Chapter Fifty-Five: A New Threat

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21st Precinct

The following morning Jay nodded to Al and watched him head for the stairs before he approached Platt as she stepped out from behind the reception counter.

"Sarge have you a minute, in private?"
"For you of course," the no nonsense Sergeant decided briskly after nodding to another Sergeant behind the counter and motioned for the Detective to follow her over to the small office by the end of the stairs generally reserved for private conversations with members of the public.
"Thanks," Jay still wasn't sure how he was going to make up for Wills' actions but was determined to make amends.
"This will do," Platt commented as she led the way in and held the door as the young man slowly manoeuvred his way in with the crutches before closing the door and quickly sitting behind the desk, "so what do you need to talk to me about that needed privacy?"
"I wanted to apologise for my brothers' .......," Jay responded once seated.
"Well then this is a complete waste of time," the woman declared with her trademark bluntness.
"Oh," the chagrined man lowered his eyes to the floor, it stung that the older woman was unwilling to accept his apology but he found he couldn't really blame her.
"Hey Halstead!" Platts' raised voice sought immediate attention, dragging him from his dark thoughts.
"Sarge?" Jay slowly raised his gaze, steeling himself for her condemnation.
"Jay? I'm not mad at you," Platt explained in a suddenly gentler tone which seemed alien coming from her, "I'm sorry if you got that impression. I said it was a complete waste of time because you young man have nothing to apologise for. I don't blame you for what your brother did."
"You don't? But ......,"
"Believe me you'd know straight away if you did something that didn't sit well with me," Platt chided with a smile before becoming serious, "your brother is responsible for his own actions."
"He's going to telephone to apologise," Jay explained, "I've told him the precinct is off limits from now on."
"And he'll abide by that?" the Sergeant didn't try to hide her scepticism.
"If he doesn't he knows the consequences," the Detective noted vaguely.
"Well then for his sake, and yours, I truly hope he honours your wishes," Platt stated sincerely as she got to her feet.
"Me too."

Half an hour later sitting in the Break Room with Al and Murphy Jay sat playing with the can containing the remnants of his Coca Cola as he listened to two older men standing by the counter tease each other.

"You really should try jogging," the veteran Detective suggested.
"And you jog do you?"
"Nope. If jogging isn't your type of thing you could try power walking."
"You power walk?" the New Yorker couldn't conjure up an image of the other man out pounding the pavements dressed in sweats.
"Nope. You could .....,"
"Hang on one damn minute," Murphy cut in with exasperation, "for the past twenty minutes you've been giving me suggestions on how to get fit and you don't actually do anything at all yourself to get fit? Is that about right?"
"Yep," Al stated non plussed sharing an amused look with Jay, "I was just being ..... helpful."
"But ...,"
"But I look so fit? Just comes natural I guess," Als' laconic response feigned innocence.
"You said .....,"
"Actually he said he could give you some ideas," Jay observed knowing the other Detective could quite easily aggravate someone with his laid back sense of mischief, "he never said he was into exercising himself. Besides ....,"
"Go on," Murphy urged glad the younger had finally joined the conversation, he had been appraised by Voight of his virtual retreat into solitude but not given any specifics.
"If you had been fit you could have avoided wearing Bakers' breakfast."
"You're a funny man Halstead, a funny man," the HS man decided in mock disgust as the door opened.
"Voight is looking for you," Adam informed Jay and retrieved the ever present crutches for his friend as he rose, "he's spitting nails about something."
"What did you do Halstead?" Al asked with a grin.
"Nothing that would get him mad That's Adams' department."
"Truth hurts," Murphy consoled with mock sincerity as they abandoned the Break Room.
"Gee thanks ..... Fleet Foot," Adam tossed back as he went to catch up with his friend.
"Ah hell!" Murphy shook his head.

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