Chapter Seventy: Nightmare Awakening

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Dressing as quickly as his still healing body allowed Jay pushed all physical constraints aside as his eyes kept scanning the door. Whatever would greet him on opening the wooden barrier would be calmly dealt with. Years of military experience allied with his childhood experiences had long since ingrained in the young man that dealing with the present was essential to avoid distraction. Distraction always had one consequence when danger threatened, a likelihood of injury or worse to himself or more importantly others. As he set his mind to threat assessment and limped towards the door on stockinged feet Jay resolved to meet whatever fate had in store for him with a determination born from fear for the others. His own life mattered little compared to his friends' lives and he would gladly forfeit it. He had a mission to accomplish now which was beginning with ensuring Antonio was alright.

Slowly turning the door handle he eased the door open and the sight that greeted him caused his heart to stop as his eyes informed him of a reality he did not want to acknowledge. There on the landing lay his friends' lifeless form, his open eyes frozen in the macabre pose of death. A red stain over his heart brazenly announcing the cause of death. The mans' bloodied features were twisted in a now permanent grimace betraying his end had not been an easy one. Taking a deep breath Jay steadied his nerves. He would mourn the Italian-American but not now. Now he had a target or targets to locate.

A quick perusal confirmed the upper level was clear. Passing his friends' form he slowly descended the stairs. Like all old houses the Sergeants' residence was prone to creaking and other sounds attesting to years of wear and tear so his familiarity with the house helped to ensure he knew where to place his feet without drawing unwanted attention to his presence. It rankled him that he had slept through the violent confrontation that had claimed Antonio. It was very unusual that he had not heard any sound. Of course something had woken him but by then it had obviously been too late. Ears attuned for anything out of the ordinary he stepped onto the hallway eyeing tbe white front door intensely, seeking signs of a break in. The door and frame were in tact which meant entry had been made at another point.
Ever vigilant he advanced down the hall and paused at the open front room door. Finger on the trigger ready for anything what greeted him caused his breath to catch. Two more of his friends were down! Adam and Kevin. Once satisfied the room was clear he backed in, eyes trained on the door. Once level with the unmoving forms he chanced a downwatd glance and noted with immeasurable relief that their chests were moving. They were unconscious but alive. More questions plagued him. The two men shouldn't have been there. The work day was not over. More importantly his friends were not easy targets, even when on downtime yet they had been neutralized. Knowing answers were an elusive goal for now the Detective stifled a groan as he placed too much weight on his injured foot and his aching body vied for more rest, a timely reminder he was in no condition for a fight with anyone let alone someone of Kings' ilk. Pushing his physical problems aside with a practsed ease Jay placed both men in the recovery position. Satisfied there was nothing ekse he could do for his friends at that point he removed the key from the inside of the door. With a final glance towards the still forms he closed and locked the door, slipping the key into his jeans' pocket. Moving further down the hallway still acutely alert he reached the open living room door. From his vantage point he could tell there was no one inside so he turned his full attention to the closed kitchen door. No sounds betrayed a presence within and Jay had begun to come to the conclusion that he had in fact missed his chance to tackle King or his minions. Casting a cautionary look behind as the ominous silence seemed to mock him he reached out to turn the kitchen door handle when all of a sudden the door opened inward. Barely pulling his hand back in time he stood, gun poised, and found himself facing the subject of their seemingly never-ending investigation. King however was not alone in the kitchen and it was the sight of the figure being held at gunpoint that caused the Detectives' blood to run cold. There before him stood his brother. The older man looked shaken but there were no visible signs of injury so he took comfort in that. There however was nothing else to glean hope from. It was clear ftom the tight hold around his neck and the muzzle of the Glock pressed to his temple that the redhead had no chance to evade his Captor. The sneer on Kings' face was the epitome of ugliness and it only reinforced the fact that he was a stone cold Killer.

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