Chapter Forty-Four: A Snipers' Role

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The Counsellor waited patiently for a response to his question, knowing that pushing the matter would not be beneficial.

"I haven't really thought about it," the ex-Ranger eventually replied, being honest without divulging anything.
"Well now I've asked what do you think?"
"I .... learnt early on not to shirk responsibility."
"Somehow I can't imagine you ever doing that, at any age."
'So what do you think?" Jay asked determined to sidetrack his friend.
"The nightmares. Why are they happening now? I haven't thought of that mission in years."
"Could be any number of reasons," Sam concluded willing to go along with the distraction for now, "tell me how did you deal with the aftermath of the missions you were sent on?"
"Didn't dwell on them," Jay admitted, "there was nothing I could do to change the ones that went FUBAR."
"Yeah but you also had to deal with the aftermath of the successful missions," Sam pointed out evenly, "what you did wasn't exactly routine stuff."
"No, no it wasn't," Jay conceded quietly.
"It must have taken its' toll on you."
"Comes with the territory."
"Do you have regrets?"
"About being a Sniper?"
"I know sometimes unpleasant things have to be done for the greater good but sometimes I've questioned just whose greater good was being looked after," Jay shifted uncomfortably on the couch, "so I guess I don't regret some things but I do regret others."
"Well at least you're honest. Some would double down and refuse to acknowledge regrets."
"You haven't dealt with many Snipers have you?"
"No," Sam conceded before adding ruefully, "in fact you're my first. Does it show?"
"Well some Snipers do have regrets."
"Not all?"
"Unfortunately some guys are just natural born killers. It makes them perfect tools for the military."
"Now there's a depressing thought."
"You can't be that naive Doc," Jay chided.
"Why do you say that?"
"You're no fool. The military can and will utilise whatever assets it has access to."
"You're right I'm not naive," Sam agreed candidly before continuing, "is that how you became a Sniper? Someone approached you?"
"Yeah," Jay nodded wearily, "wasn't something I had ever considered."
"So why did you?"
"I've asked myself that hundreds of times. At the time I think I believed in the need to do unpleasant things, like I said, for the greater good ....,"
"You don't anymore?"
"Sometimes I do ..... it's not black and white."
"Well Jay as you and I both know after Afghanistan a lot of things fall into the gray area."
"Can't argue with that," Jay said around a yawn, "sorry Doc. The meds have me wiped out."
"No need to apologise," the Counsellor got to his feet after checking his watch, "I'll leave you get some rest. Tomorrow afternoon suit you for a visit?"
"You'll be sick of seeing me."
"Never. I'll text when I'm leaving the office."

The injured man sighed as the door closed behind his visitor. Pride had stopped him for asking for help in getting up off the couch. Although his body needed rest to recover being stationary for long periods did not help his now aching leg, even though he had kept it elevated. Cursing freely as his ribs decided to announce their own displeasure he forced his body to do his bidding. Pain after all was a familiar companion and he'd get through this just as he had previous injuries.


Chicago Med

Across town Conor thoughtfully put his cell back into his pocket after reading Jays' text. He was glad his friend felt he was finally going to be able to get some proper sleep but it presented him with a dilemma. Will had informed him half an hour earlier that he intended to check in on his brother when he was taking a late lunch. He looked up from the desk at the Nurses' Station and saw the man in question emerging from a cubicle.

"So how is Natalie doing?"
"Good," Will grinned as he put away the patients' chart and eyed the wall clock, "you okay if I head out now?"
"Thought you were taking a late lunch?"
"Change of plans."
"So what are you up to? Going for a romantic meal perhap."
"Nah," Will dismissed with a head shake, "going to head over to Jays. Finally found that DVD collection he's been looking for."
"Didn't know he was into films," Conor scrambled for a distraction.
"He's not really but he mentioned a while back he'd like to watch Jaws so I've been trying to get a complete boxset."
"Wouldn't mind watching that again sometime," Conor realised it was time to bite the bullet and opted for honesty, as much as he could give anyway, "now isn't the best time to call on Jay. Was about to tell you he texted a while ago and said he was going to lie down for a bit."
"He texted you? Why didn't he contact me?"
"I asked him to let me know how things are going," the Surgeon hated lying but couldn't see a way around it on this occasion, "so I said I'd tell you."
"I'll head over anyway," the redhead stubbornly declared.
"But ...,"
"Hey if he's sleeping I'll leave him alone."
"Will if you wake him he might not be able to get back to sleep. That's not being fair to him," the dark haired man pointed out, a hint of anger leaking into his tone.
"I'll be careful," the tall man insisted as he took the stethoscope off and placed it on the desk, "be back in about an hour."

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