Chapter Twenty-One: Resolve

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Homeland Security Headquarters: Rooftop

Back at Headquarters the news that Lyle King was in fact Wells was greeted with widespread relief.  After yet another briefing Adam sought out Jay who had disappeared from the Conference Room as soon as Murphy had dismissed them.  Opening the heavy steel door onto the rooftop the concerned Detective easily found his quarry.  Jay stood with his elbows on the guardrail to the left overlooking the busy metropolis as street lights below began twinkling as daylight surrendered to the oncoming night.

"You okay?" Adam asked worriedly as soon as he reached his friend.
"Yeah, just needed some air."
"I get you," Adam nodded, "somehow in all the Cop shows they never portray how much time is spent in briefings."
"Probably because it would be boring."
"Can I ask you something?"
"Sure," Jay replied sending a brief sideways glance to his friend "but I'm not promising to answer."
"Fair enough," Adam acknowledged, they had been down this road many times before, "why have you been so quiet since we confirmed Lyle King is in fact Wells? Aren't you glad we finally know who we're dealing with?"
"That's two questions."
"The second is merely an extension of the first."
"You've been watching too much tv," Jay commented on his companions' choice of words with a grin before becoming serious and deciding to explain his reaction, "I guess I'm just sorry the twins had the life they did.  They were dealt a rotten hand from day one."
"Doesn't excuse what Lyle has done, or Philip.  They're both targeting you man," Adam, like Voight, was very familiar with the other mans' capacity for empathy, "they chose the path they're on.  Plenty of people start out in less than ideal circumstances but they don't take their anger out on innocent strangers."
"I know that ......... I really do.  Just wish things had been different for them."
"There's something else though," Adam said with unusual perceptiveness, "what is it?"
"It's just .....," Jay finally abandoned his perusal of their darkening surroundings and gave his companion his full attention, "I've never met them ..... they're hurting all these people to .......... get to me and I've no idea why they hate me."
"Look man I know it's been said before but everything they've done is on them not you.  When we have them in custody we'll hopefully get some answers."
"Like whether Lyle is the real Assassin Wells or if he simply assumed that identity," Jay mused.
"Makes sense if he is Wells the Assassin. If he wasn't the real one would be after him."
"True," Jay stifled a yawn, his pained body was looking forward to a hot meal chased down by strong painkillers and an early night, "come on let's get back before Voight sends out another search party."
"Another?" Adam asked feigning innocence as he led the way over towards the heavy stairwell door.
"You were the Point Man," Jay confidently declared.
"Ah hell!"


Murphys' Office

As Adam was talking with Jay on the rooftop Voight and Murphy were discussing their options.   The breakthrough with the King twins opened up other avenues to pursue and the Assistant Director had made it clear that the Intelligence Unit returning to Chicago anytime soon was not an option in view of their most recent findings.  The Sergeant for his part had listened calmly while the New Yorker explained that Halsteads' presence was integral to closing the case.  As this had been discussed before Voight was not surprised but it was the other mans' insistence that they make progress quickly that had his hackles raised.  It seemed as if Murphy had finally caved under pressure from Wagner and the
higher-ups and was willing to sacrifice Halstead if necessary.  Voight voiced this observation with his trademark bluntness and silence descended in the office.

"I've always been straight with you," the HS man reminded finally speaking, "yes I am under more pressure than ever to get the Kings in custody but I am not willing to endanger Halstead, or anyone else on the investigation team for that matter, to get a result.  The Mayor is screaming about bad publicity and hell I can't really blame him.  He didn't sign up for a crazy Bomber/Sniper on the loose but then again no one did."
"So what are you saying?"
"I know you spoke about luring Wells, or King, back to Chicago and I get you're concerned about ending this ASAP for Halstead but the damage done here needs to be remedied here."
"You weren't adamant about that before."
"I wasn't enamoured with Wells going to Chicago," Murphy rebutted.
"But you're under more pressure now from above to be seen to get results here," Voight stated knowingly, he was well versed in the machinations of office politics.
"Voight I've been level with you all along," the Assistant Director reiterated, "we've had this conversation before.   I'm not going to change now.   We both know what it's like to have pressure from above but I assure you my reasoning for ending this in New York is not based solely on that pressure. Parker is of the view ending it here would not fit into Kings' agenda and I agree.  It might make him slip up."
"Or it might not," Voight observed, he realized that ultimately Murphy had the power to insist the Unit remain in the Big Apple as Homeland Security was in overall charge of the case but the other man had been gracious from day one in allowing him to have some control.
"So do I have your co-operation?" the Assistant Director was no fool, he was well aware if Voight did not come on board fully it would hinder the investigation.
"For now."
"I'll take what I can get," Murphys' relief was obvious.

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