Chapter Fifty-Eight: Prevention Attempt

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"Ruzek why don't you track down Murphy and Parker and make sure they're ready to leave in a few minutes?" Al suggested casually.
"But ...," Adam began to argue only to see the older mans' eye roll, well he had asked him for help so he had better go along with whatever he wanted, "yeah, good idea."
"I need to make a call," Antonio decided, picking up the remainder of his gear and heading for the door, studiously ignoring the standoff taking place.
"Me too," Kevin followed the Italian-American hastily.

A couple of moments' later only Jay, Al and Voight remained in the confines of the garage. Al checked his watch. They didn't have much time.

"This isn't up for discussion Halstead," Voight cut right to the chase in his trademark blunt manner.
"Sarge, with all due respect, we don't have the personnel to babysit me while I'm doing my job," Jay reasoned, reigning in his displeasure, then elaborated, "I'm used to working solo. As a Sniper I didn't always have a Point Man. Breaking that routine could be a distraction and ....,"
"Halstead do you really expect me to believe when you're on Sniper duty you'd get distracted?" the Sergeant interrupted, scepticism lacing his tone.
"His Sniper skills might not be required," Al joined in, eyeing his oldest friend, before putting forth a compromise, "and if they are I'll be his Point Man. No need to have two people with him."
"You know I need his Sniper skills," the grizzled Sergeant argued, "he'll have the best chance of taking out anyone with AR-47s. Sure S.W.A.T. will be at our disposal but Halstead's more qualified."
"Can't disagree."
"So why say his skills might not be needed?"
"This is King we're dealing with. Unpredictability is second nature to him."
"You got something in mind?" Jay frowned looking at the moustached man as his anger slipped away.
"No I don't. We have to be prepared for anything."
"You'll stick with him?" Voight asked ignoring his youngest Detectives' indignant huff.
"Like jam in a jam donut," the moustached man solemnly assured, sending Jay a mischevous wink to ease the tension, "or blueberries in a blueberry muffin or ....,"
"We get the point," Voight put up a hand shaking his head in exasperation before looking at the injured man sternly, "do I have your word you'll stay with Olinsky?'
"Yes Sarge," Jay promised reluctantly knowing they didn't have any more time for this even if the requirement rankled him.

Five minutes later the men were en route to Soldier Stadium in two SUVs. Voight, Al, Jay, Adam and Murphy rode in the first vehicle with Mouse, Antonio, Kevin and Parker following. The New Yorkers had insisted they wanted to help and had rebelled against staying at the precinct. There was no conversation in either vehicle as each man considered the possible unknown threat they were heading to. For his part Jay was getting a sick feeling in his gut which had nothing to do with being unwell and everything to do with his instincts warning him. He sensed they were on the wrong trail and was just about to share his concern with his companions when his cell phone rang. He was the only one who had not turned off his phone as they headed out. Standard procedure at this stage of an operation was to communicate through their secure head comms so cells were regarded as unnecessary distractions. Knowing without checking the small screen who was calling the Detective looked out the window as he answered with a calmness he didn't feel.

"What do you want King?"
"You didn't really think I would hit Soldier Field did you?" the sneering voice asked.
"Have to admit I did I initially," Jay conceded as he pulled out a pen and notepad from an inner pocket scribbling quickly before passing the note to Al in the front passenger seat, "but then I decided you wouldn't ...,"
"Nice try I know you left already for the location."
"Sure we did," Jay readily acknowledged as Voight caught his eye in the rear view mirror as he took a sharp right, "we left for the 'location' just not Soldier Field."

Al had read the short note before promptly holding it out for Voight to see. Looks like they weren't going to Soldier Field after all. With little choice but to go along with Jays' instruction the Sergeant had abandoned the trip to the stadium and now drove towards Navy Pier. Like everyone else he had questions but knew they couldn't be asked now. Checking behind he saw the second SUV still shadowing them as Al beside him updated them by text.

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