Chapter Eighty-Four: Chasing Clues

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Harpers Bay

Dawn had left a couple of hours ago and Jay, Jack, Billy and the accommodating Ranger had been discussing the situation they were in over a hastily prepared breakfast courtesy of Angie.  Well used to mens' ravenous appetites she was glad of the distraction in preparing a hearthy meal.  The two toddlers were still napping as the adults discussed their options.  Taking the remaining seat at the small oak table, now overflowing with pancakes, bacon and sausages, the calm woman eyed her male companions seriously.  Deciding to discuss the elephant in the room she spoke quietly but firmly.

"This guy, King, needs to be stopped and it seems to me there's really only one option and ....,"
"All due respect Angie," Jay cut in softly to ensure the twins' slumber remained undisturbed, "you and the boys need to be protected at all costs."
"We've been over this," Jack spoke up, the debate about the Ranger and himself accompanying the young Detective had been going on for hours, "you cannot tackle this guy yourself. No offence but you're obviously exhausted.  You're right leg is troubling you and ....,"
"Stop with the inventory," Jay blushed in embarrassment before continuing, "look guys I've told you some of what King has done.  He uses IEDs, guns, knives ..... anything at all to kill.  There's no hesitation whether he's dealing with a child or a woman or a man.  He has no conscience whatsoever.  Taking him down isn't going to be easy and ...,"
"All the more reason Jack is going with you," Angie stated, she knew her husband wouldn't let the young man face such a threat alone and she admired him for that even though it also worried her.
"Billy," Jay turned to the person who had remained silent during most of the conversations, "I'm not throwing any shade on you but do you really think you could kill someone?  When it comes right down to it?"
"I'm hoping it doesn't come to that," the younger Tucker sibling admitted frankly as he tossed a glance to the small corridor that led to the sole cell, "but no one is going to hurt the boys or Angie.  Not on my watch."
"I trust Billy with my life," Jack assured, "but more importantly I trust him with my sons' lives and Angies' life.  I know he'll do whatever it takes."
"It's not a question of trust," Jay sent Billy a sincere look, "it's King I don't trust."

"Why are you so certain he's going to be at the caves?" Gregson queried around a mouthful of deliciously seasoned bacon, it had been some time since he'd had a real home made breakfast and he was going to enjoy it despite the circumstances!
"I'm not," Jay shoved away his plate with a half eaten pancake, unlike the well built Ranger he had no appetite, "but something drew him here.  He might have just left a clue to follow and ....,"
"You make it sound like he wants you to catch him," Jack frowned.
"To him it's all a game," Jay shrugged, "he's made it clear he likes to control people and things.  He enjoys the ..... chase."
"Won't your Sergeant expect you to wait for him?" Gregson may be laid back on the surface but he was no fool.
"Yes but I can't take the chance of losing King if he's still in the area.  The Unit, my colleagues, will be here soon enough if I know them.  Some will stay here and the others can follow Billys' directions to the caves."

"So when do you want to head out?" Jack checked as he wiped his mouth with a paper napkin feeling full, his wife was not afraid of him piling on calories that was for sure.
"I really don't ......,"
"You're either going with company or you're not going at all," the elder Tucker sibling stated resolutely with a stern look, "your choice."
"He always this stubborn?" Jay glanced between Angie and Billy.
"Only when it's important," Billy supplied evenly, he agreed with his brother the Detective for all his bravado was clearly in no condition to take on anyone let alone a stone cold Murderer like King.


Voight sat in his office finalizing paperwork to ensure their other active cases would be either transferred or put on a back burner for the time being.  As expected Al had returned from his mission duly admonished by a less than impressed Crowley.  She had ultimately granted approval however for the investigation to go across the border knowing Kings' crimes needed to be stopped once and for all.  To that end she had even given the moustached Detective a number of contacts within the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and had made it clear official channels were to be used and protocols followed, irrespective of Voights' propensity to ignore same.   The tough woman had been emphatic that there was no scope for going behind their Canadian counterparts' backs.  To that end she had promised she would advise the relevant parties herself of the Units' imminent arrival in their jurisdiction.  Relaying the information to his old friend Al had conceded that Crowley was keen to help even if she was unhappy about the Unit going off on the hunt again.  Her final words to Al had confirmed what he had already surmised.  As he was about to leave she had warned him not to return without Halstead.  Her heart was in the right place.

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