Chapter Thirty: Forging A New Plan

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HS Headquarters - Murphys' Office

Once the Assistant Director was alone with the Psychologist he eyed his friend intensely as he sank back down on his comfortable seat behind his desk.

"You want to bring me up to speed?"
"Jay had mentioned he suspected Lyle would want him to kill him ...,"
"And you didn't mention this to me because?"
"He told me in confidence, but agreed to the proviso that if I was asked outright I would not lie," Parker admitted frankly.
"Why not bring it out into the open before?"
"Think he was hoping to get Voight onside before the possibility was raised by anyone," Parker shrugged, he hadn't quizzed the young man but it was a good guess.
"Can't say I appreciate being kept out of the loop but no harm done," Murphy decided without rancour, he knew his friend had taken a liking to the young Detective who reminded him of his brother, "now tell me something else."
"What am I missing? Shouldn't Halstead and the others be relieved Lyle probably wants to be taken out by him instead of the other way around?"
"The problem is Jay won't kill him, not if he can possibly avoid it," Parker leant forward as he elaborated, "you're assuming because of his military background, especially his work as a Sniper, that it would be an ....
for want of a better word easy task for Jay to take Lyle out and ....,:
"Isn't it?"
"Not at all. Look we both know to do this line of work you have to have a certain degree of ....... detachment ..... a level of coldness."
"Can't argue with you on that," Murphy acknowledged.
"In Jays' case his work as a Sniper would have necessitated a greater degree of detachment. Some Snipers are unfortunately stone cold killers that the military shamelessly utilises for its' own purposes but in Jays' case he has a high capacity for empathy, a trait which disables his ability to be stone cold. He honed his level of detachment as a Sniper but it didn't become a character trait."
"Since when did you know so much about Snipers?" Murphy arched a brow.
"Since I did some research after figuring out a certain Detective would make a first class Profiler. Todays' revelations have only confirmed that view."
"One thing at a time," Murphy advised ruefully, they needed to ensure the said Detective survived the present investigation.



Miles away Voight and Al had adjourned to The Harp, yet another Irish Sports Bar recommended by Murphy, located on Third Avenue in Brooklyn. They needed some time away from the confined spaces of the Penthouse Suite where private conversations were a rarity.

"So what's the plan?" Al asked as soon as their orders had been delivered and leant back against the dark brown leather in the high backed two seater cubicle as he eyed his old friend across the wooden table.
"Some of us go out with Halstead," Voight didn't bother prevaricating, his companion knew him too well.
"He's not going to like that."
"He'll do it my way or not at all," Voight declared around a bite of his thick toasted club sandwich.
"Lyle will be looking for us," Al picked at a piece of stray lettuce from his salad sandwich distractedly, "we know he probably has our photos thanks to Benson."
"He won't recognise us."
"Disguises," the Sergeant took another bite of his filling sandwich.
"You think Murphy will go for that?"
"Whether he does or not we'll be out of his jurisdiction."
"So who's on the flight with the Kid besides me? Al staked his claim without preamble, he had no intention of leaving the younger man to his own devices.
"Figured Antonio and Kevin would be best."
"Not Adam?" Al checked with an amused grin.
"We both know Adam is a good Detective but he'd be more likely to give himself away."
"When will everyone else fly out?" Al lost his mirth as he concentrated on the finer details.
"Going to get Mouse to check into flights from other airports," Voight explained, "flying direct from here either before or after is too risky. He'll also book flights to Chicago for all of us to make it look like we're heading home."
"Lyle will check that," Al approved as he nibbled on a tomato slice that had fallen out of the bread slices before cautioning, "but he won't believe we just left Jay go off by himself."
"No he's not so we have to come up with a ruse."

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