Chapter 64: All I Ever Wanted

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"You must be Juliette, we're so excited to finally meet you. We've heard so much-"
"Mom." Jake snapped, quick to cut her off, clearly embarrassed by her enthusiasm. But it only made me feel that much better. I'm sure she already had her reservations about me, considering the situation, so the fact that she could be so welcoming already was more than enough.

"It's okay." I said as she finally let me go, moving away and flashing me an eager grin. She was adorable. And now I knew where he got his dazzling smile.
"We should probably head inside though." Jake laughed, motioning behind us. "You know, considering." She quickly moved out of the doorway, waving us in.
"Right, right, right.." She said. "Get out of the rain, it's much warmer in here."

I closely followed her, instantly engulfed in the heavy scent of coffee and cinnamon. I could hear muffled voices from the other room, eager and loud, all of which blending together in their excitement. I wondered just how many people I'd be meeting tonight.

"Please, make yourself at home, as much as you can." She said, reaching her hands out to me. "Let me take your coat."
"Oh, no that's okay, I-"
"It's easier just to play along." Jake said softly, playfully nudging me. I peeked up at him to which he responded with a reassuring nod.
"Thank you, so much." I said, sliding off my coat and placing it in her hands.

I couldn't get over just how.. cozy it was. All I wanted to do was curl up on their couch and huddle around the fire they had going in the living room, leaving it in an inviting orange glow.
"Don't worry, we can hide out in there after I've introduced you to everyone." Jake whispered into my ear, slipping his hand into mine, now guiding me towards the kitchen.

I felt my heart start to beat faster as the boisterous voices got even louder. He noticed instantly.
"You'll be okay." He whispered. "I won't leave your side, I promise." I peeked up at him to see he was already smiling back, giving me a wink. I appreciated how he always validated my feelings, something I had never experienced with Don. No matter what, I was always over-reacting or being "too dramatic," but.. what I really needed was just someone to comfort me.

And now I finally had that.

As we walked in, the room fell quiet. All eyes instantly on me, growing wide with disbelief as most did whenever I unexpectedly walked into a room. I dreaded it, always feeling like a spectacle.
"Did you tell everyone I was coming?" I whispered. He nodded, giggling to himself.
"Yeah, but.. I don't think they put two and two together." The silence was killing me.

"Hi everyone." I finally managed, squeezing Jake's hand tighter, halfway shielding myself behind him. He squeezed my hand his usual three times, and I let out a deep sigh.
"Yes, it's really her." Jake finally said, forcing a laugh to break the tension. "Now can you guys say hello and stop making this weird? It's rude to stare." I couldn't help but smile, feeling my cheeks burn.
"What the hell is she doing here?" one of the older men called out. I smirked up at Jake, who was already playfully rolling his eyes.

"She was kind enough to invite us out on her tour, and she heard about our hometown show this weekend so she wanted to see us play." He said. I finally felt a break in the tension as the room filled with quiet laughter, I'm sure most of them still processing how the woman on TV was standing in their kitchen right now.

"But why is she with you?" another one of them laughed, no doubt making a joke about my very public relationship. Jake bit down on his lip, quickly peeking down at me before forcing another smile.
"Charity, I guess." He shrugged, squeezing my hand again. I squeezed back, loving our silent forms of reassuring affection. But I shook my head, despite knowing he was kidding, I just needed him to know he was anything but.

"But, anyway.." He said, looking around. "Everyone, this is Juliette, Juliette, this is everyone. We're gonna be in the other room, so-"
"Jake, you can't just bring the most famous woman in the world into our kitchen and act like nothing is going on." Josh laughed. Jake shot him a look. I squeezed his hand again, letting him know that it was okay.
"I want to meet everyone." I said softly. He sighed, giving me a gentle smile as he peeked back down at me, biting down on his lip, most likely trying his best to keep from giving me one of his usual reassuring kisses that I wanted so badly.

"Yeah, Jake. This isn't just some girl you sneak off into your bedroom." Another one chimed in. I felt my cheeks burn, hating the idea that that was something he had done all the time; it was just easier to pretend like there hadn't been any other girls before me, no matter how naive that was.

He the guided me around the kitchen, introducing me to every aunt, uncle, cousin and friend of the family that managed to fit into their house. I couldn't remember the last time I had seen anyone but my parents in our house, and from the looks of it, we could fit several of his families, in just the entryway alone.

I couldn't help but start to get excited.
All I had ever wanted was a family.

"Alright.." He sighed, wrapping his arm around me, pulling me in close. "You've met everyone, now.. we'll be in the other room, it's my turn." There were a few objections from behind us which he happily ignored as he guided is back into the glowing warmth of the living room, bringing me over to the couch where he plopped down, patting the seat next to him. I sat down, cuddling close as he wrapped his arm around me again, pulling me in even closer.

"I'm so sorry." He sighed, a tired smile spread across his lips as he held his stare on the raging fire. His eyes, now a beautiful gleaming orange, were just as inviting as the smoldering flames, drawing me into his naturally radiating heat.
"You have nothing to be sorry for." I said, turning to face him, leaning in closer. "I told you, I wanted to know everything about you, and that includes your family."
"But.. does it have to?" He joked. I nodded, giggling to myself as I reached over, running my fingers through his hair. His smile grew as his hand moved to my leg, gripping it lightly.

"I really am happy you're here." He whispered, his eyes moving down to my lips. "I know what being here means, and.. I just.. I need you to know that.. if at any point you change your mind and you want to leave, you can tell me, I'll take you, it's okay, you coming here was enough, you don't have to prove-" And then I cut him off, pulling him into a passionate kiss. He didn't hesitate to reach up, tightly tangling his fingers in my hair, kissing me back harder.

Our moments alone together like this were so sparse, so far and few in between that it was that much more important to cherish every second, because you didn't know when you'd get it again. And I knew, all I wanted to do right now, was enjoy this moment.. and kiss him.

And he let me, his hands carefully moving to my waist as I moved closer, slowly maneuvering myself onto his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck, unable to focus on anything but the feeling of his lips, coating mine in matching desire that had been left unmanaged for too long, and now we both could feel it.

Finally, I moved away, leaning my forehead against his, trying my best to catch my breath. His smile grew, exhaling deeply before pulling me back into one more long kiss.
"Can I see your room?" I asked. He nodded, staring back at me with lustful eyes.
"I actually.. have my own apartment back in town." He said softly, his smile spreading into a playful grin. My heart jumped.

"So.. we could really be alone." I whispered. He nodded.
"We can." He said. "I can take you there, if you want, after we get out."
"Get out?" I asked. "Get out of where?"
"Well, we kind of have this tradition, ever since we started the band, whenever we came home, we all go out to celebrate at the bar downtown. It's karaoke night."

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