Chapter Eleven: A Promising Lead

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Homeland Security Headquarters

Although Spellmans' co-operation with the first two families went well and the others followed suit unfortunately nothing gave the investigation team the answers they were seeking.  That the Oncologist had not diagnosed or treated Wells was still a concern.  The interviews with the various families had not shed any light on how or why Wells had picked his victims apart from their illnesses.  It was unlikely that the man had concentrated on Spellmans' patients randomly however therefore they were clearly missing something.  Going over the notes on another interview at his desk Jay sighed.  His red rimmed eyes attested to the lack of sleep he was experiencing yet every morning he was up with Adam eager to start a new day in the hope a breakthrough would come.  Glancing up he noticed Al eyeing him worriedly.

"What's up?"
"You look like death Kid," the older man as usual was blunt in his honesty.
"Gee thanks!"
"We're not getting anywhere with the families," Al ignored the sarcasm directed his way.
"We knew there was a chance talking to them wouldn't help," Antonio joined in as he got off the phone, "that was Kev.  Voight and himself are on the way back."
"Anything?" Jay was almost afraid to ask, Kevin and the Sergeant were doing the final interview.
"He didn't say," Antonio shrugged, "Sarge was balling someone out so he couldn't really talk."
"We'll find out soon enough," Al informed, unfazed by the thought of his old friend on the war path.
"It's been over a week," Adam looked at his old and new friends as Mouse and Burke joined them with several bags of food, "Murphy isn't going to be able to hold Wagner off much longer."
"Hell he shouldn't be tying our hands!" Antonio growled as he walked over to Mouses' desk and took his chicken salad from the selection.
"Office politics is as old as time," Al put in calmly, he never wasted his energy getting angry about things he could not change.
"Maybe Wagner will have a change of heart," Adam put in as he retrieved his ham and cheese roll along with Jays' chicken sandwich.
"Don't think the guy has one to change,"  Antonio sat back down at his desk.
"We need to show Wagner we're making progress," Jay nodded his thanks as he accepted the plastic carton from his friend, "it's the only way we'll convince him to maintain the present personnel level."
"You really think Wells is trying to goad you into killing him," Burke questioned around a bite of ham and thick bread as he looked over at the beleaguered Detective.
"If he's terminally ill it would be plausible," Jay replied, "Parker reckons it would be a power thing."
"Hell I've only known you a short time and I know you wouldn't kill someone in a knee jerk reaction," the New Yorker objected, "in fact out of your whole Unit you're ....,"
"Go on," Adam urged when the other man hesitated to continue.
"Well ........ ah .... I was just going to say that out of all of ye Jay would be the last one I'd expect to react without thinking, which is what ye reckon Wells is ultimately hoping for."
"I think we should be insulted," Antonio observed ruefully as he popped the tab on a can of 7UP before adding with a self deprecating grin, "but since you're right we'll let it go."
"Sorry I call them as I see them," Burke tossed back with mock smugness, relieved he hadn't insulted his new friends.
"If we don't get confirmation that Wells is in fact ill soon Wagner is going to have more ammo against us," Mouses' comment dissolved the lighthearted detour.
"Well we've confirmed a high number of ill victims were under Spellmans' care," Jay looked at the men thoughtfully, "but some were under different Oncologists."
"Which tells us what?" Adam asked.
"Maybe there's a link between the Oncologists," Jay pushed away his unopened sandwich distractedly as he searched his desk for a list he had read earlier, "three other Oncologists treated some of the victims.  Wells was able to access all the Medical Records ...,"
"Maybe he's good with computers," Burke suggested, unsure where the young man was heading.
"Or the Oncologists ....... use the same service," Jay countered, he knew some medical practices outsourced typing.
"But the Oncologists are all attached to hospitals," Al was the first to understand what Jay was alluding to, "surely they have Secretaries in the hospital who do the typing for them."
"Hospitals have budgets to adhere to too.  We need to check," Jay insisted, he knew in his gut he was right.
"I'll do some digging," Mouse immediately abandoned his food and got busy on his laptop, eager to make some progress.

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