrison," Antonio decided and rose from his chair, "before we tell Sarge."
"Okay," Adam nodded, he wanted the Rookie to have a chance to explain things before he was hauled up before Voight, an event that was in no doubt.

Break Room

Al leant back against the kitchen counter unfazed by the younger mans' outburst.  Apart from anything else the response had been expected and in any event the Detective was not prone to misjudging people.

"Al you cannot be serious?" Will implored, trying to reign in his anger.
"I never joke about work."
"But he's in no condition to .....,"
"Doc he has a job to do and he's going to do it whether or not you want him to so I want you to do the right thing in this situation."
"Which is?"
"Go before he finds out you came here. He needs to concentrate on the task at hand.  You being here is a distraction he doesn't need."
"But ....,"
"How did you get here Doc?" Al pivoted away from the main topic.
"I drove ....,"
"I meant how did you get up here?  We weren't notified of your visit."
"Does it matter?" Will asked evasively, he knew he had overstepped the mark ... again.
"You know it does," Al stated as he folded his arms and scrutinised the obviously now clearly uncomfortable man.
"I told the Officer at the desk I was expected and .....,"
"That wouldn't have got you up here."
"I ...... may have said Voight would be upset if I didn't get access."
"Hell man!"
"I just wanted to see Jay!"
"Was it a matter of life and death?"
"You probably just cost that Officer his job," Al informed the other man, it was an exaggeration but the redhead needed to know his actions had serious consequences
"I never meant ....,"
"No you never do," Al interrupted not bothering to hide the disgust in his voice, "we're going to talk about this again but right now you need to go."
"Look ......,"
"That wasn't a suggestion," the unkempt man motioned towards the door, "I'll give you a call once we're back here later on."
"Don't thank me. We're not done with this."

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