Chapter Fifty-Six: In House Considerations

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Mouse looked up from his monitor as Al approached.

"You got a minute?" the older man enquired as he stopped in front of the IT Specialists' desk.
"Sure. Was just going to get a coffee anyway."
"Good. I'm buying," Al informed the surprised man and headed down the stairs without awaiting a response.
"Al?" Mouse quickly grabbed his jacket and followed the Detective, he had intended to grab a drink in the Break Room.
"Not here."

Twenty-five minutes later both men sat in a booth in a cafe Al frequented regularly. After the friendly middle- aged Waitress had delivered their coffees and departed Mouse couldn't be patient any longer.

"So why are we here?"
"Needed to talk to you in private. I'm worried about Jay."
"So am I," Mouse agreed, wondering where the discussion would go.
"How much do you know about Jays' Sniper work?"
"Not a lot!" the younger man snorted, their friend was not prone to sharing.
"I was a Sniper a lifetime ago," Al offered softly.
"Yeah man, I know."
"By the time Jay came along the game had changed beyond recognition."
"Why are you telling me this?" Mouse asked uncertainly as he poured creamer over his drink, his companion was not known to make idle chatter so clearly he was leading up to something.
"You know we figure King has some military links right?"
"I want to know what King could possibly know about Jays' Sniper duties."
"You're kidding."
"I'm deadly serious," Al assured evenly.
"Does Voight know you're asking this?"
"Does it matter?"
"Yes .... no.  No it doesn't ....... because I'm not doing it.  I won't spy on Jay which is essentially what you're asking me to do. Man you know how private he is. I can't believe you even asked me!" the IT Technician muttered crossly as he pushed away his mug in disgust, his interest in the hot beverage forgotten.
"You know I wouldn't ask unless it was absolutely necessary.  I'm not happy about it either but that doesn't matter. All that matters is keeping Jay safe. Information is power.  Hell you of all people know that."
"What makes you think I could access his Military Records?"
"You telling me you can't?" Al countered with an arched brow conveying his scepticism after taking a drink of coffee.
"You know Jay.  He guards his privacy and in view of everything that happened with his old man you know he's still feeling vulnerable.  Not that he'd ever admit it."
"Wouldn't be human if he wasn't," Al agreed easily, "and I know we found out things he never wanted us to know about but the information I want might protect him."
"And it might not," Mouse tossed back morosely, deeply unhappy by the unexpected request, "I'll do it ..... but only if Jay agrees."
"That might work " Als' usual laid back approach wasn't thrown by the proviso.
"Thought you'd say no."
"If I ask him to tell me about Afghanistan he'll refuse," the Detective stated frankly, "that's why we're here Mouse."
"I know," the IT Specialist rolled his eyes, "but there's a big difference between talking about what went down over there and letting you see the Records.  Easier on him if you read about it."
"You think you can persuade him?" Al couldn't argue with the younger mans' logic.
"Voight could just ask him outright," Mouse had come to the conclusion that the Sergeant had approved this discussion.
"Figure he'll pay more attention to you on this."
"So you expected me to refuse to go digging?"
"You're a good friend Mouse," the Detective pointed out succinctly, "I hoped you would come up with the alternative you did."

Al smiled slightly.   For the first time since the conversation began he was relieved as he sensed the ex-Ranger would convince his former Lieutenant that the invasion of privacy was essential.  He had informed Voight Mouse would be reticent about snooping but given what was at stake had agreed to broach the topic.  Despite the IT Specialists' observation that Voight could ask Jay the necessary questions himself Al had discussed the issue with the Sergeant and it soon became clear his old friend did not want to undo the trust he had built up with his youngest Detective.  The moustached man could relate to that.

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