Chapter Seventy-Six: Out of Control

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Much to the surprise of the three Captives it turned out King was mot planning on leaving the cubicle in the normal manner. Within a surprisingly short time Jay found himself struggling to move along an air conditioning shaft. His body was still announcing its' displeasure over the effort expanded in climbing up into the shaft. Conors' protests on the younger mans' behalf had been silenced with another wave of the gun. No one doubted Kings' willingness to use same. Before the Detective had ascended out of sight he had shared a brief look with Conor and his brother. He hoped he had managed to convey his regret for their involvement. King had left nothing to chance and had instructed Will to tie up Conor with a rope he provided and then durected Jay to restrain his sibling. After checking the handiwork to ensure the pair would not easily escape he had eyed Will with mock concern as he assured him his brother would be quite safe as he applied duct tape to ensure the duos' silence. It had taken all of the redheads' willpower not to react. Beside him the Surgeon had been impressed by his friends' refusal to be goaded for he also had to fight to remain passive. It pained him greatly as he had watched Jay struggling silently in discomfort as he followed Kings' instructions.

What a difference ten minutes could make, Conor thought a short while later as expletives filled the air and Will and himself stood rubbing their now freed wrists to urge the circulation back. Voight stood slightly back from the others, a look of immeasurable regret fleeting across his featured before he spoke one word to cut through the multiple voices.

"Up," the Surgeon knew what was being asked and gestured to the ceiling above them.
"The air conditioning shaft?" Adam asked unnecessarily as Mouse headed off hriskly to retrieve the drawing plans.
"Yeah," Will sighed heavily.
"How the hell did Jay get up there with his injuries?" Murphy scratched his head.
"Think King got a kick out of watching him suffer," Conor admitted before adding the unpleasant detail, "he's wearing a vest with dynamite .....,"
"What?!" Mouse exclaimed, he had just returned and wordlessly passed the plans to Voight who opened them out on the gurney for inspection.
"Did King give any indication of where they might be going?" Antonio enquired as he struggled to dampen down his concern.
"They won't get far with Jays' injuries," Kevin offered in an effort to relieve the tension.
"King won't let that slow them down ...," Al argued succinctly.
".... and neither will Jay," Voight concurred as he eyed the ceiling speculatively them examined the Floor Pan to work out where King would make his exit.

Unbeknownst to his friends and colleagues Jay was already outside of the main hospital building a few minutes later, a testament to his companions' thorough planning. King had clearly studied the hospitals' layout for he had not faltered once in his directions as they made their way along the meandering tunnels of steel aluminum. The cool night air was a suitable companiom to the chilling scenario he now faced. They had emerged at the outermost reach of the sprawling complex and the area was was devoid of people. That in itself provided some glimmer of hope to the young man, he had no problem with King or himself being in danger but he doubted the obsessed man intended to go out without an audience. Although the investigation had been one of their longest the Unit still only possessed a minimal amount of information about its' quarry yet one facet learned was the insatiable need for grandiose acts. No, King would not let the final showdown take place in such an isolated location. Armed with that certainty Jay pushed his throbbing body parts to the back of his mind and set about moving things along.

"Pretty lame for you isn't it?" Jay gestured to their surroundings dismissively.
"You wanted fireworks?" King checked his watch.
"Waiting for something?"
"If I was you I'd he worrying about that vest blowing up ....,"
"You're not me."
"You like being so great at things?"
"What?" Jay didn't even try to hide his confusion at the abrupt and unexpected question.
"Come on, I've done my research. You weren't just a good Sniper you were the best of the best ...,"
"Not sure where you got that information from but I never took note of such matters," Jay spoke with absolute honesty, it was never something he considered worthy of pride over, "killing people wasn't a game for me to win accolades. It was my job, nothing else."
"You're just like me."
"You've killed people for a 'game'," the Detective countered evenly, "we have nothing in common."
"That's where I disagree," the older man shook his head emphatically and turned his head as a cab approached before retrieving something from his knapsack, "now put this on before the cab pulls up."
"What about this?" Jay motioned to his lethal vest even as he took the offered black chunky jumper.
"Guess we'll live dangerously, now do it!"
"Okay, okay ..... so where are we going?"
"You'll find out soon enough."

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