Chapter Sixty-Seven: Ghosts of Demons Past

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Voight Residence

As soon as Jay returned to the house he asked the others, sans the New Yorkers who fortuitously were back at their hotel, to convene in the living room.  He could see the worried looks being exchanged and knew what he had to impart would not allay said concern.  He looked at the dormant fireplace beside him as he stood by the mantlepiece, noting the irony.  Just as the cold embers of the night before lay cold in their cradle he knew with some coaxing they could be brought back to life.  Much like the issue he had thought  was buried but had come back to haunt him.

Across the room as he leant back against the wall  by the closed door with arms folded Al watched the various emotions flicker across his youngs friends' features and knew whatever was coming was bad with a capital B.  The sadness which seemed to have taken up permanence on his contenance since the office explosion was now compounded by  underlying anger and worry if the brief insights his expressions betrayed were any indicator.  The seasoned Detective had opted for quiet observance in the intervening days since the explosion hoping his friend would approach him in his own time for help with whatever was vexing him.  Clearly that was not going to happen now and Al hoped he hadn't let the troubled man down.

Adam also had noticed his friends' too quiet demeanour since the precinct incident and  like his former partner had decided to play a waiting game.  He sighed.  He should know by now Jay wouldn't confide his troubles in him so easily.   That his friend was now going to share something was clear and it was equally clear from his grim expression that he was reluctant to do so.

Once everyone was settled Voight gave his subordinate a nod to begin.  Taking a deep breath Jay looked at his friends for a brief time in silence then finally forced the words out.

"The day of the explosion I received a call from Sergeant Platt informing me ..... informing me that a note had been delivered for me and ......,"
"You got a note from King and never said anything?" Adam frowned.
"Let him continue," Voight cut in furmly, his gut told him the note on question wasn't from King.
"No!  I ....," Jay looked at the carpet rather than facing what he erroneously assumed would be disapproving looks,  "it was ......,"
"Halstead just tell us," the Sergeants' curt words were belied by the uncommon gentleness lacing his tone.
"You know you can tell us anything," Kevin encouraged from where he sat beside Antonio on the couch who nodded in agreement.
"The note ..... was from ......," Jay looked up hesitantly before  divulging with a sigh, "my father."

The injured man wasn't sure what reaction he was expecting but the silence after he spoke seemed to have magnified oppressively after his stunning announcement.  The shock eventually wore off after a prolonged  period and voices vied for attention.

"That can't be," Adam shook his head in denial.
"How could that happen?" Antonio demanded in consternation.
"Must be a hoax," Kevin declared, offering a reasonable possibility.
"You're sure?" Voights' quiet question cut through the comments, he didn't need to elaborate on what he was asking.
"Yes," Jay confirmed the note was definitely from his old man, the handwriting had been unmistakable.
"What does it say?"
"Just that I hadn't heard the last from him," the Detective shrugged dismissively, although he had a duty to notify them he wasn't going to place too much emphasis on the implied threat.
"That all?" Al pressed, wishing they had sight of the missive which was presumably with Forensics.
"You have a copy of it?" Mouse spoke for the first time since the unexpected revalation, his friend should have told them immediately but he reigned in his frustration at that omission.
"Nope, Forensics have it.  It's a one liner.   Nothing to be learnt from it, no clues or hidden meanings."
"Why didn't you tell us straight away?" Adams' voice betrayed his disappointment.
"I ..... we have enough with the King investigation to be dealing with.   This is nothing .......,"
"There we have to disagree," Antonio countered shaking his head,  unimpressed by the other mans'  laid back attitude, "it means there's still someone out there doing your old mans' bidding."
"That was always a possibility," Al put in pragmatically as he endeavoured to stave off a drawn out argument, it wouldn't benefit the injured man.
"What did Will say?" Kevin checked.
"Haven’t told him."
"That's between Halstead and his brother," Voight decreed decisively, "for now let's get down to work.  King remains our priority for now ....,"
"But Sarge ..,...," Adam began to protest but was quickly cut off.
"You have your assignments ," the brusque man reminded of the jobs he had assigned on the mens' arrival that morning.
"Sarge ," Antonio acknowledged the command as he got to his feet sending Adam a warning look, now was not the time to test the Sergeants' patience.

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