Chapter Sixty--Nine: Plans Anew

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21st Precinct

Voight eyed his fellow Sergeant astutely as he sat opposite her in the reception office.  This showdown was one he had not foreseen but he needed to deal with it to ensure there was no intelligence kept from him in the future.

"You were dealing with the explosion aftermath," Platt brusquely reiterated her reasoning for withholding information from her counterpart.
"That did not warrant me finding out about the note days later," Voight countered, allowing his displeasure to show.
"I made a judgement call," Platt shrugged.
"It was a judgement call based on emotions rather than protocol and ... ,"
"Excuse me!"
"You heard me."
"I did not let emotions get in the way," the experienced Sergeant insisted.
"Look Trudy I get it," Voight dropped his antagonistic tone, "you care about Halstead and wanted him to have a chance to deal with the note hefore it became everyones' business. I can understand that."
"He deserved a heads up."
"A heads up maybe but a few days was too long."
"I agree," the blunt woman eventually conceded reluctantly, it wasn't like her to be unprofessional but her companion was right she had not done her job properly.
"So we're clear? You'll keep me informed in future?"
"Yes Hank."
"Hell Trudy you're not the only one with a soft spot for the Kid."
"He's .... a rare young man."
"Preaching to the choir," Voight nodded with an uncommon show of fondness.

Voight Residence

Later that night, once Als' rare cooking efforts had been consumed and duly ridiculed, the Unit members sat in the front room as Voight updated them.

"Tomorrow we move into a temporary set of offices in Bucktown."
"How long before we can get back to the 21st? Adam preferred the familiar surroundings of the precinct.
"A couple of months at least."
"We were lucky the blast was mainly confined to our section," Antonio opined, trying to look on the bright side.
"I asked Parker about that," Al looked around the room, "he said King would have wanted people to know Jay was the target so they would blame him for any subsequent inconvenience."
"That's daft!" Kevin argued in disgust.
"Yeah but let's face it King isn't exactly a rational person," Antonio pointed out, "he's so fixated on Jay he's overlooking things."
"That will work in our favour," Mouse declared, as far as he was concerned it was long passed time for something to work for them.

"How soon can we get Med organised?" Al broached the topic they were all eager to get involved in.
"I'm meeting Goodwin in the morning. If she gives the go ahead we'll set it up for Thursday."
"You think she's going to be on board Boss?" Adam asked worriedly, although they had joked about the formidable womans' fondness for Jay spurring her to easily grant their request in reality what they needed was a big ask.
"I'll set out the precautions we'll take," the Sergeant replied, he was no fool and didn't expect his request to be readily granted, "and then it will be up to her."
"What's the plan if she says no?"
"For now let's try some optimism," Al suggested before his oldest friend could respond.
"Have you everything you need if we get the go ahead?" Voight turned to the IT Specialist.
"Yeah Sarge. I requisitioned a few items and got them yesterday.  I'm good to go."
"How long will it take to get set up?"
"About three hours," Mouse estimated, he had called into Med just to get the scope of a general Waiting Room but obviously there would be differences depending on which one they were allowed to use, if any.
"Ruzek I want you and Atwater to have everything ready to go in the morning."
"Why us Sarge?" Adam asked before it struck him questioning the older man usually didn't end well!
"You get the task because most of this mess is yours," the Sergeant pointed out succinctly as he motioned to the numerous surfaces hidden by files and paperwork before continuing in amusement, "and Atwater gets the task because he's unlucky enough to be standing next to you."
"Damn!" Kevin feigned upset and hid a grin as Adam spluttered in denial that he wasn't that messy as his friends chuckled.

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