Chapter Forty-Eight: Allies Reunited

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21st Precinct

After Voights' surprise announcement Jay had retreated to the Locker Room for some quiet as the team began debating the merits of the two New Yorkers working with thrm, albeit unofficially. In general their arrival had been viewed by all as a good thing even if a couple of the men had expressed the unlikelihood of the pair bringing anything new to the investigation. Standing before the mirror above the small sink after rinsing his face in a vain attempt to wipe away his constant exhaustion the injured Detective turned when the door opened.

"So you don't seem too happy about Murphy and Parker coming," Al noted without preamble as he strolled over and leant against one of the lockers.
"Never said that," Jay frowned as he grabbed a small towel and quickly dried his face before accepting the crutches the older man held out to him
"It was obvious," Al shrugged and watched his young friend sit down on a bench mindful of his injured leg, "so what's going on? You don't think they can help?"
"They're good men," Jay quickly defended.
"I'm just afraid King might target them."
"If he was going to do that he could have done it in New York."
"Hell Al we aren't getting anywhere with this! Dozens murdered and we're no closer to catching King than we were at the beginning."
"We've learnt a lot about him and ....,"
"Hasn't helped much."
"We will get him Kid," Al assured without any hesitation, "it's just a matter of time."
"And how many more will die before we do?"
"We can only do what we can do," Al noted pragmatically as he folded his arms and assessed his companion openly, "you getting any sleep?"
"Yes Pa."
"You have any more flashbacks?" the veteran Detective was not about to be put off.
"No. Why did you ask that?"
"Just worried about you that's all. You can't blame a friend for worrying surely?"
"I'm fine," Jay insisted as he picked up the crutches and rose, "you don't need to worry about me. I'm good."

Al watched the young Detective move towards the door with the aid of the crutches, seeing the winces he tried to conceal as his broken ribs protested the jarring movement, and had to refrain from helping. They were all stubborn men when it came to accepting aid but Jay was in a league of his own in that regard. Al figured it was probably rooted in his childhood.


Voight Residence - Two Nights Later

Voight had convinced the recovering Detective to stay with him for the time being so after meeting with Murphy and Parker for lunch earlier during the day and holding an informal briefing at the 21st he had invited the visitors to dinner. It would be a chance not only for the duo to unwind but also for anything to be discussed outside the pervue of the Department. The Sergeant was keenly aware that the Assistant HS Director and Psychologist/Profiler had no jurisdiction in Chicago and the higher-ups would frown on their involvement He also understood it was a big gesture on the mens' part to offer aid on their downtime. As he eyed Parker shadowing Jay over to the armchair which had become his he felt eyes on him and turned to find he was the subject of Murphys' scrutiny as the man settled on the couch. With a wry smile he nodded imperceptibly. He knew exactly why the New Yorkers were here. Ostensibly it was to help bring in King but in reality the real reason they were there was to help Jay. He would have to have a word with Murphy to ensure Jay never became aware of their true motivation. It would not be appreciated as the younger man would no doubt feel they shouldn't be putting themselves out for him.

"So you going to catch flack for being here?" the Sergeant asked what he wouldn't ask at the 21st.
"Not at all," the Assistant Director readily assured having expected the question, "I'm on my own time. There's nothing stopping me checking in with friends."
"Your seminars going to keep you busy?" Voight turned his attention to the Psychologist and Profiler as the younger man sat down beside his fellow New Yorker on the couch.
"Only have three," Parker explained, "they're spread out over a fortnight though."
"So anything new on King since we last spoke?" Murphy had been in regular contact with Voight since the Unit left the Big Apple and was eager to get any information that might not have been shared at the earlier informal briefing.
"Not much. King is still hard to pin down."
"The AK-47s and hand grenades are definitely hard to work out," Parker put in as he glanced at Jay who was being even quieter than he remembered, "what do you think?"
"Hard to know," Jay shrugged non committedly, "there's a chance he needed the arms as payment for help."
"That's better than the alternative," Parker offered.
"Not really. Sixty assault rifles will do substantial damage. Doesn't matter who is using them the results will be the same."
"Not to mention the M67s," Murphy agreed gravely.
"What do ye make of the bus incident?" Voight enquired hoping for a fresh
"He went to a lot of trouble to make it look like he had been killed," Murphy assessed thoughtfully, "but then let it be known he was alive fairly soon afterwards ....,"
"What are you thinking?"
"He's keeping us on our toes."
"He may have changed tactics when he realized Jay had survived the explosion," Parker suggested, "from what you said the damage was bad enough to have actually taken him out."
"True," Voight nodded in concurrence as the topic of conversation looked on in unease, "but if that was the plan it backfired and .....,"
"I've been thinking about that bomb," Murphy interjected, "if Jay had been killed he couldn't have confirmed or denied King being on board the bus."
"So you don't think he meant to kill him?" Voight checked.
"It would seem pointless at that point," the AD assessed before sighing, "but then again you did say the explosion was quite powerful ....,"
"... so it could have been intended to kill Jay," Parker finished the line of thinking with a trace of exasperation before looking at the injured man, "which scenario do you think is more likely?"
"Hard to tell. Like ye said there are reasons to support either one."
"Well what exactly do we know at this point?" Murphy enquired.
"We know King still has access to people willing to help him .....," Voight began only to be interrupted from an unexpected source.
"Does anyone think it's strange we still haven't found one person who aided him?" Jay looked at the trio.
"Well he's used a number of terminally ill people mostly, that we've identified, to carry out his agenda," Murphy pointed out.
"And they've died soon after they helped," Voight added contemplating the question, "what are you thinking?"
"Just that everyone helping can't be ill. Too unlikely."
"There's also the military angle," Voight referenced, "from Sniper shootings to the IEDs we know he has some military know how."
"That's debatable," Murphy objected, "he could be a good Shooter without military training."
"Jay?" the Sergeant looked to the ex-Sniper for his views although he was already familiar with same.
"He's too skilled not to have military training."
"When we discussed the military angle before we discussed Jays' background," Parker put in, "and you don't recall ever crossing paths right?"
'What if he just heard of you over there?"
"What are you getting at?" Murphy cut in.
"We already discussed Kings' obvious desire to impress Jay," the Psychologist elaborated, "maybe the originating factor was that he heard how good Jay was."
"Something tells me gossip is frowned upon in that line of work," Voight stated wrily knowing full well his youngest Detective wouldn't have been regaling his buddies with Sniper mission details.
"Yeah I figured that," Parker conceded with a smirk, "but I'm thinking of times when Jays' work was done out in the open."
"Did you do stuff in public?" Murphy checked, he was unfamiliar with the full remit of a Snipers' role apart from the basics that most civilians ostensibly knew from watching war films.
"Occasionally it was necessary."
"So word could have got around," Parker noted.
"Even if the mission was public knowledge how could anyone have specifically identified Jay?" Parker countered skeptically.
"Any ideas?" the AD turned to the unassuming young man whose experience surpassed everyone elses in the room.
"I genuinely don't know."
"Sam found out," Voight reminded thoughtfully.

"Sam?" Parker frowned.
"Jay intervened in a situation and saved a mans' life. Long story short Sam Beckett tracked down who had saved him."
"Only because he had a channel to do so," Jay offered softly, grateful the older man had refrained from divulging the full details of yhe incident in question.
"Maybe this Sam guy needs to be looked into."
"He checked out " Voight quickly assured noting his subordinates" surprised look, "he's a relative of one of Jays' brothers' friends. Despite that I checked him out every which way. I'm not taking any chances."
"Hope I didn't cause offence," Parker looked from Jay to Voight and back again.
"No, you're good."
"So do you think it's feasible? Could King have heard of your exploits over there?" Murphy persisted.
"Well it can't be ruled out fully," Jay acknowledged unhappily.
"So what do you reckon his next move will be?"
"Hard to tell "
"But you have an idea," Parker urged.
"The bus incident was big but not deadly. That was a break from his usual MO."
"True but like we discussed he might have intended to kill you there," Voight stated.
"You're thinking he's going to go for a more deadly attack next time?" Murphy guessed when the younger man hesitated.
"It would fit with his past actions," Jay stifled a yawn and eyed the clock on the mantlepiece, "if ye don't mind think I'll get an early night. Been a long day."
"No problem," Parker quickly rose and helped the injured man to his feet sending the Sergeant a look as he did so, "could use some rest myself. Better use the facilities before we head off."
"Sure I'll show you the way," Jay looked over at the AD with a serious continence, "it's good of you to put in time on this."
"Hey he used my city first for his sick game I want him caught."
"You get some rest and we'll catch up tomorrow."

After the door closed after the two younger men Voight turned to his Visitor.

"He can't know he's the real reason you're here ....,"
"I didn't lie," Murphy insisted with a grin.
"But you didn't tell him the whole truth either and I'm grateful for that, more than you know."
"Figured he wouldn't be comfortable if he thought we wanted to see this through for him," the AD admitted quietly, eyeing the closed door, "he looks like hell."
"Having someone like King targetting you will do that to you," Voight readily agreed, "and he has other things to deal with as well."
"You have any ideas about ending this?"


Jay had shown the Psychologist where the downstairs bathroom was and retreated to the kitchen to retrieve his meds and grab a chocolate bar. It turned out, much to his bemusement, the Sergeant actually had a 'sweet' drawer. He had taken a couple of the strong painkillers washed down with Fanta and was about to retire to his bed when Parkers' footsteps approached.

"You okay?' Jay enquired, surprised the other man hadn't returned to the front room.
"Just wanted to catch up. We haven't really had a chance to talk. How have things been for you since the bus incident?"
"Fine," Jay shrugged dismissively, "be glad to get rid of the crutches."
"Can't be easy knowing King might be actively trying to kill you," Parker observed as he leant against the doorframe.
"Haven't really thought about it," Jay replied honestly, he had more important concerns after all like how many other innocents were in danger.
"Not sure I'd be so nonchalant if I was in your shoes."
"Well hopefully you never will be," Jay quickly gulped down the remnants of the orange soda and tossed the can in the recycling bin before picking up the crutches he had leant against the wall then continued on a lighter note, "now I've got to lie down before my meds kick in. Can't operate these things well under the influence!"

Parker sighed internally as he let the young man pass by to enter the guest bedroom. He had wanted to have a proper conversation with him but obviously the injured Detective had other ideas. Shaking his head he resolved to talk to him the next day, whether or not he wanted to ....


MO - Modus Operandi
(Method of Operation)

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