Chapter Eighty-Seven: Reunion

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Pearl Caves

Jay listened as Gregson spoke but kept his eyes averted, focusing on the ground before him rather than the two older men. He did not want to see their disappointment in him as King yet again explained how someone had died believing Jay Halstead was his Killer.  The note was simple and concise.  One Bart Wilkes was in fact the owner of the island Jay had been abandoned on.  King had taken a liking to the grandiose residence which signed the owners' death warrant.  King did not elaborate on how the unfortunate soul had died but said it was all to ensure the game proceeded.  As Gregson finished reading the note Jay rubbed a hand over his eyes roughly.  He didn't usually get emotional and strove to revert to his stoic appearance but it was proving difficult on this occasion. After all the deaths and so called games another innocent person died believing the very worst of Jay.  It was just too much!

"You know this guy is the only one responsible for Wilkes' death," Jack finally spoke in a gentle tone as he approached the younger man and crouched down before him with Gregson at his side in support, "him using you like that is beyond evil but wherever that pour soul is he knows the truth.  Of that I'm certain."
"What he said," Gregson concurred, although not a member of any organized religion he did believe in God and an afterlife.
"It's not the first time," Jay still didn't raise his eyes.
"He's told other Victims the same thing."
"Ah damn!" the Hotelier shook his head in disgust, he truly could not begin to imagine what it must feel like to know people died believing you were their Killer.
"He's one sick piece of ....," whatever the Ranger was about to say was cut off as footfalls approached.

The note temporarily forgotten Jay and Jack rose to their feet and the trio faced the threat as one.  Voight was the first to make an appearance through the brush with the others following in a line behind.

"Well you're a sight for sore eyes Kid," the Sergeant spoke around the knot in his throat as he came to a halt in front of their youngest, "damn you look like hell."
"I'm ...,"
"'Fine'," Adam and Al chorused with wide smiles despite their concern.
"Hi guys," Jay shrugged.
"Man it's so good to see you!" Adam couldn't contain himself and moved in front of the Sergeant to give his unsuspecting friend a fierce hug.
"Hey watch his hand!" this time it was Jack and Gregson who spoke in unison knowing the injured appendage was hidden from view.
"What's wrong with your hand?" Adam immediately released his friend after hearing a grunt of pain.
"It's nothing ....,"
"Sergeant you have my sympathy," Gregson commiserated, "this guy has a funny idea of 'nothing'."
"You might as well show us," Voight directed his subordinate with a rare show of gentleness.
"You can't exactly ignore it," Jack pointed out.
"Okay," Jay sighed as he reluctantly withdrew the bandaged hand from its' cocoon.
"Aw man!" Adam couldn't believe his eyes, his friend had a nail sticking out of his hand!
"That's gotta hurt," Al opined as he moved closer to his fellow ex-Sniper and gave him a one armed hug as he placed a comforting arm around his shoulders, "and before you say anything else we're getting you to a hospital."
"No hospital in the Bay but we have a good Clinic," Jack explained, "and while your mans' being looked after we'll fill you in on what we know."
"Sounds like a plan," Marks came forward from behind the group where he had waited patiently while the reunion took place, "let's get ...,"
"We have one dead male in the centre cave," Jay shook his head.
"That's why I have a team on the way out.  We weren't sure what to expect. They'll take care of everything Detective."
"This is Dan Marks of the RCMP Detective Division," Voight made the necessary introduction when he saw Jay frowning before ordering sternly, "now let's get going."


As Jay was being assessed, with Adam as usual as his self appointed Guardian, the other men took up residence in the largest of three Waiting Rooms.  Voight had purposefully travelled with Jack, Gregson and Marks in the lead SUV on the way to the Clinic on the pretext of letting the others spend time with their friend.  His real reason however had been to glean as much information from the two men as he could for he knew the young Detective would deliberately leave out any details concerning his health.  When Jack got to the part about the nail booby trap the Sergeant was fuming.  The Kid didn't need to be dealing with any further injuries and yet he was.  It angered the older man.  Jack had eventually continued when he figured the grim man had calmed down somewhat but revealing the notes' contents again filled the air with tension.

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