Chapter Twenty-Four: Options

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As the silence dragged on in the kitchen Adam shared a worried look with Al. The topic of getting King to go after Jay wasn't a new one so he was surprised his friend seemed reticent to discuss it. He knew it had nothing to do with Jay bring concerned for his own safety as such worry just wasn't in his DNA. The man was the Poster Boy for selflessness and bravery.

"You going to share Kid?" Al gently prompted as he placed a steaming mug down beside his friends' bowl and then took a seat opposite him.
"Well ..... Parker figures Lyle King is ....... jealous of me .... that that's a motivating factor in his actions .... ," Jay paused momentarily, "maybe we should give him something to be jealous about."
"Such as?" Adam questioned as he eyed the messy result of his aborted pancake making with resignation.
"Put an article in a paper about me."
"Not like you to agree to be in the spotlight," Al noted thoughtfully.
"I don't intend to be," Jay explained, "the article needs to be written without identifying me but .....,"
"Doesn't that defeat the purpose?" Adam interrupted distractedly as he retrieved a small garbage bag from an under the counter cabinet and began tossing in anything that couldn't be recycled.
"He wasn't finished," Al admonished lightly, sometimes the mans' impatience needed reigning in.
"Sorry," Adam sent the injured man a contrite look before returning to his unpleasant task.
"The article wouldn't name me but with enough information Lyle would know it's about me."
"And you think an article about you would enrage him?" Al wasn't sure if he agreed with the idea or not.
"The article would probably anger him," Jay shrugged nonchalantly, "it's the award for bravery that will enrage him."
"So the story praises you and mentions when and where you'll be getting an award?" Adam double checked as he tied off the nearly full bag and placed it by the back door before starting on the ware.
"Yeah. Figure we need something bold to draw him out into the open."
"And Murphy is bound to know a reliable Reporter he can trust," Al considered the plan, it seemed a good one on the surface at least.
"Think Sarge will go for it?" Jay asked hopefully in between spoons of cereal.
"He might ... especially if I put it to him."
"Hey I didn't .....,"
"I know you didn't ask but in this instance it might be better coming from me."
"How come?" Adam frowned as he rinsed out a glass bowl after depositing its' contents down the drain.
"The way Halstead looks right now doesn't exactly scream healthy."
"I'm fine!"
"You have a point," Adam concurred, ignoring his friends' indignant protest.
"So it's agreed," Al decided, "I'll talk to Voight."
"Tomorrow," Jay added.
"Yeah, tomorrow."
"No! I mean today," Jay insisted hastily.
"Tough I mean tomorrow."
"But ....,"
"You want this to happen Kid we wait another day."
"Yes Pa," Jay reluctantly acquiesced knowing his older colleague had a better chance of persuading the Sergeant on this occasion and opting to be grateful for his help.


As it turned out Lyle King set off yet another IED in downtown Manhattan, killing five and injuring ten, so it was three days later before Al broached the issue with his old friend as they walked around the parameter of the safehouse on a routine patrol in the cool night air.
After the suggestion had been voiced the duo had strolled in silence as the Sergeant contemplated the plan.

"Halstead asked you to talk to me?" Voight queried with a hint of humour in his tone, he was surprised.
"Figured the Kid had enough on his plate," Al shrugged, "he didn't ask, I offered."
"Hell Al it's a good plan ...,"
"But it's risky," Voight pointed out the obvious as he stopped walking and eyed the full moon overhead glowing in the starless sky, "we've spoken about antagonising King before."
"True but he's showing no signs of slowing down."
"Which goes against the idea his illness has progressed."
"Maybe.  The intervals in between killings are decreasing.  He could still be forging ahead with his agenda because he's after getting worse."
"Can't be ruled out," Voight agreed, "for now we deal with the new victims and witnesses.  Once we've gathered the necessary intel and added it to what we already have we might have a different way forward."
"Hell Hank I never knew you were an optimist," Al chided as they commenced walking again.
"I'm proof an old dog can learn new tricks," Voight stated with a grin, he really didn't want to use Halsteads' plan so he had to hope something would turn up to avoid its' necessity.

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