Chapter Eighty-One: Doubts

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Harpers Bay

Jays' priority upon reaching the Tuckers' residence had been to contact Voight but after introductions to most of the family, Jacks' twin two year old sons, Junior and Sam, were napping on their arrival, he had asked permission to use a phone. Unfortunately the simple request could not be accommodated as it transpired the hotel, presently closed until the busy summer season, plied its' business as being off grid. That information had been digested by the former Ranger with a healthy dose of internal scepticism. The young man was no fool and although the Tuckers seemed to be genuine he was not about to take anything at face value. The fact there were two toddlers lended itself to the family being unconnected to King but if he'd learnt anything it was that the man was unpredictable. As a phone call was out of the question Jay had requested a ride back to the small town which held the Clinic but was informed with night approaching it would be safer to wait till the morning to traverse the rough terrain. Although he was tempted to make the journey anyway he opted to settle in and make himself familiar with his surroundings acknowledging to himself his body needed a good nights' rest so he could function fully. Billy had shown him to a small guest Lodge adjacent to the main building after Angie had plucked a key from behind the counter and tossed it to him with clear instructions to make the newcomer feel at home. Billy had opened the door and ushered Jay into his temporary abode before proceeding to give him a cursory breakdown of the facilities on hand not only in the lodge but on the site, which encompassed a camping ground, in general.  It soon became clear the family was running a thriving business. They tended to sell out during the summer and winter months with the autumn and spring being used to deal with maintenance and upgrades where necessary. Finally the younger Tucker sibling had decoded his audience of one was looking a bit ragged around the edges so he had promptly curtailed his usual expansive patter for Tourists and taken his leave with a reminder dinner would be served at seven that evening. Jays' protests that there was no need to cater for him fell on deaf ears and in the end he had promised to attend.   On the trip from the Clinic Jay had explained that as soon as he could he would reimburse the brothers for their aid.  His assurances had been brushed aside however with Jack firmly stating they were merely helping someone in need and down the line he could pay it forward.

After the thick wooden door closed rendeting him alone the weary man had wasted little time going to the specious pale green bedroom with it's light oak furniture and attempted to sleep for a couple of hours. Alrhough his instincts were telling him he could trust the family he wasn't willing to take any chances and therefore had locked the main door amd the bedroom door. After removing his boots the Detective stretched out on the bed wondering how his friends were doing and feeling guilty about his nice environs.

Mollys Bar

Hutton had asked his penetrating question and watched his two companions contemplate their response.
"Halstead is one of the most honourable amd reliable men I've ever known," Voight eventually responded, "but I don't know what else besides his Sniper expertise King could hope to exploit."
"So what's so special about your boy that King zeroed in on him?"
"If we knew that we'd  have ended this a long time ago," Al bluntly noted, that question had taunted them since the onset.
"There has to be something."
"We haven't been able to find any connector.  Initially we considered the possibility that they had served at the same time but it transpired King never actually served," Voight explained.
"He does know some military tactics  ....," Al  added only to be interrupted.
"Hell anyone can research on the internet now," Hutton pointed out, clearly unimpressed by the idea, "as the saying goes a little knowledge is a dangerous thing."
"Have you an idea what attracted King to the Kid?" Al looked across at the bearded man perceptibly,  he was not prone to asking pointless questions so the experienced Detective sensed he had a reason for the query.
"I did some research of my own after I got your call .....,"
"What did you find?" Voight demanded, concern lacing his tone as he shot a worried glance towards Al.
"How much do you know about Halsteads' time in Afghanistan?"
"Just the basics.  Most of his records are sealed."
"What did you find out?" Als' rare show of impatience revealed just how much the young Detective meant to him.
"Halsteads' marksmanship skills meant he was in high demand which ....,"
"Just get to the point," Voights' trademark bluntness reared its' head, he wanted information and he wanted it now!
"You going to listen to what I have to say or should I just leave?" Hutton fired back in ire.
"Boys we're all on the same side here," Al reminded his friends calmly, "so let's remember why we're here.  For Halstead."
"You're right," the chastened Sergeant readily acknowledged then sent an apologetic look across the table, "I'm not known for being patient."
"Do tell!" Hutton scoffed but the heat had gone from his voice.
"You were saying," Al reminded wanting to get back on track.
"Halstead wasn't just good with a gun there was no one else in his league. That meant there was a lot of interest in him," Hutton paused eyeing his companions seriously before continuing, "what I'm telling you both now stays between us.  Halstead has a right to his privacy and from what I've learnt about him he wouldn't appreciate gossip."
"We look like we subscribe to the National Enquirer?" Voights' tone had turned to steal, it rankled him that anyone would think they'd trivialise the young Detectives' experiences.
"Paul!" Als' quiet interjection held a note of warning, he understood his friend didn't know the Sergeant but he should trust him because the moustached man did. 
"Look I just want to make sure I don't wind up with one angry Sniper after me when this is all over," Hutton shrugged and put his hands out in surrender, he was quite certain what he was about to impart was a closely held secret.

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