Chapter 45: Anything but Simple

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"Juliette!" I heard from out in the hallway, followed by a gentle jiggle of the door knob. I sighed, pushing myself up from the couch and going over, opening the door and peeking outside to thankfully see it was just Amy. She quickly pushed her way in, shutting the door behind her, her eyes instantly shooting over to Jake, who gave her a small, timid wave.

"Hello Jake." She said happily, smirking back at me. "I can tell we're going to be seeing a lot of you." I went over, sitting back down next to him on the couch.
"I hope so." He sighed, reaching over for my hand again. Amy hung back, gathering my things from around the dressing room, and I could tell, doing her best to avoid looking at us, giving us as much "privacy" as possible.

"Amy, we're gonna have to have a pass made up for Jake so security knows he's allowed backstage after the show from now on." I said. She peeked back at me with another playful grin.
"Oh, one of us now, huh?" She laughed, pulling out her phone and making a note of it. "Alright, I'll make sure he has one for the rest of the tour."
"Thank you." I said softly, intertwining our fingers, pulling him closer to me. "And.. I invited him to the Grammy's." This time she stopped, shooting me a look.

"O-oh." She said, her eyes going wide despite maintaining her usual polished expression. "Do we.. think that's a good idea right now?" I shrugged, avoiding her eyes.
"I don't know, but.. I want him there." I muttered. She was quiet for a moment, finishing up gathering my makeup into a larger bag before turning towards us again.

"I can see what I can do." She sighed, but I could tell she still wasn't convinced. "But.. if that's the case, he's going to have to be fitted for a suit. And.. in most cases, men will match their dates, so.. will you two be.. matching?" She pried. My heart jumped.
"Yes." I said, giving his hand another squeeze. I could see him smile out of the corner of my eye.

Our gentle love squeezes have started to become more common, and I always looked forward to the split second I could feel his grip get tighter around my hand, more often in pulses of three.

"What are you wearing?" He asked, leaning in closer.
"We're between a few designers right now, but I think we were going with a lavender floor length, and we're seeing what they present to us."
"Oh, you get to just.. pick?" I nodded, giggling to myself.
"Yeah, it gets to the point where.. people want you, so.. they'll make you whatever you want." He nodded, staying quite.
"That means for you too." I added. He nodded again, his smile growing. But I could see the gears turning, having the same expression he always had when he started to get overwhelmed.

"You don't have to worry about that. We'll figure everything out. All you need to do is show up and be there with me." I said, cuddling closer, leaning my head on his shoulder.
"I can do that." He sighed, leaning down, gently kissing my forehead.
"As cute as this is.." Amy chimed in. "We may want to keep the PDA to a minimum.. considering anyone could just walk in here." My cheeks burned as I moved away, smirking back up at him, seeing his face now a bashful pink.

"Where is he staying tonight?" She asked, as if he wasn't sitting right here. But I think deep down she knew that he wasn't making any of these calls.
"With me." I said simply.
"On your bus?" She asked. I nodded. She sighed, turning back around to face us again, her eyes jumping back and forth.
"Alright, but what about-"
"Don isn't staying with me." I snapped, knowing he would most likely be hopping on a jet tonight to head back home. He had made his appearance as the "supportive boyfriend," his work here was done.

"You know he's going to come looking for you, especially.. now." She said, motioning over towards Jake. She was right. And the last thing I wanted to do was involve Jake any more than I already had.
"She's right." I sighed, peeking back up at him. "How about.. you go on your bus and.. we'll all go out again, and then after-" He nodded.
"Sounds good to me." He said, leaning over and gently kissing my cheek before getting up. I watched him make his way across the room, giving Amy a quick smile before leaving.

The Weight of Dreams || Greta Van FleetOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora