Chapter Fifty Four: Home Truths

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21st Precinct

Two days' later the afternoon quiet was shattered as Unit members watched Platt slam Voights' door on her exit and head for the stairs with fire in her eyes.  The raised voices prior to her departure from the office had alerted them things were not going well for their Sergeant.  Very few people took Voight to task and Trudy Platt belonged to that small exclusive group that could do so and live to tell the tale.  Antonio and Adam, on either side of Jay, exchanged knowing glances as they realized the likely cause of Platts' visit.  For their part Al, Mouse and Kevin studiously remained engrossed in the files before them, contriving an air of normalcy in the hope their friend would not ask questions.  That hope was soon dissolved.

"What was that about?" Jay had noticed the look exchanged between Antonio and Adam and sensed he was being kept in the dark about something.
"Don't think Voight will be in a good mood for the rest of the day.  Platt is one person I never want to get on the wrong side of!" Kevin tried to downplay the situation with a joke.
"Fine," Jay spoke as he rose and picked up his ever present crutches purposefully, if they wouldn't give him answers he knew who would.
"What are you doing?" Adam asked in surprise.
"Going to talk to Voight."
"But ....," Antonio began then faltered.
"He's probably in a foul mood," Adam cautioned hastily as he quickly got to his feet and placed himself in front of his friend.
"I'll risk it," Jay lifted one walking aid and tapped his friends' leg, "now move it or lose it."
"You probably would too," Al muttered ruefully before elaborating for the others, "he would go in there.  Time to tell him what's going on."
"Well ....," Adam looked at his feet sheepishly.
"Take a seat," Al had walked over to the two men and gestured to Jays' desk, "you need to be sitting down for this."
"It's that bad?"
"Just sit and Adam will explain everything," the moustached man shadowed the younger man back to his seat, automatically taking the crutches to put them aside.
"I will?"
"You will.  We told you Jay needed to know two days ago. You said you'd handle it," Antonio pointed out.
"Adam just tell me," Jay instructed evenly.
"Well ...... it's about Will .....,"


Chicago Med

Will cane out of one of the examination cubicles and was surprised to see his sibling at the Nurses' Station, leaning back against the counter with arms folded.  Al atood beside him holding his crutches, an immovable Sentinel.

"Hey wasn't expecting you!  It's .....,"
"We need to talk in private," Jay spoke in a no nonsense tone, he wasn't asking he was giving a directive.
"Well I finish my shift in about twenty minutes so ...," the redhead checked his watch as he noticed Conor watching from afar.
"We're talking now," the injured man gestured to the Break Room across the way, "let's go."
"I can't just .... ,"
"Yes you can Doc," Al finally acknowledged the Doctor, "Rhodes will cover the rest of your shift."
"Now hang on a minute you can't just ...,"
"'Can't just' what? Do what I damn well please regardless of what you think?" Jays' soft spoken words held such an ominous undertone they might as well have been screamed.
"Oh ...," Will suddenly realized what was going on.  Working double shifts he had successfully managed to put his actions to the back of his mind.
"I'll be right outside.  If you need to get physical save your ribs and give me a shout," Al informed his young friend seriously as he ushered him into the pre-checked empty Break Room and then eyed the elder Halstead.
"You offering to beat me up?" Will joked only to gulp as he was met with a deadly glare.
"Do I look like I'm kidding?"
"No," Will had the good sense not to complain about the other mans' words and hurriedly entered the room and closed the door behind him.

21st Precinct Reception

Trudy Platt was on the war path.  So far three Rookies had been sent off crying and a Lieutenant enquiring about a Witnesses' late arrival had just been on the receiving end of a ten minute lecture on the tough Sergeants' duties which she made emphatically clear did not include looking out for Witnesses.  Adam had come down the stairs as the red faced Lieutenant headed off seeking refuge anywhere but reception.  He felt his gut twist.  Truth was Platt scared him. He took some solace however in the fact that she scared most people with her blunt demeanour.  Holding the large box of chocolates in his hand he approached the desk with the air of a man heading to his execution chamber.

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