Chapter Sixteen: A Fatal End

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Alley off Canal Street

Adam and Burke had been travelling in an SUV on Howard Street running parallel to Canel Street.  After receiving Als' phone call they had promptly decided to abandon their vehicle and make their way on foot knowing time was of the essence.  Once Antonio had briefed them on arrival on what they were dealing with the two men entered the alleyway with a mixture of feelings. For Adam his primary concern was ensuring Jay didn't sacrifice his life and for Burke his experience had marshalled his main thoughts towards a bleak reality.  Advancing closer the duo stopped beside Voight as Al gave them a curt nod before departing.

"You deal with anything like this before?" Voight asked the Bomb Technician without taking his eyes off Jay who was talking quietly to the siblings.
"No,' Burke admitted, "but I know my way around bombs so if you get Jay to pull back I'll see what I can do."
"Halstead has dealt with something like this before," the Sergeant informed quietly without elaborating about the ex-Rangers' military experience, "we don't have time for arguing.  Take a look and see if you can disarm the devices."
"Sure," Burke nodded but he was not happy about the Detective being so close to the action.

"Guys this is Burke," Jay had watched the other man talking to Voight and could guess the conversation that had taken place, "he knows all about explosives.  This is Mike and his brother Frank."
"I'd say it was nice to meet ye but ye wouldn't believe me," Burke addressed the siblings wrily but his focus was on the two devices and their ominous timers counting down.
"Man I don't want to die like this!" Frank declared with a hint of anger.
"We're going to do our best ....," Jay began but found himself cut off.
"Guys the timers are counting down but they're not connected to the trigger element," Burke spoke firmly sending a warning look to Voight and Adam, "they'll be set off by something else."
"That's bad?" Mike sought confirmation of what the newcomer was reluctant to elucidate.
"They could be set off at any time," Burke eyed the timer on Mikes' device and looked at the wires leading to the five bars of brown plastic explosives tied together against his chest, "I can't see the whole device without moving it ....,"
"Hell!" Mike managed to vent his frustration without moving.
"So what do we do?" Jay asked impatiently, they didn't have time to dawdle.
"Let's talk to Voight," Burke replied before sending Mike a meaningful look.
"Yeah," Mike nodded, he was no fool it was hopeless but there was no need for four of them to die, "ye sort out something."
"But ..," Frank was about to argue when his brother gave him a meaningful look and the cold reality he had been avoiding up to then sent a shiver down his spine, "uh yeah.  Yeah go on.  No time to waste."
"I'm staying here," Jay declared resolutely.
"We need to discuss what needs to be done," Burke insisted, wincing inwardly at the lie.
"Go on," Mike urged, "I got some things to say to my brother anyway."
"Come on Jay," Burke ordered after giving the brave sibling an imperceptible nod of gratitude.
"But ...,"
"Halstead I need a word," Voight ordered in his no nonsense voice, he could read from the look the Bomb Technician sent his way that the brothers were beyond help.
"Okay," Jay frowned but turned away with a final glance at the bound duo, "won't be long "
"Sure, thanks man," Mike sent a look of understanding to Burke, he didn't blame him for their predicament.
"Yeah thanks," Frank said hoarsely before looking away.

Burke placed a casual hand on Jays' shoulder as the pair walked over to the Sergeant.  His stomach was churning at the thought of the carnage that was about to be unleashed.  For his part Voight schooled his features into a look of calm.  If Jay realized what was about to happen he would bolt, and not from the danger but towards it.

"So what can we do?" the weary Detective asked without preamble as they came to a stop in front of the Sergeant and the newly arrived Adam.
"We need cutters for the wire," Burke began to rattle off several other items required for the proposed task.
"We don't have time!" Jay pointed out incredulously, surely the other man knew time was nearly up.
"We can get ....," Adam for once had grasped straight away what the Bomb Technicians' act of placing a hand on his friends' shoulder had actually been a precursor to, a move to intervene if Jay attempted to return to the doomed men.
"I'll ... " Jay tugged loose of Burkes' hand intent on returning to the brothers but had only taken two steps before three sets of hands shot out to grab him an instant before an ear shattering bang blew him off his feet.

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