Chapter Eighteen: Under Scrutiny

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As Al had predicted Conor had insisted on seeing Jay before he returned to Chicago.  The reticent man had agreed only on the proviso that the Surgeon was not given any details about the incident in the alley other than those reported on the news. Knowing it was better than the alternative the men had agreed.  Although it took some convincing Jay subsequently compelled Conor to keep his latest injuries from Will.  Once Conor had departed for the airport, accompanied by two off duty Police Officers Murphy personally requested, Jay felt an immense sense of relief. Now in the hotel bedroom he shared with Adam the young man sat on the end of his bed and waited for his friend to emerge from the ensuite.  They would be having dinner shortly with the others.  They had still not uncovered anything to support his twin theory but had hit paydirt earlier in the day when Mouse spoke to an Oncologists' Receptionist who recognised Wells as a former patient. Although Murphy had reiterated the necessity to play by the book thereby halting any probing queries at least they knew now that their target was more likely than not dealing with a life threatening illness.  That confirmation vindicated the resources used and also freed more personnel to work on the search for evidence to prove the twin theory.

Jay eyed the digital radio/clock on his nightstand and debated taking a couple of painkillers.  Although the discomfort he was in definitely yearned for relief he opted to refrain from taking the meds.  Tomorrow he would be out in the field with Adam as they visited a number of hospitals allocated to them and he'd probably need the meds to get through the day.  With 214 hospitals to be checked Murphy had divided up the various medical institutions.  They had already discounted over 100 after telephone queries had been made. There was no guarantee that Wells had even been born in New York and if so there was no guarantee he had been born in a hospital.  With the luck they were having Jay expected the hospital checks to wind up unsuccessful but the tedious work was essential.  Sighing he got up, mindful of his injuries, and walked over to look out at the city lights shimmering in the torrential rains that had been descending since mid afternoon.  Droplets cascaded down the glass barrier imitating diamonds reflecting the colourful lights in the backdrop.  He longed to take a walk and lose himself in natures' wet embrace but knew his friends would be unwilling to let him go by himself.  He shook his head.  From as long as he could remember he had loved the rain. There was something refreshing about the watery downpours that enhanced the landscape in their wake.  His mother had often told them how in Ireland you could experience all four seasons in one day but he knew she loved the fall and winter the most and he figured that had probably influenced his preference for rainy days.  Will had never liked the rain even though it had never hindered his activities growing up for he tended to immerse himself in books rather than the outdoors.  Jay had loved walking in rain showers as others ran for cover.  As his mother had often pointed out once you were dressed appropriately you could enjoy one of natures' greatest gifts.  A knock at the door broke him out of his melancholic thoughts just as Adam emerged wearing only a white towel wrapped around his waist, his hair dripping onto his bare shoulders.

"You expecting anyone?" Jay asked frowning even as he withdrew his weapon.
"No," Adam quickly walked over to his bedstand and retrieved his gun, "you go in the bathroom."
"Sure thing," Jay responded but belied his words by heading for the door as a second knock was heard.
"You're going to give me an ulcer," Adam rolled his eyes before raising his voice, "who is it?"
"Room Service," a disembodied male voice answered.
"Just leave it outside thanks," Jay instructed, they hadn't ordered anything.
"I need to get a signature."
"Sorry we're not decent," Adam spoke as he moved to one side of the door hoping to hear the visitor leaving.
"I really need a signature Sir."
"You ready?" Jay asked quietly as he went to the other side of the door and reached for the handle.
"As ready as I'll ever be."
"On three," Jay raised his weapon, "one two, three!"
"Freeze!" Adam yelled at the frozen Waiter who dropped the tray he had been carrying when the door sprung open and he found himself facing two raised guns.
"Who sent you?" Jay demanded as he quickly frisked the stranger.
"I, I work here."
"You have ID?" Jay asked as he nodded to his friend that the man was unarmed.
"Well show us!" Adam ordered impatiently when the newcomer didn't move, he was not happy.
"Show ye?"
"Your ID," Jay repeated gently, he could tell the young man was telling the truth and in any event he recollected his picture from the hotels' Personnel Files.
"It's in my locker."
"So David Carver," Jay eyed the name tag, "what were you delivering?"
"I'm not sure," Carver replied before wincing as he eyed the debris on the carpet, "my Supervisor just said it was a special delivery for a couple who were having an anniversary dinner.  I hope I didn't ruin your night."
"No of course not," Adam scratched his bare chest distractedly as he eyed the items on the floor, one of which was a red rose.
"I'll tidy this up," Carver went to bend down to complete the task but was stopped.
"It's okay," Jay insisted, "we'll take it from here."
"Okay.  Sorry about the mess," Carver apologised, "and I hope ye have a great anniversary."
"Than..," Adams' brain kicked in when he realized what the other man thought, "oh no!  We're not ..,"
"Hey it's 2021 enjoy," Carver cut in with a smile and headed off leaving a chagrined Adam in his wake.
"I think I'm insulted," Jay deadpanned as he crouched down to lift the silver lid off a remarkably upright plate, "I could do much better than you."
"Yeah, yeah funny guy."
"This however isn't funny," Jay eyed the plate he had just revealed all mirth gone, it held a message spelt out on the ceramic surface with what looked like strawberry sauce.
"'I can get to you anywhere Halstead'" Adam read the message aloud as a shiver ran down his spine totally unrelated to his lack of attire.

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