Chapter Eighty-Three: Updates

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Harpers Bay

As light chased away darkness overhead and dawn beckoned on the horizon the little group had been travelling through the dense woodlands for a little over two hours when Jay suddenly sensed something off.

"What is it?" Jack obeyed the terse command even as he queried the cause of it, his eyes scanning their green surrounds as he waited for an explanation.
"When King was at the hotel," Jay turned back to Angie, "did he say anything about the area, anything at all .... even mundane?"
"I ..... I really can't recall," the chagrined woman replied, "it was time for the twins' bath and they were acting up so ....,"
"You had your hands full," the young man acknowledged quietly, "how about when he first arrived? What exactly did he say? I mean he must have known the place wasn't open for business."
"He did actually," Billy chimed in, he was the one who had initially greeted the unexpected Visitor, "he said he'd been out hiking this way before and he was investigating the caves ...,"
"The Pearl Caves?" it was Jacks' turn to ask a question although his eyes remained on the outside world.
"Pearl?" Jay frowned.
"Rumour has it Smugglers used the caves to store their treasure from looted ships," Billy expounded although unable to see how it could assist their current predicament, "ships which they lured onto the rocks."
"It's only folklore!" Jack scoffed.
"But every year people come and check out the caves," Billy shrugged, "like this King guy said he had."
"What are you thinking?" Jack asked the former ex-Ranger, a detail he learned through Billys' neverending quest for knowledge about everyone he crossed paths with.
"I need to check out those caves," Jay spoke softly as he considered the best option for the family, "you stay on this road for another hour and you're at the Ranger Station right?"
"Yes but you're not going anywhere alone so don't even bother arguing."
"We can't waste time," Jay insisted, "you need to make sure your family is safe. That's your priority."
"You're with us now," Angie spoke gently from the back seat but with a steel tone, "we're in this, whatever 'this' is, together.
"But ....,"
"We're wasting time," Billy stated, "quicker we get to the Station the quicker we can check the caves."
"Agreed?" Jack eyed the discomfited Detective, admiring him all the more for his willingness to sacrifice himself for his family and sacrifice is what it would have been to leave him out here in unknown territory facing King whom he had learnt was a Predator of the first order.
"Agreed," Jay reluctantly gave in, they didn't have the time to waste debating the matter.

As the vehicle started moving once more Jay kept vigilant even as he decided he would leave the family at the Ranger Station after making contact with Voight and head back to the caves. He wasn't sure why they seemed to be calling him but he had learnt long ago to go with his instincts. A story of olden times when ships met a cruel fate at the hands of greedy Smugglers loud not really tie in with anything King had been involved with to date but the young man knew that didn't rule out a connection. Of course the fact that the Smugglers visited death on innocent people like King would not have crossed the Murderers' mind, of that he was certain. No, if there was a reason for King visiting the caves in question it was one he would only find out by visiting same.



"You're where?!" Voights' shouted exclamation caught everyones'attention as he signalled the men to come into his office, the receiver pressed to his ear.
"Is it Jay?" Adam bravely ventured, too hopeful to be worried about antagonizing the gruff Sergeant.
"Must be," Antonio stated quietly from beside him as they squeezed into the office.
"You stay put Halstead!"
"Thank God!" Kevin grinned widely as relieved looks were exchanged.
"I don't give a damn what your instincts are telling you," Voight belatedly pressed the speaker button, "you're onto the team ...,"
"Hi guys," Jays' disembodied voice came through and they all heard the weariness, "look Sarge I have ........... reception is bad here. I'll send you the co-ordinate of the caves. It's too ........ there won't ...," the line went dead before anything else was said.

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