Chapter Twenty-Three: Respite

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Upon return to their current upmarket residence in Huntington the men had consumed a Chinese takeout picked up on the way.  Once empy cartons had been put in recycling and the small amount of cutlery deposited in the dishwasher the men, sans Jay, had retired to the spacious, high ceilinged front room.  With light peach walls complimenting the thick floor to ceiling golden velvet curtains and plush golden sofas accompanied by a roaring log fire blazing brightly in the large white marble fireplace the room practically screamed class, the tall cream coloured lamps with golden pedestals aiding the opulent surroundings.  Their fancy residence however was of little concern.  Conversation had lulled after a brief discussion on the previous nights' Seahawks' game.  Everyone had the same subject on their mind, Jay.

In his bedroom, with dark green carpet and matching curtains, the cause of everyones' concern had left the main lights off when he had retreated for some much needed solitude.  With only one brass lamp with green shade casting a dim light around the large cream painted room he stood looking out through the net curtains.  The house was well hidden from the roadway so he was reasonably certain his presence at the window would go unchecked. 'Reasonably certain' because with their quarry they had learnt the hard way nothing was ever 100% certain.  As the investigation had worn on Jay felt that Wells, or King as they had identified him, had proved he was quite adept at gaining access to places and information and said abilities still had the Detective stumped.  From the information they had gathered the twins did not have access to substantial financial resources yet the man was easily staying out of reach while continuing his agenda.  A thought struck him as a knock on the door had him turning to see Voight enter.

"You okay Kid?" the Sergeant had held his silence earlier when the younger man had declined to eat in favour of getting some rest but the light under the doorway had confirmed his suspicion that sleep was proving elusive.
"Yeah Sarge," Jay turned away from the window fully and gave the newcomer his full attention, "just thinking."
"So share," Voight suggested as he walked over and sat down on the end of the queen bed folding his arms.
"King has to have access to money ...,"
"Because he's evaded us and continued his attacks."
"Right but ....,"
"What is it?"
"We haven't found any source of financial funds."
"We will," the Sergeant assured.
"There is one place he could have made money," Jay leant back against the wall tiredly, "his job as a Hitman."
"We knew it was more than likely he really was Wells the Assassin," Voight concurred, "as we discussed if he was an Imposter the real one would have dealt with him."
"So you reckon he's been active a long time as Wells?"
"To make good money? Yeah," Jay stated with a shrug, "given what we know of his childhood he probably became more emboldened as time went on.  Being paid to kill people probably amused him."
"He's a piece of work alright," Voight sighed, as ever he was impressed with his Subordinates' insightful reasoning
"but for now why don't you take some painkillers and get some proper sleep."
"I know you hate taking the strong meds Kid," it was Voights' turn to be insightful as he eyed the full pill bottle on the bedside table, "but you need to give your body a break and they'll help do that.  You need to be able to function if you want to see this to the end."
"Sarge you can't ....,"
"Hey! I'm not sidelining you Kid.  I just want you to be able to do your job without collapsing."

 The older man knew his companion was running on empty which was a recipe for disaster.  He was determined to ensure he got some respite this night.


Homeland Security Headquarters

As the Sergeant was endeavouring to persuade his Detective to get some proper rest at HS Headquarters Parker had called into Murphys' office before he headed home for the night.

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