Chapter 3: Make Her Forget

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"Thank you!" I yelled. "Goodnight!"

I quickly ran off stage, and Amy grabbed my hand, escorting me through the dark wings. 
The deconstruct began again. As we approached the back door, I saw the guys gathered together. They were distracted by the photographers outside waiting by the bus. I saw their eyes get wide when I suspected Tony told them they'd have to go through them to get onto the bus. I laughed to myself. They'd have to get used to that if they were going to join us on tour. They'd eat it up at first, but then they'd see.

When they were finally inside, Amy took my hand again, leading me towards the door. I tilted down my baseball cap and slid the sunglasses on. As the backdoor of the venue opened, Tony quickly opened the door of the bus and helped us inside. We were getting better at maneuvering, only a few seconds outside this time.

After hearing the door shut behind me, I removed the sunglasses and baseball cap, tossing them off to the side. They guys sat close together at the table in the kitchen area, talking amongst themselves, eagerly looking around the bus. I smiled. I missed having that kind of excitement. It was hard to get excited about much anymore.

"It can't be much different than the buses you guys use." I said to them, making my way over.
"Oh.. it is." Josh laughed, looking up at me. "This is basically a palace."
"Well, who knows? Maybe it'll be yours one day." I said, sitting down across from him. Sam moved over to make room.
"Oh, here.." Jake said, noticing I was hanging off the edge. He stood next to the table, motioning next to Josh. I smirked up at him and switched sides. 
"Thank you." I said, holding my stare. His smile grew and his cheeks blushed.

"So what'd you guys think?" I asked. Amy came over with a bottle of champagne and glasses for everyone.
"It was awesome." Sam said, holding out his glass. Amy filled his first. "It's so cool to see shows that are different from ours. There's so much production, it's wild." I smiled.
"What about you?" I asked, turning to Jake. His cheeks flushed again.
"Oh, I.. I thought it was great!" He said. He moved closer, leaning his hand against the back of the booth, now standing over me. He smiled down at me. I felt my cheeks burn. I turned back.
"I've never seen you guys play." I lied. "But I heard you guys are really good." 

I left out the part where I had researched them (extensively) the night before.

"The label really wants me to incorporate more instruments in the next leg of the tour and they said that's where you guys thrive. I'm gonna have to go into the studio soon, so maybe you guys could help me." Josh nodded enthusiastically. 
"That would be awesome, absolutely."
"She means us, Josh." Sam laughed. Jake and Danny laughed along. Josh shot them a look as his face turned red.
"We'd love to work with you." Sam said. By now Amy had filled everyone's glasses.

"Alright!" I heard Tony from behind us. "Time for a toast! We made it through another tour. How, I have no idea. But we made it." Everyone raised their glasses, turning towards him.

"Juliette, you did it again. Congratulations on another successful tour. I can't wait to do it all over again with you soon. Thank you for keeping me employed." I laughed, reaching for his hand. He held it tight.

"And on top of that.." He said, looking over at the guys. "I just got off the phone with the label and they decided you boys will be joining us on the next leg of the tour." I shot him a look but put on a smile. I heard the boys celebrate around me. Tony quickly flashed me a big smile with wide eyes, and then looked back at everyone.
"We're so excited to have you guys with us. It's gonna be an amazing show. We're all gonna learn so much from each other."

I raised my glass, clanging it against everyone's around me, and took a big sip. The boys did the same.

Jake's P.O.V

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