Chapter 54: It's Just Us Now

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My mind went blank as I was engulfed within the piercing screams, a sea of arms all attached to hungry hands reaching out to grab whatever they could of me.

The walk was much longer than usual, making me wonder why we hadn't parked closer. The flashes seemed brighter, the crowds moving in closer and closer. I covered my face, hiding what I could while frantically reaching around for someone, anyone to protect me, feeling like little by little I became theirs more than I was my own.

And then I felt a familiar hand slip back into mine, squeezing it the usual three times as he pulled me up against him, wrapping one arm around me, as he quickly guided us the rest of the way, shielding me from everyone until we finally made it inside, the screams becoming muffled behind the sealed door. There was barely time to think before I was guided down the hallway and into a dressing room, eventually feeling a sense of relief at the comforting sound of the click of the lock behind us.

"Are you o-" I instantly wrapped my arms around him, squeezing him tight, hiding my face in his chest. He stayed quiet, his hand now moving to the back of my head as he held me closer.
"It's okay." He whispered. "It's just us now. Well.. and Amy." He giggled. I peeked up at him, smiling as much as I could manage while still trying to calm myself down.

"Don't worry." She said. "I'll leave you two alone."
"Oh, no you don't have to-"
"No.. I want to." She joked, winking back at me. "You've got ten minutes before your interview. Enjoy it." And she was out the door.

I waited for a moment, making sure the coast was clear.
"Are you okay?" Jake asked again. I nodded, wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him into a long kiss. My heart jumped at the feeling of his lips curling into a giddy grin, just like they did every time I felt him smile, because the more I got to experience it, the more I realized I would do anything just to make him smile.

I nodded, leaning my forehead against his.
"I'm okay." I sighed, staring back up at him with dazed eyes. He then gently tilted my chin up, leaning into another long kiss. I kissed him back harder, slowly moving my hands into his hair, tightly tangling my fingers within.

It was amazing what a difference he made, how much safer I felt, just knowing he was there, knowing that he would always protect me.
"Jake.." I exhaled.
"Mhm?" He asked, his eyes moving back down to my lips.
"Thank you." He shook his head, his smile growing.
"You don't have to thank me." I leaned back into another quick kiss.
"Yes I do." He shook his head.
"That's what boyfriends are for." My heart jumped.
"Boyfriend?" He was quiet, holding his stare on me, eventually shrugging, flashing me a flustered grin.

And then there was a knock at the door. There was no way that was ten minutes. But there was no denying how quickly time flew when I was with him. I had lost all concept of it when I inevitably got lost within those eyes.

"I'll get it." He said, leaning in, gently kissing my forehead. "You go sit." I went over to the couch, sitting down on the end, leaving room next to me. As Jake opened the door, he was cautious, being sure not to leave too much room for anyone to be able to peek in who wasn't supposed to be here.

I couldn't make out what they were saying, but I'd know Jake's voice anywhere.
"Do you have a pass?" He asked, I couldn't help but laugh, loving how much he was enjoying his newfound pass-holder privileges. They held it up for him to see. He examined it closely before finally moving out of the way, letting them inside.

Just like always, they scanned the room before their eyes landed on me and for that first quick moment they're unable to contain their enthusiasm; their eyes go wide, their face flushes, sometimes a mixture of the two. It always made me uncomfortable.

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