Chapter Forty-Three: A Nightmare Mission

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A loud knock on the door returned Jay to the present with a frown.  He was not expecting visitors hence he had asked Sam to call to the apartment. He reached for the crutches Conor had brought around a couple of days ago but the Counsellor quickly stayed his action.

"I'll get it.  Give your leg a rest."
"Wasn't expecting anyone," the Detective nodded his thanks as the other man rose and went over to the door.
"Well hey there," Will strode in with a smile followed by Conor then eyed the Counsellor, "didn't know you were calling by."
"I happened to be in the neighbourhood," Sam replied without missing a beat.
"You staying for dinner?  We got plenty," the redhead offered, blithely unaware he might be intruding, and heading into the kitchen with the bags of Chinese takeout they had picked up on the way.
"No but thanks," Sam eyed the discomfited Detective with sad eyes, he knew his friend really needed to talk, "have a movie night planned."
"Date night?" Conor wondered aloud even as he took in the unspoken conversation taking place between the Counsellor and the recovering man.
"Nah," Sam grinned and pointed to the seated man, "Mikeys' Sitter is on the bench with injuries."
"Still can't see Jay as a Babysitter," Will walked out of the kitchen with a glass of Fanta in one hand and a Mars bar in the other which he promptly placed on the small table close to his sibling.
"If they're stuck I mind Mikey," Jay shrugged, he wanted to ask why his brother was there but knew it would only lead to awkward questions so left it.
"More like if we need to reconnect," Sam explained candidly as he walked over and unhooked his jacket, "Mikey doesn't like strangers but Jay is the exception."
"That's cause I'm not a stranger," the ex-Ranger shrugged off the implied compliment.
"It's more than that," Sam insisted but then decided not to embarrass his friend, "anyway like I said I'll be in the area again in the morning so give me a call if you're free."
"Sure, will do," Jay replied gratefully as Will headed back into the kitchen to prepare the food.

"Guess our timing was bad?" Conor winced as he closed the door after the Counsellor and eyed his friend and patient apologetically.
"Will said he was working late," Jay sighed.
"There was a mix up with the rotas.  I told him we should ring ahead but ..,"
"But Will does what he wants to," Jay acknowledged in a voice which betrayed not only his physical tiredness but also his emotional weariness.
"I'll make sure he stays away in the
"Thanks Doc.  Don't know what I did to deserve a friend like you but I'm a lucky man."

The following morning after yet another restless night of tossing and turning Jay let the Counsellor into the apartment and carefully manoeuvred his way back to the couch.

"You want a coffee?" Sam checked as he shrugged off his jacket and went into the kitchen im search of some refreshment.
"Nah I'm good," Jay replied around a yawn, he wasn't looking forward to the forthcoming discussion but knew it was necessary if he wanted to get a handle on the unwelcome memories which seemed determined to take up permanent residence in his dreams.
"So how long did Will stay last night?" Sam checked as he walked out with a steaming mug and sank down in the armchair opposite the injured man.
"A couple of hours.  I told him to let me know in future if he wants to call.  Given half a chance he'd move in here and take over."
"Has he always been like that?" Sam wondered, knowing his companion wasn't joking.
"Will is ....... he's complicated.  He hates not being in charge.  Hell sometimes I think he became a Doctor just for tbe chance to boss people around."
"You really think that?"
"Maybe," Jay shrugged offhandedly, "to some degree.  He likes helping people though and he's good at what he does."
"So did you get any sleep last night?"
"Not much."
"You ready to tell me about the mission?"
"No but let's get it over with," Jay stated honestly as he tried to find a comfortable position on the couch in deference to his broken ribs and injured leg.
"You were telling me about the two unexpected arrivals lining the target and his family up outside the house," Sam reminded gently as he finished his drink and placed the mug on the nearby coffee table.
"Yeah," Jay forced his mind back to that fateful day in Afghanistan again ......

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