Chapter Seventy-Five: Exit Plan

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Will was not happy as he got a proper look at his younger brother.  He looked too  pale in the harsh hospital lighting but what worried him the most was the guilt he would shoulder if either Conor or himself didn't make it.  It angered him that King was calling the shots yet he couldn't think of a suitable distraction to disarm the man that didn't include bloodshed. He too had noticed the strap sticking out under the gurney and he observed the grim look as his sibling spotted it.  He hadn't noticed the knapsack during his examination but it was doubtful the Killer had brought an empty item to the hospital and that realization led Will to the same grim conclusion his brother had reached.  The knowledge only exacerbated the dread he was feeling.   

Conor also grasped the gravity of the situation.  Never before had he felt so impotent.  With the gun aimed unerringly it negated any chance of overpowering King.  He hoped Jay knew that if things went sour no blame would be directed his way but the Surgeon knew the Detective well enough by now and realized he would automatically shoulder the blame.

Jay was for once finding it difficult to conceal his emotions.  The very cavalier attitude King exuded was engendering a rage within the young man which was proving hard to conceal.  All the murders and injuries  he was responsible for clearly were of no consequence to the cold blooded man.  Innocent people had lost their lives because King gave into his dark impulses.  Lives had been forever changed and now standing before the perpetrator of such evil  Jay refrained from asking the one question which reverbetrated through his thoughts. Why? His restraint in not demanding an answer to that question stemmed not only from the fact there was no justifiable excuse for the carnage the man had visited on people but also primarily on the realization that was what the Killer wanted him to do.  Trying to out manoeuvre the unstable man was his only recourse and it did not give rise to optimism.  After a glance at the medical professionals Jay focused his attention on King determined to save two lives no matter what it cost him.

"So what game are you playing now?"
"The time for games is over," King declared with a shrug, "it's time to get serious."
"Oh it's been serious since the beginning," Jay assured gravely. 
"Maybe for you."
"Now you're just lying."
"What makes you think so?"
"You went to elaborate lengths to get me to New York ...,"
"It wasn't that complicated."
"Murder always is," Jay countered, purposefully avoiding the looks of surprise directed his way from Will and Conor.
"Maybe for you."
"I've never murdered anyone."
"Now who's lying?! You were an army Sniper, the personification of a Murderer."
"Killing is not the same as murdering."
"Does that flimsy rationalization help you sleep at night?" King demanded with a look of disgust.
"I sleep just fine," Jay lied without hesitation, this was a game whatever King decreed and he was going to win.
"Guess the military does help one discard any minor inconveniences like having a conscience.  They must have been thrilled with how well you adapted to their training.  You were after all quite a unique recruit."
"You seem fascinated by the military.  Something you wanted?"
"Oh I assure you if I had wanted to become a Ranger, or even a Sniper, it would have happened and ...,"
"But it didn't," Jay interrupted, "...... it didn't happen ..... and I can't help wondering where you failed."
"I didn't fail!"
"Your lack of military experience tells me otherwise," the Detective pushed nonchalantly, "is that why you've made a point of using military tactics? Anyone can read a book in the library ...,"
"My military expertise has never ....,"
"Military expertise? You using military grade weapons does not give you military experience," Jay scoffed in derision.
"I don't need some uniform to tell me I'm a perfect Ranger and I'm ...,"
"...... delusional obviously.   Hell I went through a phase of wanting to be a Player with the Blackhawks but wearing their jersey certainly sure never made me one ..... then again I'm not delusional.   You decided to play a Soldier .....,"
"You don't know what you're talking about!"
"Let me see if I have this right ... you read up on military tactics, made some contacts that could further aid your attempt to act like a military trained person and then ...... what?   You stuck a pin in a chart and picked on me as your target?"
"You seem to have it all figured out.  You tell me," King grumbled unhappily, seeing his endeavours downplayed to a fit of childish jealousy was humiliating but more than that it was infuriating!

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