Chapter 58: For You to Have Been There

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"When did you get here?" Jake asked, spinning me around. He flashed me a toothy grin when he put me down, carefully fixing my hair that had fallen out of place.
"Just now." I said, unable to contain my smile. I couldn't remember the last time someone was this genuinely happy to see me, not "Juliette," but just.. me.

"How did it go?" I asked. He shrugged, his face dropping a little.
"You know how it is." He sighed, trying his best to force a smile. I could tell he was a little disappointed, as was I, knowing how much they deserved to talk about themselves. I peeked over at the rest of the guys who were now involved in their own conversation.

"I heard what you said." I whispered, leaning in closer. His eyes went wide, his cheeks burning red.
"Oh, you.. you did?"
"Yeah.." He stayed quiet for a moment, waiting to see how I'd react to it.
"I'm sorry." He finally sighed. "I just.. I couldn't let him-"
"Thank you." He stopped, holding his stare on me.

"That was.. one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said about me. I know it must've been uncomfortable, but.. thank you." I said softly, grabbing onto his jacket, pulling him in closer. His smile grew.
"I meant every word of it. You don't deserve that."

There was a lot more I wanted to say, but.. now wasn't the time.

I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. He didn't hesitate to squeeze me back, gently rocking us back and forth.
"Alright, alright.." I heard from behind us, peeking over his shoulder to now see Josh waving me over. I heard Jake sigh as he slipped his hand into mine, guiding me back over to the couch.
"So.." I said, sitting down close to him. Jake placed his hand on my knee, pulling me in closer. "I heard the interview went.." I stopped myself, unable to contain my laughter. Josh nodded, giggling to himself.

"Yeah your boyfriend is a little snippy, Juliette. I don't know how you put up with him." He joked, shooting Jake a look. He smirked, his grip on me getting tighter.
"It was really nice of you to stick up for me though so.. thank you." Josh nodded, flashing me a smile.
"Of course. And.. Jake was right. He wouldn't have said any of those things if you were Don." My stomach dropped, remembering the conversation we had just had.

All I really wanted to do was talk to Jake alone to let him know what was going on, especially considering I had invited him as my date to the Grammy's. Things might get a little weird if I was being proposed to on stage while he was now sitting alone in the audience. If this was something that was going to happen regardless, the least I could do was warn him, despite whatever answer I gave Don.

While the rest of the guys became involved in their own conversation again, I leaned in close, whispering into his ear.
"Hey, can I talk to y-" And then I jumped at the sound of the door swinging open again, Tony making his way in, his eyes glued to his Blackberry.

"There are my boys!" He called out. I smirked over at him, shaking my head.
"Your boys?" I asked. He shrugged playfully, coming over and sitting down next to Sam.
"Since they joined the tour, they're my boys now. I handle them just as much as I handle you." He stopped, peeking over at Jake. "Well.. maybe not all of them." My cheeks burned as I shot him a look.

"So anyway.." He said, turning back to them. "I just got off the phone with one of the venues in your hometown, and they've been asking about when you're coming back home, and apparently the demand for you guys has skyrocketed since the tour began, so I thought, what better way than to celebrate with a hometown show."

I saw all of their eyes go wide, the smiles on their faces undeniably captivating; how I missed this sense of enthusiasm. If they were this excited about just the idea of it, I couldn't wait to see them perform. I had to be there too.

"When?" Sam asked, leaning in closer.
"So, in order for it to make sense with this touring schedule, I have you there next Saturday." Tony said, flashing them a satisfied smile. My stomach dropped.

Next Saturday.
The same night as the Grammy's.

"We have enough wiggle room where we can be there for a few days, so you can enjoy some time home too. Much deserved." I stayed quiet, wanting nothing more than to share in their excitement, but couldn't help but wonder what this would mean for me, for us.

Us meaning.. me and Jake.

"The word is going out tomorrow, so be ready for that." Tony added, before getting up. "Now you guys are on soon." He motioned towards the door, looking back at me. I hesitated for a moment, squeezing Jake's hand, peeking up at him.

"Right." He said, now getting up to follow.
"Oh, there he goes again!" Josh joked, yelling after him as we made our way to the door. Jake playfully rolled his eyes, pulling his pass out from under his shirt before wrapping his arm around me and leading us down the hall.

"So.. that's exciting." I said, peeking up at him, reaching up for his hand. His smile grew.
"Yeah. I can't wait to get home for a little bit. Hometown shows are the best. People actually know us." He laughed. "And.. if you'd like, I'd.. really love to show you around. You can where see I grew up and.. you could meet everyone.. if.. if you wanted to." I nodded, biting down on my lip.

He could sense my reluctance.

"W-what's wrong?" He asked nervously. "Would you.. not be into that? I mean, I know we're not exactly exclusive and.. maybe it's too soon to meet the family and.. it's no Beverly Hills, but-"
"No, no, no.. that's not it. Jake, I.. I would love to, it's just that.. that's the same night as the Grammy's." I muttered. His face dropped.
"Oh.." I nodded, keeping my eyes forward. We were quiet for the remainder of the walk as he guided us backstage and through the darkness.

I stood back as he grabbed one of the guitars from the stand, adjusting the strap, checking the strings.
"I.. I understand if.. if you want to go home." I said softly. "It's just.. I.. I really wanted you to be there with me." He turned back to me, his face dropping.
"Really?" He asked. I nodding, biting down on my lip.
"But.. I also.. I would love to go back home with you." I muttered. His smile grew.
"I would love for you to come home with me too." He said. "But.. it's gonna be a big night for you, and.. I don't want you missing it for some.. silly show in Michigan."
"It's not silly if it's important to you." He flashed me a sympathetic grin.

"But it's no Grammy's." He shrugged.
"We'll have it on at the house, don't worry, I'll see you win." He said, forcing a smile.
"Don said he's going to propose.. on stage.. after I win." I muttered. His face dropped again, eventually nodding.
"Even more reason.. why you should be there, right?"
"Jake, that's not-"
"Did you make up your mind?"
"About what you're gonna say. When he asks you."

I knew what I wanted to say, I just.. I didn't know if I was allowed to say it. Not so publicly. Which made me think Don knew exactly what he was doing.

"Jake, what's wrong?" I finally asked, having felt an immediate shift between us. He shook his head, forcing another smile.
"Nothing." He sighed. "I just.. would have really loved for you to have been there too." My heart sunk.

That's all it took.

"Then.. I want to be there." I said. His eyes went wide as he held his stare on me. I forced as much of a smile as I could manage, knowing what going back to Michigan with him would mean, and even still.. that's exactly where I wanted to be.

"Julia.." He whispered, reaching over for me, caressing my face. I leaned into a deep kiss, tangling my fingers in his hair until I finally felt that familiar grin.
"We can talk after. Have a good show."

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