Chapter Four: Running on Empty

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What became clear after speaking to several of the witnesses was that what been a normal family day out for many seeking organic foods and fresh produce had turned into a nightmare within minutes.  There had been no warning before the powerful IED set off its' catastrophic chain of events.  Jay sighed as he shifted his injured arm in its' protective sling.  He was familiar with Farmers Markets and knew the clientele, irrespective of locale, would have consisted of people of all ages, including children.  He eyed the familiar remnants of an IEDs' signature and shook his head.

"What's up?" Adam checked with a frown.
"You're kidding right?"
"I just meant did you spot something?" Adam took no offence at his friends' sarcastic tone knowing he was running on empty.
"No," Jay sighed, "just thinking the results of all bombs and IEDs are devastating."
"No arguments on that."
"He's going bigger like Parker said he would."
"Hell I like the Doc but I wish he had been wrong," Adam grimaced as he watched two Paramedics consign another body to the line waiting for body bags.
"How can he be stopped Adam? He's one step ahead all the time.  He has access to people and supplies that give him an advantage over us."
"Yeah.  We never saw that helicopter coming and he definitely has friends in high places."
"So how the hell do I stop him?" Jay muttered dejectedly as Antonio and Burke walked over.
"It's not up to you to stop him it's up to us," Adam stated softly before the other men were within earshot then raised his voice, "anything?"
"There doesn't seem to have been any chemicals used," Burke offered.
"One witness saw Wells at one of the fruit stalls.  He said he noticed him because he kept checking his watch and in general people in the Market are fairly laid back," Antonio imparted as he looked at Jay, "you should be in bed, not out here."
"I'm fine."
"Sure and if you believe that I have a bridge in Manhattan to sell you!"
"There's no link to music this time," Jay ignored his friends' jibe, besides the meds had finally kicked in so the pain had eased considerably, "so what's the link between this and the other targets?"
"There was no link between Mercy Memorial Hospital and music either," Adam reminded "or the street bomb."
"Maybe now he's just picking targets simply based on size," Burke suggested.
"If that's the case it's going to be harder to catch him," Antonio commented unhappily as another ambulance pulled away sirens blaring, signalling another battle was being fought between life and death.


Back at Headquarters an hour later the Conference Room as usual was packed for the Briefing. Murphy had gone over the specifics of the attack and confirmed Burkes' assessment that no chemicals had been used.  Looking around the large room at those gathered he continued grimly.

"As of now we have thirty fatalities with seven critical. There are forty-one wounded being treated at various hospitals."
"So he's not slowing down," FBI Agent Jefferson concluded, "you'd think after nearly getting caught he would be a bit cautious."
"He obviously has a plan," Voight put in sending a speculative look to Jay.
"He expected to get away," the injury plagued Detective took up the explanation garnering everyones' attention, "he basically played me.  He let me think I had turned the tables on him but he had an escape route planned."
"If that's the case why didn't he kill you?" Jefferson asked the question most were thinking.
"Beats me," Jay admitted honestly shifting uncomfortably in his chair, "he had plenty of opportunity to do so.  Doc Parker has a theory about his reasoning."
"There's no need ...," Voight began but found himself interrupted by his subordinate.
"It forms part of the profile," Jay insisted, "Doc will you explain?"
"If you're sure," Parker eyed the pale Detective and received an approving nod.
"Well as ye all know a profile is constantly evolving," the Psychologist explained as he had done previously, "the fact that Wells left Detective Halstead go .....,"
"Hey he didn't ....," Adam began to argue but Jay shook his head.
"Technically he didn't leave him go," Parker agreed, "but he purposefully let Jay attack him and let him believe he had the upper hand.  This enabled his escape."
"So why didn't he kill Halstead?" Jefferson repeated his question.
"As ye know Wells is fixating on Detective Halstead and there's a possibility that he intends to play a game of cat and mouse with him for some time to come."
"That would explain things," Beckett said from his chair beside Jefferson.
"Maybe if Halstead disappears Wells will too," the remaining FBI Agent Dan Tanner suggested.
"We've already considered that option," Voight stated before Parker could respond, "it's not viable.  Wells will follow Halstead wherever he goes."
"He's unlikely to just stop because Detective Halstead goes home," Parker elaborated, "he's likely to continue on in Chicago.
"What about Witness Protection?" Marcus Fanone, a HS Agent queried.
"We've ruled that option out," Voights' response came as news to Jay, he hadn't been aware of any discussions on the subject.
"Murphy brought it up when you were missing Kid," Al explained knowingly from behind the surprised man.
"He only suggested it," Antonio added quietly ensuring their conversation was private, "cause Voight was going ballistic worrying over you. Think he felt it would be a comfort to him when we got you back that we could keep you safe."
"Voight closed it down immediately," Adam assured, he had seen the look of desperation which had flickered across his friends' features at the mention of Witness Protection.
"Good cause it's never going to happen," Jay muttered fervently, he was not going to chance disappearing and Wells fixating on someone else.

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