Chapter Seventeen: Elusive

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Homeland Security Headquarters

As the DVD footage ended furtive glances to where Jay had stationed himself by the door of Murphys' office revealed impassive features. Everyone understood that although for them this was a difficult investigation for Jay it had manifested into a vicious vendetta against himself. Watching the late siblings plead with Jay Halstead as Wells tied them up and fitted the explosive devices on them with harnesses was hard for everyone in the office to watch but the injured Detective had been visibly upset and no one could say anything to ease his anguish. The footage had lasted almost ten minutes during which time they had viewed Mike and Frank being informed by Jay Halstead that he had picked the siblings at random and he was doing what he did as part of a game. Mikes' queries on the game had only received a cruel laugh without answers. Turning the DVD player off once the screen went blank Mouse went to stand beside Jay in the cramped office. Even if he couldn't find any words of comfort he could offer his silent support. Adam casually moved closer to his friend on the other side. Raising his eyes finally Jay forced himself to speak.

"So what do we know?"
"It's clear from the footage that Wells wasn't expecting us on scene," Antonio reiterated, "if he was he wouldn't have needed the DVD."
"Forensics have yet to confirm it but it seems only some of the bars of explosives were real," Burke looked over at the solemn Detective, "Wells clearly only wanted to take out the brothers and was minimizing the blast area."
"But why do it at all?" Kevin queried in the lull that followed.
"To cause Jay more trauma," Parker reluctantly proffered from his seat beside Murphys' desk, there was no point in avoiding the harsh truth.
"But was there a reason besides that?" Kevin checked, they all knew the mornings' events were aimed at Jay.
"We won't know for sure until Wells is behind bars but he's obviously after becoming more obsessed with Jay," the Psychologist elaborated.
"Hell how much more obsessed can he get?!" Adam demanded with his usual lack of tact, grimacing when his friend looked even more stricken.
"The gloves are clearly off," Voight noted eventually before continuing firmly, "it's time we fight back."
"How do we do that?" Mouse was all for action but he could not see a way to rattle Wells.
"We've been on the back foot since we got here. It's time we have home advantage."
"Sarge we can't do that!" Jay couldn't believe what he had just heard.
"We figured before Benson was killed Wells wanted Jay to go back to Chicago," Al recalled in reminder, "let's give him what he wants. Lull him into a false sense of security. "
"That's the thing though," Jay looked around the room his gaze finally landing on the unruffled Sergeant, "we were guessing then and we're still guessing now."
"Halstead that's what we do most of the time when we're working a case. We make assumptions based on the information to hand at any given time and act accordingly. This is no different. We all know tbere are no absolute certainties in this job."
"Never looked at it that way," Adam acknowledged the truth in the older mans' words when Jay lapsed into silence rather than responding.
"You always were a bit slow Ruzek," Al commented with a wink.
"Yeah, yeah."
"For now let's get back to dealing with the Specialists," Murphy directed getting to his feet, "we'll have a briefing with the full team later on once the Forensic Report is furnished."

The other men began to file out with tbe exception of Voight and Parker.

"How is he doing?" the Psychologist asked the Sergeant as soon as the door closed behind the other men.
"Hell Doc I could ask you that question."
"From what I've learnt about him Jay isn't going to give his emotions free reign," Parker sighed, "but you know him well."
"He'll focus on the investigation. He can be quite driven and single minded once he sets his mind on something and he isn't going to let his emotions control him."
"Can't say I'd blame him if he did," Murphy leant back in his chair, "I've gotta say Wells is operating on a whole new level of maliciousness. I've come across some pretty bad people over the years but Wells is in a league of his own."
"I can't argue with you about that."
"The sheer level of evil would indicate it's personal," the HS man stated eyeing the man from Chicago, "I know we've dealt with this before but in light of the most recent incidents are you still certain Wells doesn't know Halstead personally?"
"As sure as I can be. Halstead said he never met him and I trust him."
"I wasn't casting doubt on your Detectives' honesty," Murphy put in hastily, "I'm just asking if there could be some connection between them that Halstead isn't aware of?"
"That is a possibility," Voight accepted after considering the other mans' words, "but if there is we'll only find out if Wells lets us."
"Or his twin," Parker added.
"Or his twin. So how long more will Wagner allow the investigation team to stay as is?"
"Todays' incident increased the pressure to make an arrest," Murphy pointed out, "so he's after backing off a bit. We might get another week or so out of him."
"You're still going on the twin theory?" Parker double checked.
"Yeah," Voight acknowledged even though they still had no concrete evidence to back it up, "it makes sense."

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