Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Only Option

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For several minutes silence dominated the group as they awaited the Sergeants' decision. As unwelcome as the truth was each man had come to the grim realization that they really had no other option. The fact that the trained Negotiator had not even been able to make contact indicated whoever was inside was waiting for something, or more likely someone. For his part Adam tried to reign in his anger at the unexpected turn of events. He knew the others shared his fury. A glance at Mouse revealed the despair he felt at the situation. Adam wanted to offer some words to ease his concern but could not find any that would suffice. Antonio and Kevin exchanged worried glances. Neither man could see this turning out well. Al looked at Jay surreptitiously, seeing the strain the younger man was under. He knew without doubt that his own safety was not a contributing fact to that strain. They had all learnt of the younger mans' selfless capacity to always think of others before himself and this time would be no different.

As Jay waited for a response he contemplated the possible scenarios that Lyle might have engineered and one kept to the forefront of his thoughts, explosives. He tried to think like his nemesis and figured whoever was in the bus was probably terminally ill, given Lyles' MO. The young Detective however now had another dilemma on his hands. If he told the others what he suspected his chances of being allowed to engage those on the bus were going to become slimmer. On the other hand if he kept his theory to himself an explosion might injure or kill those too close to the vehicle. He reluctantly accepted he would have to reveal his conclusions.

"Sarge? There's something you need to know."
"What?" Voight asked in surprise, he had just been about to voice his permission.
"Given Lyles' MO," the younger man looked around the group of men intensely before continuing, "it's highly likely the vehicle has explosives on board."
"What?!" Adam exclaimed, this changed everything.
"Well that's it," Antonio sighed, "you can't approach whoever is in there."
"It doesn't change things," Jay pointed out matter of factly before playing his best card, "there could be hostages in there and ...,"
"If there are we'd know by now," Antonio argued.
"We can't be certain there aren't any kids in there."
"None are missing," Mouse argued.
"That we know of," Jay reminded.
"It's too dangerous," Kevin insisted fervently, it was a death sentence.
"What other choice do we have?" Al eventually spoke up.
"You think it's okay to send Jay into a loaded vehicle?!" Adam demanded incredulously.
"No I don't," the older Detective replied calmly, "but there's no other way to get this sorted and we can't say for sure there are no hostages."
"We're in downtown Chicago," Voight spoke thoughtfully as he eyed the blocked traffic routes which were no doubt delaying many commuters, "he picked this area to cause maximum upheavel. I don't see any other way around it, Halstead needs to make contact."
"Hell!" Mouse cursed as everyone else muttered their discontent with the untenable situation.

Twenty minutes later Jay watched as James Harris, the heavyset fifty something trained Negotiator, walked away in disgust. Voight in his usual fortright manner had explained that the man was unlikely to succeed and
that Jay would be the one making the next approach. The Detective understood the Negotiators' reaction and didn't take it personally. He knew the man was genuinely concerned for his safety and appreciated it.

As Voight had been appraising Harris of the new plan with Jay the others, bar Al, had spread out and ensured that the perimeter that had been set up initially was pushed back by a further ten feet. They all knew that if explosives were used they could cause significant damage.  As the other men had concentrated on extending the perimeter Al had begun another reconnaissance of the area, strolling along the wide footpaths, taking in the rooftops above surreptitiously.b He figured Lyle must be close by, waiting. If one ignored the inherent danger of Jays' intention it was plain to see that the deranged man who continued to elude them had orchestrated this down to the last detail.  Lyle would have known that a school bus in downtown traffic would have elicited attention and that gave rise to the suspicion that this exact location had been picked for a reason.  Eyeing the various tall office blocks, many with retail outlets on ground level, the experienced Detective realized that the intent on this occasion may be to cause even more death and destruction than ever before. LE Officers had diligently informed all of the relevant personnel in the buildings of the possible threat and luckily most places had been vacated quickly but it was taking time to complete a full evacuation, time they probably didn't have.  Upon completing his tour of the perimeter he slowed his steps as he arrived back at the alley where Voight and Jay stood.

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