Chapter Ninety-Five: Prelude to a Showdown

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As he watched the man approaching his seat seemingly casually Jay was struck yet again how easily evil can hide in plain sight. The man was not particularly good or bad looking, he was simply average looking. His appearance gave no clue as to the depths of depravity which resided within his guileless form. As the Tourist group King had used as a poor attempt at cover veered away the man straightened and smugly acknowledged the Detective with a look that expected surprise from his opponent. Parker and Jay had deliberated at length whether the latter should play up to the Killers' expectations and ultimately decided that the best option was to try to unsettle the man. That began now for Jay as he calmly took another bite of his sandwich clearly unperturbed.

"So you decided to come to me ... again. Figured you would."
"What do you mean?" King frowned as he took a step closer to the wooden bench obviously trying to intimidate the seated man with his height advantage.
"You're after getting predictable."
"You didn't know I'd come here!"
"Yes I did. What's more it's just you and me," Jay explained after taking a sip of water, "my team finally agreed that I could have some alone time."
"I find that hard to believe," King noted as his eyes scanned the milling crowds intently.
"Believe what you want," the Detective shrugged offhandedly.
"So if you knew I'd come here why did you decide to come?"
"I think it's about time we have a proper talk. One where I'm aware all the time," Jay pointed out ruefully before continuing as he adopted a steely expression, "it's time to end this."
"Just like that!" the standing man scoffed at the notion.
"Yes," Jay wrapped the remainder of his sandwich in its' wrapper and expertly tossed it into a nearby bin before he rose to his feet forcing the other man to take a step back.


RCMP Bureau - Downtown Vancouver

As Jay was dealing with their nemesis Voight and the Unit members along with Murphy, Parker and Marks had taken up residence in the conference room. The tension was almost a living entity. The Chicago men, as was their way, were wrestling with standing by. They were all men of action and waiting therefore was not an easy feat. Parker looked around at the solemn faces and realized something needed to be done before someone gave into their instincts and went after Jay. Such an eventuality would do irrevocable harm on a number of levels and he was determined accordingly to ward off such a possibility.

"Jay is well able to look after himself."
"Normally Doc that statement would be true but he's got a lot on his plate and ....," Adam began.
"Even considering that he's up for this."
"Why are you so certain?" Kevin frowned, the Psychologist didn't know their friend as well as they did.
"He only suggested the plan because he felt he could handle King. He wouldn't have brought the idea to the table if he didn't think he could see it through," the New Yorker elaborated on his reasoning wanting to offer some comfort to the worried group.
"Still can't believe there's no surveillance in place," Marks commented morosely, he was less invested in the outcome although he didn't want to see the Detective come to any harm, "seems mighty risky."
"It is," Voight candidly acknowledged, he couldn't blame the Canadian for having misgivings due to the unusual plan, "but as we've explained King has proven to be adept at evading capture. Thinking outside the box may be the only way to end this."
"I'm surprised my Superiors acquiesced to letting you run the operation."
"Reckon if anything goes wrong it will fall on Voight," Als' sardonic voice cut in knowingly, he was all too familiar with the tactic of finding a possible scapegoat in case an investigation went sour and it seemed their Canadian counterparts were well versed in such practices as well.
"Still it's highly unusual."
"It is what it is," Voight put an end to any speculation, as far as he was concerned he had got the autonomy he wanted so further discussions on the matter were redundant.
"Still don't see why one of us couldn't have accompanied him," Adam put in unhappily.
"Yes you do," Al pointed out knowingly, it was going to be a long day keeping the younger man in check.
"But what if ......,"
"No point in playing that game," Antonio admitted reluctantly, he too wanted to safeguard Jay but understood that was not going to happen this time.
"Why agree to this in the first place?" Mouse added his serious voice for the first time, everything in him rebelled against staying still when his friend faced uncertain danger.
"This is not up for discussion," Voight firmly noted eyeing each Unit member sternly and finally resting his gaze on the IT Specialist before continuing in a gentler tone, "your concern is shared by everyone but Jay is confident he can handle King and I trust his judgment. For now we wait and .....,"
"For how long do we wait?" Mouse interjected in a rare display of insubordination, he was usually reticent to stand up to the gruff Sergeant and had even been known to fumble his words in front of the formidable older man but this was Jays' life they were talking about.
"Halstead will let us know when he's ready to come in," Al pointed out before Voight could respond, hoping to avoid a confrontation between the two men.
"As if it's going to be that easy!" Adam scoffed then cursed after receiving a not so subtle shin kick from Kevin who had noted the vein throbbing in the Sergeants' forehead indicating he was close to boiling point.

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