Chapter Thirty-Three: Another Blow

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"You willing to stick around?" Voight eventually broke the silence that had descended.
"Lyle isn't going to stay away."
"No he's not."
"He could hurt one of ye to get to me," Jay confessed his very real worry.
"True but we've always been stronger together.  You should try looking at this another way."
"How?" the younger man leaned forward resting his elbows on his thighs.
"If Adam was in your position would you feel relieved if he took off by himself?"
"Lyle isn't after Adam."
"You know what I mean Halstead.  If anyone else in the Unit took off solo you'd be furious.  I know because I would be too and in some ways you and me are a lot alike."
"We spoke about this before.  I was surprised by that revalation too," Voight conceded ruefully, "Al enlightened me.  He pointed out we both take looking after others seriously ....,"
"We all do."
"To a certain degree yes but you and me actually feel responsible for everyones' safety.  Me because as Sergeant it's in my remit and you probably because as a Lieutenant you developed a keen sense of what looking after the people under you entailed.  Their Iives were in your hands in many ways."
"Whether that's true or not Sarge it doesn't change the fact that I have a target on my back."
"Unfortunately it's one of the downsides of the job," Voight admitted honestly, "we could all have targets on our back and not know it.  I meant what I said though you leaving will hurt the Unit, hell I'm not sure it would go on without you."
"That's hardly true!" Jay scoffed in disbelief.
"You calling me a liar?" it was the Sergeants' turn to lean forward.
"No Sarge! That's not what I meant .... I just ......,"
"You've got to start realizing your own worth Kid," the older man broached a topic which he knew had plagued his young friend due to his fathers' cruel taunts, "because I got to tell you we all know your worth and because of that we need you with us.  In fact I wouldn't be here now if I thought you were worthless.  You think on that and what I've said.  It's up to you but we need you ...... I need you in this Unit."


Chicago Med

Will, Conor, Adam and Kevin sat in the quiet Break Room.  Upon leaving the airport diner after a filling breakfast Will had asked the others to join him for a catch up.  Al, Mouse and Antonio informed had him they had already made plans and Voight had stated he needed to be somewhere so only two members of the Unit were present.  Adam wasn't sure if the missing men, with the exception of Voight, really had plans or if they just didn't want to deal with the redhead.  For his part the Detective felt as Jays' best friend he owed it to him to play peacemaker, yet again.  They had discussed Jays' injury and general health over breakfast but it was clear Will was still unhappy. 

"So why was he so mad at the airport?" the older Halstead queried.
"You're serious?" Kevin arched a brow in shock, the man could not have expected a warm welcome.
"Will I told you ...," Conor began only to be interrupted.
"You're treating him like a kid brother," Adam pointed out evenly, "returning from a vacation.  Well he wasn't on vacation he was working.  You seem to take two steps forward and one step back.  You've been okay for a good while.  We've discussed this numerous times and yet here we are ...... again."
"But I hadn't seen him in ages."
"Doesn't matter," Adam sighed, hell so much for his peacemaker skills, "look we all know you care about Jay.  No one can deny that but going into full Big Brother mode has never helped things in the past and that isn't likely to change."
"Jay is the most independent person I've ever met," Kevin put in thoughtfully,  "and that's probably because of his childhood but he isn't going to change.  He needs you to respect that independence, not ignore it."
"I didn't mean to .....,"
"Whether you intended to or not your actions tell him you don't think he can deal with things Doc," Adam spoke softly.
"You know they're right," Conor commented from where he leant against the counter.
"You tried to talk me out of going," Will reminded the Surgeon, shaking his head, "I should have listened to you."
"Thing is you can put this right."
"Hell all I seem to be doing is making up for mistakes."
"Well guess practice makes perfect," Adam grinned, glad for now at least the other man was on the right path.

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