Chapter Nine: Navigating Bureaucracy

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Although Bensons' death should have given Murphy an opportunity to postpone downsizing the investigation team it transpired that the mans' successor was more interested in staying within the Departments' budget to appease the higher ups than he was in ensuring those under him had adequate resources to perform their duties hence the possibility remained that the visitors from the Windy City would still be sent home.  Murphy and Voight were definitely less than impressed with one Jonathan Wagner and the Pencil Pusher, as Voight called him, was proving problematic to their investigation.  He had curtailed overtime but the Intelligence Unit had continued working late hours, accompanied by Murphy, Parker and Jefferson.  Beckett had been sent back to Washington, despite his fervent protests.  In the end the young FBI Agent had been persuaded by Jay to leave.  The latter had explained candidly that Wells might target him following Bensons' demise and he did not want to have that on his conscience.  Although Beckett had tried to argue no blame could be attributed to the Detective for Wells' actions it soon became clear to him that he was in a losing battle.  Surrendering to the inevitable Beckett had obtained a promise from Jay to visit him if he was ever in D.C.

Now facing the other men from Chicago, together with Burke, Murphy and Parker,  in the bedroom he shared with Adam Jay took a deep breath as he looked at his friends and colleagues.

"What is it Kid?" Al finally prompted when it became apparent the younger man was ill at ease.
"I wanted to put a theory forward but ......... I'm not sure if it's worth investigating or not," Jay eventually responded with an awkward shrug, they were under pressure to solve the case but also not to waste funds and resources, hence his reluctance to broach the matter at Headquarters.
"Whatever you got Halstead I want to hear it," Voight encouraged, the budget requirements should not be a problem but they were.
"We know there's medical information Wells has access to," Jay recounted, "maybe we've overlooked an angle ...,"
"Hell we know we're chasing our tails!" Adam stated in exasperation.
"Go on Halstead," Voight ordered after sending a menacing look towards Adam who looked suitably contrite.
"Well what if Benson was ill?  The MEs' preliminary findings ruled his death a homicide but his final Report will note if there was any medical condition Benson was suffering from."
"The final Report is meant to be finished by the morning," Al put in, "no harm in contacting the ME first thing to make sure he can say definitively one way or the other."
"What else Halstead?" Voight looked over at his subordinate, hating the washed out features.
"I've been trying to work out why there's a connection to terminally ill people," Jay wasn't surprised by the Sergeants' perceptive query, "if Benson was terminally ill that would make it three people who had fatal conditions connected to the case."
"Carlisles' wife and Vincent Dawes were two," Antonio agreed, referring to the Janitors' wife and the SUV driver whose vehicle blew up.
"If he was ill it might have been the only reason Benson did what he did," Kevin put in as they considered the grim possibility.
"So?  Even if there were three people what does that mean?" Adam raised an eyebrow.
"I think maybe ....... Wells is ill," Jay finally put forth his reasoning, "he's angry and willing to hurt others in the same boat as him."
"But he's not just hurting terminally ill people," Antonio wasn't convinced, "there's more links to music than people with health problems."
"Now I know why you're worried," Al spoke up after his usual careful deliberation, "you're thinking some of the other victims were ill as well .., "
"And Wagner is going to balk at more forensic testing to check," Voight finished with a look of disgust as he considered the obstacles they would face to pursue this line of inquiry.
"We're already catching grief," Jay nodded, "and there's no guarantee I'm right."
"If we spend time and resources on this  and it turns out to be a dead end ....," Antonio finally realized why his injured friend had wanted the matter discussed informally.
"....... it will give Wagner an excuse to pull us off the investigation," Jay finished.
"I don't think Wagner will have any problem sending us home irrespective of checking this out," Voight explained, himself and Murphy had checked into the mans' background and past investigations had been derailed due to the mans' ill timed decisions, "it's worth checking into."
"Did he give you any sign that he was unwell when you were in the shipping container?" Al asked quietly.
"Not that I remember but he didn't spend a lot of time with me apart from when he ....... well you know ...," the youngest Intelligence Unit member came to a halt, he could not say 'tortured'.
"We understand Halstead," Voight cut in decisively with a glance at his watch, "it's ten before eleven and tomorrow's Friday.  Let's get a good nights' rest.  Al I want you and Halstead to talk to the ME in the morning.  In person will be better.  Convey the gravity of the matter."
"Will do."
"I'll try to distract Wagner," Murphy stated, office politics was not his forte and since the new Director was a micro manager his self appointed task would not be easy.

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