Chapter Fifty: The Phone Call

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Jays' Apartment- Two Days Later

Turning over carefully on the mattress Jay glanced at the glowing alarm clock on the bedside table. It was ten after three in the morning.  He sighed wishing he had remained asleep as his leg throbbed from some unknown nocturnal manoeuvre.  Easing himself up on the bed he carefully disentangled himself from the sheet and quilt and cautiously worked his way off the bed. A glowing light under the doorway caused him to frown as he traversed the room in darkness.  Upon opening the door subdued voices brought his sleep addled brain cells into focus. Now he remembered.  He had gone to bed a few hours earlier after spending the evening with Adam and Kevin going over more Case Files in the search for the elusive connection to King they sought.  Both men had declared they were staying over since his place was closer to the 21st. Although he was not inclined to believe his friends' reasoning entirely after a day of going through countless files and records he had been too weary to put up much of an argument.

"You shouldn't be up," an unexpected voice greeted him from the kitchen doorway where Al stood nursing a steaming mug of coffee.
"What are you doing here?"
"Figured I had nothing better to do."
"Besides sleep?"
"You can't talk," Adam piped up, immediately regretting it as he received a death glare from the newly woken man.
"It's morning guys these can wait till tomorrow," Jay reigned in his annoyance, his friends meant well.
"It is tomorrow," Kevin pointed out helpfully as he closed the last file in his stack then sighed, "no trace of King in any of these."
"It was never going to be a quick job," Jay informed as he used the crutches to move around the various obstacles on the carpet underfoot, his friends would never win awards for being meticulous and organised.
"You want a coffee?" Al checked as the younger man neared.
"Going to make a sandwich."
"Now I happen to be the best sandwich maker in ..... this apartment," Al winked conspiratorially, "so I'll make you whatever you want. What will it be?"
"As if we don't all know what he wants!" Adam scoffed good naturedly.
"What does he want?" Al asked his former partner.
"A cheese sandwich with white bread and lots of ketchup."
"Sounds about right," Kevin concurred and looked over to Jay, "well?"
"Actually I'm in the mood for a salad sandwich ....,"
"Ah man! How could you let me down like that?" Adam demanded in mock disappointment.
"One salad sandwich coming up," Al turned back into the kitchen, "and I might even make some for everyone."
"Guys shouldn't ye be getting some sleep?" Jay eyed his friends intently, he appreciated their efforts but they needed to pace themselves.
"Schucks we're young," Adam explained, "we don't need much sleep, well at least Kevin, you and I are young Al on the other hand ....,"

The landline ringing interrupted whatever smart comment the Detective was going to make.  Looks were exchanged.  No one phoned at this time unless something was up. As he was closest Kevin went to pick up the black receiver but Jay quickly stopped him.

"No, I'll answer it," the Detective instructed as Adam hastily moved a box of files out of his path as he headed for the telephone, "hello?"
"You answered pretty quickly," Lyle Kings' voice came through the line, "guess that means I didn't wake you."
"I'm an early riser," Jay allowed Kevin to take his crutches and sat down on the armchair nearby gratefully, ignoring the questioning looks, "so what's up?"
"That's what I like about you Halstead. No matter how much pressure you're under you're as calm as a still river."
"How would you know?" Jay made a writing motion and quickly found himself with pen and notepad.
"I know a graat deal about you."
"Yes.  You do seem to have done some research," Jay acknowledged as he ripped off a page and handed it to Kevin who immediately showed it to the other two men, the note asked Al to check from the spare bedroom window if he could see King anywhere.
"So back to business.  Do you feel like playing a game today?"
"Do I have a choice?" Jay asked rhetorically as Al and Adam disappeared into the guest bedroom.
"Not if you want to save someone."
"Just someone I picked from a phone book.  Random targets are harder for you to identify after all.  This is the point where you ask me what you have to do."
"So tell me," Jay squeezed his eyes closed and rubbed them with his free hand, his physical condition worried him.
"This is what you must do ......,"

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