Chapter 47: Hauntingly Familiar

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As we pulled up to the club, I could see the crowds of people waiting out front, the flashes of the cameras already going off, rapid fire. I never understood how they always managed to know where we were going to be. Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all. What I wouldn't give just to be alone with them again at some old, run-down bar.

"Is there a back door we can go in?" I asked, peeking out one of the windows. The flashes instantly shot over towards me, jumping at the first sight of movement. How much could a photo of me in my bus go for anyway? Who was even buying these? Ever since the night in the bar with the guys, the idea of drawing so much attention to myself almost felt.. embarrassing. And I hated that they were now being dragged into it too.

"No." Amy said quietly. "I already asked. I'm sorry. We.. we don't have to go. We can just-"
"No it's fine." I sighed. "If we run away, it's like we're letting them win." She nodded, giving me a subtle smile.
"And I work hard, I deserve to have a night out with-"
"With your boyfriend?" She smirked. I felt my cheeks burn.
"Yeah." I muttered, unable to contain my grin. "With my boyfriend."
"I like that you're calling him that now." She whispered. "Does he know you are?" I bit down on my lip, shaking my head.

Julia: sorry about all this. I didn't know they were gonna be here.
Jake: that's okay :) it's not your fault everyone loves you lol I can't say I blame them <3

But I didn't care about everyone.
He was the only one that mattered.

Julia: see you soon <33
Jake: <333

"You two are adorable." Amy said quietly. I peeked back at her, my cheeks burning again.
"What?" I asked, trying my best to play dumb, but I knew it was pointless with her.
"You know what. I know you're texting him. I can always tell when you're texting him."
"Shut up." I laughed.
"It's just nice to finally see you so happy, Juliette."

"Alright, are we ready?" Tony called out, making his way back into my bedroom, his eyes never once leaving his Blackberry.
"I guess so." I sighed. Finally he peeked up, giving me a confused look.
"You guess so? Girl, we're celebrating. You better know." He playfully snapped, rolling his eyes as he went back out into the main area of the bus. I couldn't help but laugh, loving how he could always break the tension.
"He's right. Just.. have some fun tonight." Amy said with a wink, following him out. I sighed, taking one last peek outside before shutting my curtain and following them both.

For a moment, I heard the screams outside get louder, followed by a quick door slam.
"Well, look who's here." I heard Amy say cheerfully, peeking back at me with an excited grin. And then from the front steps I saw that familiar mop of hair peek his head over the railing, his eyes quickly scanning the room until they fell on me, his face instantly relaxing into a delighted grin.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked, going over and wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug.
"I told you, I'll always be there to help you inside." He said softly. My heart jumped at the feeling of his breath on my neck.
"Thank you." I whispered, my eyes moving down to his lips, before finally just leaning into a gentle kiss. I instantly felt him smile, his hand moving up and caressing my face.

"Alright, you two." Tony groaned. "Some of us are still single, let alone have two boyfriends." My stomach dropped as I quickly pulled away, forcing an embarrassed smile as I slid my hand into Jake's, pulling him closer. Peeking up at him, I could see he was still smiling, thankfully not bothered by Tony's comment.

As we made our way towards the door, I could already feel my heart beating faster, my palms starting to sweat.
"Sorry." I whispered to him. He smirked back at me, shaking his head.
"You know I don't mind." He said, gently rubbing his thumb against my palm. "Are you alright? We don't have to go in if you-"
"I'm okay.." I said, squeezing his hand tighter. "When you're here." He leaned down, gently kissing the top of my head, but instantly pulled away as Tony opened the door. I stood back as he shielded me from everyone, quickly guiding me down the steps, keeping his arm out to prevent anyone from getting closer, holding up his hand to block my face from as many cameras as possible.

"Juliette! Where's Don?"
"Juliette! Over here!"
"How's Don handling the breakup?"
"Juliette! Who's the new man!"
"Hey! What's your name!"

Finally the shouting stopped as we were submerged within the heavy bass of the club, the flashing of the cameras replaced with the blinding glow of the dance floor, ranging in such vibrant blues and reds, creating a blurry purple dream.

"You want a drink?" Jake asked, leaning in close, trying his best to yell over the music. I nodded, smirking up at him.
"Yeah, but.. come here." I said, guiding him through the club and towards the upstairs VIP lounge. As we reached the top, security barely looked at me before lifting the rope, but quickly held out his hand toward Jake, pushing him back.
"The lounge is for-"
"Is for whoever I want." I snapped, grabbing Jake's hand and pulling him in behind me. My heart jumped at the sound of his laughter.

"I love when you do that." He said, going over and sitting down on the couch. I couldn't help but smile, feeling my cheeks burn as I sat down next to him, pulling him in closer.
"Can people see us up here?" He asked. I shook my head, my eyes moving down to his lips.
"Okay good." He sighed, reaching up and tangling his fingers in my hair, pulling me into a passionate kiss. I grabbed onto his jacket, pulling him in closer, kissing him back harder.

When he finally moved away, he flashed me a toothy grin, gently rubbing his thumb against my cheek.
"So.. drink?" He asked again. I motioned over towards the corner that had it's own fully stocked bar.
"They have a mini bar in here so we don't have to-"
"Deal with the common folk." He joked.
"N-no, so.. I mean-"
"It's okay, Julia. I know." He laughed. "You're just a very, very important person then, huh?" I shrugged, smirking back at him.

"I guess I am." I finally muttered. Was I really that far removed from reality? I just thought that.. it would be convenient, I didn't mind being around other people. He could tell something was off.
"Really, it's okay. I was kidding." He giggled to himself. "I love that we don't have to leave here. I actually prefer it." I nodded, holding my stare on him.
"I know it's a lot but.. I just love being able to share all of this with someone." I said. He sighed, his face relaxing as he leaned into a long kiss.

"I would love to share so many things with you, Julia.." He said softly. My heart jumped. As I leaned into another kiss, I instantly moved away when I heard voices making their way up the stairs, eventually being guided in under the velvet rope.

"I should've figured you two would be on top of each other already." Josh laughed, following Amy closely as she lead them in, Sam and Danny trailing in right behind them. I moved away, feeling my face get hot as Sam's eyes shot over to me, his face dropping.

"C-can you.. get me a drink now?" I asked, looking back over at Jake. He nodded, leaning in and kissing my forehead before getting up and going over to the bar.
"You two having fun?" Amy asked, smirking at me. I shot her a look, unable to contain my grin, eventually nodding.
"Good." She mouthed, making her way over to the bar.

I watched as Jake grabbed one of the champagne bottles, filling two glasses, and then one more as he saw Amy make her way over. She flashed him a smile, motioning over towards me. He nodded, his smile growing as he peeked back at me, giving me a gentle wave. I waved, just wanting him to come back.

I had started to believe that tonight could actually go well until I heard a hauntingly cold and familiar voice.
"There you are.." Don said, and as I turned around to look up at him I felt a strong hand reach over, grabbing my neck and pulling me into a passionate kiss.

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